
编者按/精读指导(B): Lesson 2 – Lesson 4 是三课(也是三页)有关母爱的内容。德拉科·马尔福的母亲纳西莎(Narcissa)面对伏地魔(Voldemort)作为惩罚她丈夫夺取预言杯失败而给她儿子马尔福布置杀害邓布利多这项难以完成的任务,去向斯内普(Snape)教授求助。为了让Snape帮助自己的儿子,一向自尊、高傲的Narcissa抓住Snape的长袍前襟,眼泪落到了Snape胸前的衣服上苦苦哀求Snape帮助她的儿子(Lesson 2)。Narcissa瘫倒Snape的脚下,哭泣着哀求Snape,本页是通过Narcissa的妹妹、Voldemort 的铁杆支持者Bellatrix(贝拉特里克斯)的冷酷无情的话语来衬托Narcissa的伟大母爱。面对妹妹展示出的母爱,Bellatrix竟然说出这样残忍的话: ‘You should be proud!’ said Bellatrix ruthlessly. ‘If I had sons, I would be glad to give them up to the services of the Dark Lord!’。这个时候伟大的Snape教授展示了大慈悲心,把Narcissa扶起来,答应他会试着去帮助马尔福,听到这样的承诺,伟大的母亲Narcissa flung away her glass, it skidded across the table as she slid off the sofa into a kneeling position at Snape’s feet, seized his hand in both of hers, and pressed her lips to it,请求Snape发下牢不可破的誓言(the unbreakable vow)[Lesson 3]。


Narcissa 请求 Snape 发 牢不可破的誓言

Lesson 4选自英文版 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince第31页[第2章 Spinner’s End],本课主要描述发下牢不可破的誓言(the unbreakable vow)的仪式,通过三个问题、三个回答、魔杖头发出三道舌头状火焰并且缠绕在一起的仪式描写,并且伴随着每次Bellatrix吃惊的表情来展示Narcissa的母爱、Bellatrix的无情和吃惊、Snape的伟大形象,我们一起来欣赏Bellatrix吃惊的表情描写:

Bellatrix’s mouth fell open.

Beneath Bellatrix’s astonished gaze, they grasped right hands.

She drew it, still looking astonished.

There was a moment’s silence. Bellatrix watched, her wand upon their clasped hands, her eyes wide.

Bellatrix’s astonished faced glowed red in the blaze of a third tongue of flame, which shot from the wand, twisted with the others and bound itself thickly around their clasped hands, like a rope, like a fiery snake (2014f, 14).

本课学习中,我只重点讲一个词汇bound的使用: “Bellatrix’s astonished faced glowed red in the blaze of a third tongue of flame, which shot from the wand, twisted with the others and bound itself thickly around their clasped hands, like a rope, like a fiery snake”。 Bound在这里使作为形容词使用,含义为 ‘用绳子等绑起来’,这个义项在《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第9版)没有收录,在Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (fourth edition) 我们可以查到这个解释:

bound [baʊnd] adj: tied with rope, cord, string, etc. [CALD4: 173]

Snape did not look at Bellatrix. His black eyes were fixed upon Narcissa’s tear-filled blue ones


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, page 31

fix sth on sb/sth: (集中[目光、注意力、思想等]于) [2014e: 127; 2014f: 31]

tear-filled adj: (布满泪水的) [2014f: 31]

clutch [klʌtʃ] v: to hold sb /sth tightly. (紧握;抱紧;抓紧) SYN: grip. [2014a: 41; 2014e: 321; 2014f: 29; 2014g: 11]

consent [kənˈsent] v: (rather formal) to agree to sth or give your permission for sth. (同意;准许;允许). [2014f: 31]

bond [bɒnd] n: (连接;键合)

bond [bɒnd] n: (键合;键)

bonder [ˈbɒndə] n: (连接器;接合器,粘合器;见证人) [2014f: 31]

fall [fɔːl] v (fell, fallen): to pass into a particular state; to begin to be sth. (进入[某状态];开始变成[某事物]). [2014a: 22; 2014f: 31]

fall adj: [2014f: 31]

lower [ˈləʊə(r)] v: to let or make sth/sb go down. (把···放低;使···降下) OPP: raise. [2014b: 120; 2014e: 494; 2014f: 31]

kneel [niːl] v: (跪; 跪着; 跪下) [2014f: 30; Minford 2015: 439]

beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep: (formal) (在[或往]···下面; 在[或往]···下方) [2014f: 31; Minford 2015: 207]

astonish [əˈstɒnɪʃ] v: to surprise sb very much. (使十分惊讶; 使大为惊奇; 使吃惊) SYN: amaze. [2014f: 31]

gaze [ɡeɪz] n: (凝视;注视) [Hamilton 2012: 92; 2014b: 152; 2014e: 468; 2014f: 31]

grasp [ɡrɑːsp] v: ~ sb/sth (抓紧;抓牢) SYN: grip. [2014f: 14]

wand [wɒnd] n: (also magic wand) a straight thin stick that is held by sb when performing magic or magic trick. (魔杖). [2014a: 63; 2014f: 14]

coldly [ˈkəʊldli] adv: (冷淡地; 冷漠地; 不友好地) [2014f: 31]

draw [drɔː] v: ~ (sth) (on sb) (拔出;抽出;掏出) [2014f: 31]

astonished [əˈstɒnɪʃt] adj: very surprised. (感到十分惊讶; 吃惊) SYN: amaze. [2014f: 31]

step [step] v: adv./prep. to lift your foot and move it in a particular direction or put it on or in sth; to move a short distance. (迈步; 踩; 踏;行走). [Hamilton 2012: 91; 2014a: 17; 2014f: 31; Minford 2015: 104]

tip [tɪp] n: (尖端;尖儿;端) [2014e: 493; 2014f: 31]

link [lɪŋk] v: ~ A and B to join two things by putting one through the other. (挽住;钩住;套在一起) [2014f: 31]

fulfil [fʊlˈfɪl] v: ~ sth to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected. (实现) [2014f: 31]

tongue [tʌŋ] n: ~ (of sth) (literary) (舌状物) [2014f: 31]

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt] adj: (of light or colours) very bright. (明亮的;鲜艳的) [2014b: 95; 2014f: 31]

flame [fleɪm] n: (火焰; 火舌) [2014b: 219; 2014f: 31]

issue from (formal) to come out of sth. (从···中出来) [2014b: 227; 2014e: 496; 2014f: 31]

wind [waɪnd] v (wound, wound [waʊnd]): (蜿蜒; 曲折而行; 迂回) [2014f: 31; Unschuld 2016: 176]

wire [ˈwaɪə(r)] n: (金属丝; 金属线; 一段金属丝[或线]) [2014f: 31]

shoot [ʃuːt] v (shot, shot): ~ (sth) (发射[子弹等]) [2014f: 31]

interlink [ˌɪntəˈlɪŋk] v: [usually passive] ~ (sth) (with sth) ([使]连接) [2014f: 31]

fine [faɪn] adj: very thin or narrow. (纤细的;很细的) [2014f: 31]

glow [ɡləʊ] v: (especially of sth hot or warm) to produce a dull, steady light. (发出微弱而稳定的光;发出暗淡的光). [2014a: 79, 166; 2014b: 137; 2014f: 31/252]

glow [ɡləʊ] v: to appear a strong, warm colour. (色彩鲜艳;绚丽夺目). [Hamilton 2012: 90; 2014a: 17; 2014f: 31]

chain [tʃeɪn] n: (链子;链条;连锁) [2014f: 31]

necessary [ˈnesəsəri] adj: ~ (for sb/sth) (to do sth) (必须的;必要的) SYN: essential. [8A: 21; 2014f: 31]

twitch [twɪtʃ] v: if a part of your body twitches, or if you twitch it, it makes a sudden quick movement, sometimes one that you cannot control. (痉挛;抽搐; 抽动) [2014a: 9; 2014f: 31]

carry sth – out to do and complete a task. (完成[任务]) [2014f: 31]

deed [diːd] n: (formal, literary) (行为; 行动) SYN: act. [2014f: 31]

perform [pəˈfɔːm] v: to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty. (做;履行;执行). SYN: carry out. [9A: 164; 2014f: 31; 2014g: 401]

clasp [klɑːsp] v: ~ sth to hold sth tightly in your hand. (握紧; 攥紧; 抓紧) [2014a: 64; 2014f: 31]

wide [waɪd] adj: (宽的;宽阔的) OPP: narrow. [2014e: 134; 2014f: 31]

glow [ɡləʊ] v: (of a person’s body or face) to look or feel warm or pink especially after exercise or because of excitement, embarrassment, etc. ([尤指运动后或因情绪激动、尴尬等而]发红,发热,显得红,感觉热) [2014b: 45; 2014c: 140; 2014f: 31]

blaze [bleɪz] n: (火焰) [2014f: 31]

twist [twɪst] v: ~ sth ( adv./prep.) to wind sth around or through an object. ([使]缠绕;绕缠;盘绕) [2014f: 31]

bound [baʊnd] adj: tied with rope, cord, string, etc. (用绳子等绑起来) [CALD4: 173; 2014f: 31]

thickly [ˈθɪkli] adv: (厚厚地) [2014d: 340; 2014f: 31]

rope [rəʊp] n: (粗绳; 线缆;绳索) [2014f: 31]

fiery [ˈfaɪəri] adj: looking like fire; consisting of fire. (火一般的;火的) [2014e: 311; 2014f: 31]

Lesson 4 [2014f: 31] 作业:

1. 参考英语词典等资料,讨论bonder 在句子精确含义:Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder.

2. 简述牢不可破的誓言(the unbreakable vow)仪式,并查找《哈利波特》中其它提到the unbreakable vow的例子。

3. 坚持每天掌握1到2个生词,风雨无阻,天天坚持。

《哈利波特》精读系类之编者按/精读指导(A):成人英语学习应该有更多的主动性,在高中英语的基础上,应该尽快进入英语原著和英文报纸的阅读,这样才能尽快的提升英语水平。因为英语原著和英语报纸,不同于中学的考试,其中的内容都是英语的实际应用。我会和朋友们一起分享英语原著《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily)上面的英文报道。我们本着共享的理念,以“雅思6.5及之上的考生英语阅读水平”来编辑《哈利波特英语词典》,其中也会收录中学英语课本的一些单词。用《哈利波特英语词典》里面收录的单词来为《中国日报》等阅读文章做单词表。我们会认真精讲7册《哈利波特》中每一页,制出相对对应的单词表。


就我们初级英语课程而言,我们目前有两个工作目标:一是编写《哈利波特英语词典》,单词收录量为2到3万;二是编写《博雅英语阅读文库·中国日报1000篇》。我们有三级英语课程,初级英语课程为《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily) 、《乔布斯传》、《马斯克传》等英语原著,以训练学生流畅地阅读英语小说、英语报刊杂志和按照英语习惯顺畅地写作为目标;中级英语课程为英语学术训练,能流畅地阅读英语学术著作,如 A New History of Western Philosophy,并能够书写规范的学术论文;高级英语课程是以了解通过英语来学习文化,学习莎士比亚等英美名家著作、英文版的《圣经》、《易经》等等,目的是更加深入地了解英语背后的文明和中华文明等,让英语学习不仅仅止于语言,要上升到文明的角度来学习英语和用英语来学习。我们认可这样的理念“语言和宗教是定义一个文明的核心标志”。我们的课程有三个立足点,一、高中毕业的英语水平;二、有学习的主动性;三、雅思最低成绩6.5。


