
Woman who 'died' for 27 minutes writes chilling note after she's resuscitated


An Arizona woman who "died" for a total of 27 minutes asked for a notepad after she was resuscitated to share an urgent message about the afterlife, her family claims.


Madie Johnson took to Instagram last month to share photos of her new tattoo, modeled off a note written by her aunt, Tina Hines, who suffered a massive heart attack in February 2018.

上个月,玛蒂·约翰逊(Madie Johnson)在Instagram上分享了她新纹身的照片。她的新纹身是仿照她的姨妈蒂娜·海恩斯(Tina Hines)写的一张纸条。

"Her story is too real not to share and has given me a stronger confidence in a faith that so often goes unseen," Johnson wrote.


Hines, from Phoenix, was getting ready to go for a hike with her husband, Brian, last year when she suddenly collapsed.


"Her eyes didn't close, and they were rolled back in her head," Brian Hines told AZFamily at the time. "She was purple and not making any noise or breathing."

"她的眼睛没有闭上,它们在她的脑海里回滚,"布赖恩·海恩斯(Brian Hines)当时告诉AZFamily。"她脸色发紫,没有发出任何声音,也没有呼吸。"

Hines's husband was successfully able to resuscitate his wife before paramedics arrived, but she coded multiple times on the way to a local hospital, where she had to be intubated.


"We ended up shocking her three times on scene and two en route," one Phoenix firefighter told the outlet. "I've never shocked anyone five times."


Miraculously, the mom of four woke up and immediately gestured for a pen and piece of paper, with which she scribbled down,


"It's real." When asked what her note referenced, Hines responded by "pointing up to heaven with tears in her eyes," according to her niece.


"It was so real, the colors were so vibrant," Hines recalled of her vision, which she said included Jesus standing in front of black gates with a bright yellow glow behind him.


Johnson said she wanted the tattoo as a permanent reminder of her aunt's journey, which has given her a "tangibleness to an eternal hope that is not too far away."


"The way you boldly love Jesus and others has changed the way I hope to live and love," she added.


Johnson's tattoo artist, Suede Silver, took to Facebook to share photos of the tattoo along with the story behind it.


They have since been shared over 237,000 times and racked up 38,000 comments, some from people who have experienced similar visions following near-death experiences, which is not an uncommon occurrence.


A 2013 study on the phenomenon, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that high levels of brain waves present in rats at the time of their deaths may help explain the vivid experiences described by near-death survivors.

2013年发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上的一项关于这一现象的研究发现,老鼠死亡时脑电波水平较高,这可能有助于解释濒死幸存者所描述的生动经历。

"A lot of people thought that the brain, after clinical death, was inactive or hypoactive, with less activity than the waking state, and we show that is definitely not the case," said Dr. Jimo Borjigin, who led the study.

研究负责人Jimo Borjigin博士说:"很多人认为,在临床死亡后,大脑处于不活跃或低活跃状态,其活跃程度低于清醒状态,而我们的研究表明情况并非如此。"

"If anything, it is much more active during the dying process than even the waking state."




Ed9 hours ago

I had a tumor in my neck and it caused headaches and a terrible pain in my right eye. The pain would cause me to faint. While undergoing an MRI, I had these symptoms and the technician sat me up. I believe I fainted but the tech said I fell back with my eyes wide open and had no pulse. I became aware again some time later (seconds?). There was a very bright light on my closed eyelids, though it wasn't at all painful. I was smiling ear to ear, very happy. A voice told me "You have to wake up now." "Oh, ok" I replied. Then I opened my eyes to find several medical people around me. The lights were not bright like I had seen. They told me they had performed cpr on me. I thought they misinterpreted my fainting, but looking back I am no longer sure. I still remember how happy and peaceful I felt, a feeling I never had after fainting. I remember too the quick pang of disappointment I had when told I had to wake up. Was it a NDE? I really have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. I prefer to believe it was a glimpse of what is to come, true or not. If true, the feelings of peace and joy we will know can be scarcely imagined by our earthly minds.


Terry6 hours ago

My son was hit by a car at age 4. He was resuscitated by CPR and died and was revived 3 times on the operating table. The surgeon told my wife and I he would not survive the night. We had a priest come and administer last rites. But he did survive. He came out of his coma and they removed the breathing tube. I was alone with him and he kept asking to see Veronica. I asked him who Veronica was. He told me she was a grandma lady who talked funny, she would turn on a bright light behind her, come into his room, hold his hand, tell him she loved him and he was going to live. He said she always wore a blue dress with yellow flowers. I asked the staff, no Veronica. My father in law came into the room. I told him my son kept asking to see a Veronica who he said visited him often. I know people in Coma's can be aware of what is happening on some level. My father in law was dumbfounded. His mother who died 15 years before this was named Veronica, she was from Czechoslovakia and had a heavy accent, she was buried in her favorite dress, blue with yellow flowers. There is no way my son would have had any knowledge of her. We are connected to our loved ones even after death.


Army Brat12 hours ago

My dad was my hero, I am a lot like he was. When he passed of ALS, I was in the room with him and feared his passing. The moment he quit breathing, I was shocked. I felt warmth, comfort as if someone was holding me. I knew at that point, there is more in the afterlife and thanked him for being there for me again.


Darth Vato12 hours ago

Ten years ago, my cousin collapsed, was rushed the hospital, where he went into a coma. That night, and every night most of the cousins and family were at the hospital waiting area, in the hall, where ever we could stand. My aunt asked for prayers, we prayed about 4 times thru the night, and she asked us when you attend church this Sunday, pray for him. My cousin slowly came out of the coma, was strong enough to go home, he was himself again. My aunt had a "thank you" cookout at her home, invited all the family. My cousin stood up, said " I want to thank you for your prayers. I was some where, I saw a glow and a shadow, a voice told me "there's too many people praying for you, I'm sending you back". We were all overcome with emotion. True story.







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