
I overcompensated, swerved and slammed into a divider, and totaled the car.

swerve: change direction suddenly. 就是我们说的急转弯。搭配:swerve sharply/suddenly

slam into a divider 猛地撞上

slam into/against: to crash into sth with a lot of force 重重地撞上



total the car 车撞得稀碎,无法维修。 所以车"报废"了就可以说成 total, 或者write off

total:to damage a car very badly, so that it is not worth repairing it


有一个跟开车相关的俚语就是 fall asleep at the wheel. 字面意思就是在方向盘上睡着了,实际意思是 fail to do your job, 工作做地不好。


Mike: Did you hear the news about Carl? He was called on the carpet for falling asleep at the wheel !

david: You’re kidding! Who blew the whistle on him?

Mike: No one. The boss caught him in the act. Most of the day, he does nothing but goof off. Then when he does finally work, he botches it [up]. If he doesn't get a clue and start working harder, he’s going to have a rude awakening .

David: I've never been able to see eye to eye with him. Frankly, I think he’s kind of a wacko !


Mike: Did you hear the news about Carl? He was reprimanded for failing to do his work !

David: You're kidding! Who reported him?

Mike: No one. The boss saw him in the process of doing something wrong. Most of the day, he does nothing but play instead of work. Then when he does finally work, he makes big mistakes. If he doesn't get smarter and start working harder, he's going to get an undesirable surprise .

David: I've never been able to understand him. Frankly, I think he’s kind of a lunatic !



