
从2002年开始,每年的9月21日为国际和平日。Since 2002 ,September 21 of each year is the International Day of Peace.

联合国于1981年设立了和平日,它为全人类提供了一个共同的日期,使大家致力于和平,超越一切分歧,为建设和平文化作出贡献。establishedin 1981 by the United Nations, Peace Day provides a globally Shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to buliding a Culture of Peace.



建立、创立establish v.

联合国United Nations

人类humanity n.

我愿世界和平 I wish forworld peace.

wish for 盼望、希望得到...

world peace 世界和平

世界和平基金会World Peace Foundation

世界和平理事会the World Peace Council

世界和平的梦想the dream of global peace

希望世界和平 Hope world peace

用文学促进和平。Using literature to promote peace

和平不是成就而是责任。Peace is not achievement but responsibility.

和平是桥梁,斗争是围墙。Peace is a bridge, the struggle is the wall.

这个世界,终将需要和平。This world, will eventually need peace.

我们只能用武器来保卫和平。We can only use weapons to defend the peace.

世界上爱好和平的国家peace loving nations of the world

理想是和平的,历史是残酷的。Ideal is peaceful, history is cruel.

世界和平理事会(和平理事会)World Peace Council

世界和平与安全world peace and security

你选择和平,还是战争 。 You choose peace or war.

这个世界,终将需要和平。 The world will eventually need peace.


和平没有国界,而人类却为了国界放弃和平。 Peace has no borders,but human beings give up peace for their borders.

武为不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可能。 Force cannot maintain peace,only mutual understanding.

为了和平,需要据理力争,更需要适度、适时地妥协。 For the sake of peace, we need to argue, more need to compromise moderation, and timing.

上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。God-given life, is to be dedication for the prosperity of human peace and happiness.

一切爱好和平的国家都以维护世界和平为己任。Maintaining world peace concerns all the peace-loving nations.

世界和平,永无战争。May world peace and never war.

让我们一起反对战争,保卫和平!Let's oppose war and defend peace!

感谢祖国,免我惊免我扰,免我战火纷飞,免我颠沛流离!然后愿世界和平!Thank the motherland, avoid my shock, avoid my disturbance, avoid my war, avoid my wandering! Then wish the world peace!

愿岁岁常安,美好久久相伴,愿世界和平。May every year be safe, beautiful and long-lasting, and may the world be peaceful.

愿世界永远和平安定,人民永远安居乐业!May the world be peaceful and stable forever and the people live and work in peace and contentment forever!

让我们共同祈愿,愿永无战争,永远和平!Let's pray that there will be no war and peace forever! Share.

愿世界和平,愿人民幸福!May world peace and people happiness!


