

2019年全国高考 I 卷中,语法填空一题介绍了北极熊种群数量越来越少、亟需保护的现状。今天这篇文章恰好相反:熊数不断增加,人要被熊给“熊”了!本文选自《经济学人》2019年7月13日的一篇文章。字数在350左右。

Bears vs humans in Japan:The bears are winning

——Fewer people, more animals


✦副标题给出一个对比句:fewer people, more animals, 即人越来越少,熊越来越多。

✦从副标题中,我们能看出来, “the bears are winning”是指日本熊的数量在增加,而人口却在减少。那原因为何?我们接下来一起看看。


For a long time hikers in Japan have considered a bear bell essential. Its tinny ring is said to scare off the huge creatures. Nowadays, however, bear bells are increasingly useful on the way to the shops as well as in the wild. “The number of animals—whether bears, boars (野猪) or monkeys—is expanding, and they are going into villages and towns,” says Hiroto Enari of Yamagata University.

Main idea




Language points

1. hikers: n. 徒步者,是hike的派生词,由hike 名词词缀r 构成。

2. essential: adj. 必不可少的;最重要的, 是2017年课标新加词。比necessary的程度要更深一下。considered a bear bell essential 考查了consider sb/sth adj的结构,意为认为(觉得)某事…… 如:I consider the idea unwise. 我认为这个想法不明智。或 Neilson considered herself lucky though she suffered injuries.尽管受了伤,尼尔森还是觉得自己很幸运。(2008 湖北)

3. scare off: 短语动词,即把……吓跑 scare (使恐惧;使害怕) off (离开)。


Japan is home to many species of wild animals, including both black and brown bears. It’s estimated that the number of bears has been rising since 2000. In 2018, the number was close to 13,000. The reappearance has its roots in human demography(人口统计学): the reduction of Japan’s population is especially obvious in rural areas, where it is deeply influenced by ongoing(不断的) urbanization. Usually, the bears are afraid of entering a village with people around. The appearance of bears is more seen in villages where the population is falling fastest.

Main idea




Language Points

1. be home to...: ……的发源地;……的所在地。home 基本义为“家”,在不同语境下出现了熟词生义的现象,可延伸为“发源地,原产地”等,如Australia is home to kangaroos 澳大利亚是袋鼠的栖息地。

be home to 是一个非常好的书面表达结构,在介绍一个地区的特色时,可以使用。再如:中国是大熊猫的故乡 China is home to Giant pandas.

2. estimate: vt. 【常用于被动语态】估计;估算;估价, 常用句型为it’s estimated that...据估计……。

3. root: n. 根源;起源。 本段中,have its roots in…意为根源在于……。

☞高考语篇中,会出现很多派生词和合成词,掌握构词法对于扩大词汇量有很大的帮助。本段中,也出现了很多派生词,如reappearance, reduction, appearance, urbanization。

后缀一般改变单词的词性,通过单词的后缀可以判断出该词的词性。常见的后缀有(t)ion 如action ; er 如player。

前缀通常会改变词的意义,常见的前缀有re-表示“再,又” 如review, un-表示“非,不”如unhappy.

此外,还可以通过词族来成串记忆单词,如appear-appearance-reappearance; reduce-reduction。

4. the reduction of Japan’s population is especially obvious in rural areas, where it is deeply influenced by ongoing urbanization 一句是由关系副词where引导的定语从句,修饰前面的rural areas,对其进行解释说明。


Hunting is declining in Japan, too. Government data suggest that the average hunter is now 68 years old. The country’s many forests and mountains provide an expansive habitat for wild animals. Indeed, wild areas are growing as foresters and farmers die off. Bears become particularly bold, running into villages for persimmon (柿子).

Main Idea




Language Points

1. Government data suggest that the average hunter is now 68 years old. Suggest 在本句中为“表明”。当suggest 意为“建议”时,其后宾语从句用虚拟语气;当suggest 意为 “表明;暗示”时,其后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。

2. expansive: adj. 扩大的。 该词由动词expand加形容词后缀-ive变来,如active。

3. habitat: n. (动物的)栖息地;(植物的)生长地。

4. Indeed, wild areas are growing as foresters and farmers die off, 此句中,as引导伴随状语从句,表示前后两个句子的动作同时进行,可译作“随着……”,如 As the average age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for. 随着人口平均年龄的增长,越来越多的老年人需要照顾。(2016 天津)

5. bold: adj. 大胆的 a bold idea 大胆的想法。


While some welcome the reappearance of bears, others suffer from it. Every year bears injure scores of people, and kill several. Deer cause damage to farmland. Simple solutions, such as changing the layout around villages or putting up fences, are rarely used. Instead, many bears are caught or killed. In 2013 the government resolved to reduce half the number of certain types of deer, boars and monkeys by 2023. Japan is struggling to adapt to the “changing power balance between animals and people”, says Mr Enari.

Main idea




Language Points

1. While some welcome the reappearance of bears, others suffer from it. 本句是有while引导的让步状语从句,意为“尽管……,但……”,主从句形成一种对比,重点在主句上。

2. resolve: vt. [正式用语]决心;决定 常用结构为resolve to do,相当于decide to do.

3. adapt to sth: 适应…… As time went by, I gradually adapt myself to the school life. 随着时间的推移,我逐渐适应了学校生活。(2011广东书面表达)


Ps: 一篇外刊不足以应对高考阅读语篇,但在不断的外刊研读后,会发现掌握构词法、词族有助于扩大词汇量,掌握熟词生义,高频多义词有助于文章理解以及掌握文章的结构有助于从全局理解高考阅读篇章。



