
object [əbˈdʒekt] n. 物体,目标,宾语,对象,我来为大家科普一下关于超强四六级英语单词词汇表?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



object [əbˈdʒekt] n. 物体,目标,宾语,对象

vi. 反对,拒绝,抗议

vt. 提出……来反对

objection [əbˈdʒekʃ(ə)n] n. 反对,异议

①be open to objection 有可议之处,有不合理之处

②feel an objection to (doing)不愿做

③have an [have no] objection to 反对[不反对]

objective [əbˈdʒektiv] a. ①客观的


an objective law 客观规律

n. 目标,任务

【词义辨析】aim, goal, objective和purpose




【试题精练】The writer tried to be as______as possible in evaluating his latest work.

A. objective

B. realistic

C. natural

D. modest

【答案】A. objective a. 客观的,不带偏见的(与subjective相对)(如to give objective criticism; It's difficult for one to be wholly objective about anything.)。realistic a. 现实的,实际可行的;现实主义的,逼真的。natural a. 自然的,天然的;正常的;天生的,天赋的。modest a. 谦虚的,谦恭的;适中的,不过分的。

obligation [ˌɔbliˈɡeiʃ(ə)n] n. ①义务,职责


Parents have a legal_____to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

A. impulse

B. obligation

C. influence

D. sympathy

【答案】B. obligation n. (强调法律方面的)义务,责任(have an obligation to help support one's parents; be faithful to one's obligations; one's obligation to one's children; be under [an] obligation to do sth)。impulse n. 冲动,突然的欲望;脉冲(have/feel an impulse to+动词原形;be seized with an impulse to+动词原形;do sth on impulse)。influence n. 影响,感化力;权势,势力。sympathy (for/with) n. 同情,同情心。

oblige [əˈblaidʒ] vt. 迫使,责成;施恩于

【习惯用语】①be obliged to sb感谢(某人)②be obliged to do sth 不得不(做某事),必须(做某事)③oblige (sb) with给……

obscure [əbˈskjuə] a. ①昏暗的②模糊的,难解的


v. ①变模糊,变不清楚



observation [ˌɔbzəˈveiʃ(ə)n] n. ①观察,注视;评论;(常pl.)观察资料(数据)


a man of keen observation 观察力敏锐的人

【习惯用语】①come [fall] under sb's observation 被某人注意到②escape observation 未被觉察,不为人所注意③keep sb under observation 监视[观察]某人

【长难例句】Observations were made of the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school and first grade. 有人对孩子们在学龄前和小学一年级开始和结束时的情况做了观察记录。

【试题精练】Although I spoke to him many times he never took any_____of what I said.

A. notice

B. regard

C. observation

D. attention

【答案】A. notice n. 注意;察觉;(关于离职或解雇的)提前通知;布告(以事物作主语)(catch/attract/bring to sb's notice 引起某人的注意;be worth/beneath sb's notice 值得/不屑于某人注意;take notice of 注意到;at a moment's/a month's notice 只提前一会儿/一个月通知;give a month's notice 提前一个月通知〈要解雇或辞退〉)。regard n. 关心,关怀;(pl.)敬意,致意,问候。observation n. 注意,观察;(pl.)观察资料(或数据)。attention n. 注意,留心。

observe [əbˈzəːv] v. ①观察;遵守,奉行;评述



【习惯用语】①strange to observe 说来奇怪②the observed of all observers 众所瞩目者,众矢之的

【长难例句】The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope, due to orbit the Earth next March, will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky. 人们期待已久的哈勃望远镜将在明年3月进入地球轨道,观测天空中最古老的一些星球。

【试题精练】The scientist has_____the behavior of birds all his life.

A. noticed

B. seen

C. notified

D. observed

【答案】D. observe vt. 观察,注意到,察觉到;说,评论;遵守,奉行(注:作“观察”解时其宾语应是动态的而不是静态的事物:observe anything strange; observe sb do/+动词ing形式;to observe the rule/the custom; observe that...注意:在复合结构中不定式不带to,但在变为被动态时不定式要加to;复合结构中不定式若是be,则be前要加to,如The accused man was observed to enter the bank. The only thing that I have observed to be without limit is the businessman's desire for profits.)。notice vt. 注意到,察觉到。see vt. 看见,看到。notify vt. 通知,告知,报告(notify sb of sth; notify sb to+动词原形;notify sb that...)。

observer [əbˈzəːvə(r)] n. 观察员,观察家

obsess [əbˈses] v. ①经常在(某人)脑海中萦绕


obsession [əbˈseʃ(ə)n] n. ①(恐怖、妄想等)缠绕,(被恐怖、妄想等)缠住 ②妄想,顽念

obsolete [ˈɔbsəliːt] a. 废弃的;过时了的

obstacle [ˈɔbstək(ə)l] n. 障碍,障碍物

【习惯用语】throw obstacles in sb's way 妨害,阻碍某人

【试题精练】His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n)_____to his career.

A. shortage

B. harm

C. obstacle

D. adversity

【答案】C. obstacle (to) n. 障碍(物),妨碍(如A tree fallen across the road was an obstacle to our car. Lack of education is an obstacle to success.)。shortage n. 不足;缺少。harm n. 伤害,损害,危害。adversity n. 不幸,逆境。

obstruct [əbˈstrʌkt] vt. ①阻塞,堵塞②阻碍,阻止,妨碍

obstruction [əbˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n. ①堵塞,阻碍②障碍物,阻塞物③蓄意阻挠议事

Oceania [ˌəuʃiˈeiniə] n. 大洋洲

odd [ɔd] a. 奇数的;单(个)的;零头的;古怪的;临时的

odds [ɔdz] n. ①机会,可能性②优劣的差距;差异;不平等③(赌马时的)投注赔率④(比赛或打赌时给对方的)让步

odor/odour [ˈəudə(r)] n. 气味

offence/se [əˈfens] n. ①过错,犯罪



offend [əˈfend] v. ①得罪;触怒


Her words offended me. 她的话伤了我的感情。

【习惯用语】①be offended at [by, over]被……触怒,因……生气②be offended with sb for sth 因某事而对某人生气③offend against 违反[犯];不合

offender [əˈfendə(r)] n. 违反;犯罪者

offensive [əˈfensiv] a. ①极讨厌的,令人作呕的


【试题精练】Bad eggs have a(n)_____odor.

A. definite

B. disquieting

C. enduring

D. offensive

【答案】D. offensive a. 冒犯人的,无礼的,使人讨厌的(如 His ideas were offensive to the government. have an offensive manner, Don't use offensive language.)。definite a. 明确的,确切的;肯定的。disquieting a. 使人焦虑不安的。enduring a. 持久的。

offset [ˈɔfset] n. ①补偿,抵消(物)


n. 补偿……,抵消……

offspring [ˈɔfspriŋ] n. ①子女,子孙,后代②(动物的)崽

omit [əˈmit] vt. 省略,删去;遗漏,忽略

ongoing [ˈɔnɡəuiŋ] a. 进行中的

onlooker [ˈɔnlukə(r)] n. 旁观者

opaque [əuˈpeik] a. ①不透明的②无光泽的

operation [ˌɔpəˈreiʃ(ə)n] n. ①操作,运转;手术


the army's operations 军事行动


【习惯用语】①be in operation 在运转中;在行动中;在实施中;在生效中②come [go] into operation 开始工作[运转];生效③in operation在活动[运转]着;施行着

【试题精练】The orders will come into_____on the 15th.

A. action

B. operation

C. use

D. existence

【答案】B. operation n. 运转,运行(come/go into operation 施行,实行,生效;bring/put into operation 实施,使生效,使运行)。come/go into action 开始战斗,开始行动。come into use(以事物作主语)开始(被)使用。come into existence (以事物作主语)开始存在。

operational [ˌɔpəˈreiʃən(ə)l] a. ①操作上的


operator [ˈɔpəreitə(r)] n. ①操作人员;电话接线员


a clever operator 精明的人


