考研英语一句子翻译真题及答案 2022考研倒计时15天英语真题重点翻译每日一练

Many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs. They take part-time work because this is all they can get. An increase in involuntary part-time work is evidence of weakness in the labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard time making ends meet.,我来为大家科普一下关于考研英语一句子翻译真题及答案 2022考研倒计时15天英语真题重点翻译每日一练?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

考研英语一句子翻译真题及答案 2022考研倒计时15天英语真题重点翻译每日一练

考研英语一句子翻译真题及答案 2022考研倒计时15天英语真题重点翻译每日一练

Many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs. They take part-time work because this is all they can get. An increase in involuntary part-time work is evidence of weakness in the labor market and it means that many people will be having a very hard time making ends meet.


Unfortunately, life is not a bed of roses. We are going through life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won’t last forever.



