
deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit] v.(使)恶化,(使)变坏,我来为大家科普一下关于四级英语词汇和考研英语词汇?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



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deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit] v.(使)恶化,(使)变坏

If global conditions really deteriorate, we might be forced to extract large volumes of excess CO2 directly from the atmosphere.


I’m wondering if there isn’t some socially relevant through-line between the sudden rise of crossovers and SUVs with the deteriorating state of U.S. infrastructure.


flourish ['flʌriʃ]vi.繁荣 茂盛 兴旺 活跃 手舞足蹈vt.挥舞n.挥舞 茂盛 兴旺

Technology experts worry that blocking the export of A.I. to other countries will help A.I. industries flourish in those nations and compete with American companies.


It’s inexcusable that YouTube continues to shirk its responsibility to the public by allowing misinformation and hoaxes to flourish so widely on the platform.


prosperity[prɔs'periti]n.繁荣 昌盛 兴旺

prosperous['prɔspərəs]adj. 繁荣的,兴旺的,茂盛的,顺利的

nourish ['nʌriʃ, 'nə:-] v.提供养分,养育,怀有(希望,仇恨等)

The Amazon Basin also provides the rains that nourish Brazil’s productive croplands to the south, a breadbasket for the world.


Birds, animals and beneficial insects favor naturally shaped hedging with pollen-laden blooms, nourishing berries and fruit.


But reason sits just next to these contingencies—and is often nourished, not diminished, by their presence.


thrive[θraiv]vi.兴旺 繁荣 旺盛 茁壮成长

Plants that thrive with a dressing of wood ash include garlic, chives, leeks, lettuces, asparagus and stone-fruit trees.


It's a really interesting study of human nature and how we thrive, even in the crappiest of circumstances.


cultivate['kʌltiveit]vt.耕 种植 培养 栽培 结交(朋友) 促进 增长 教养

Cultivating media literacy among social media users will be important in ensuring future misinformation campaigns fail to gain momentum.


Transformation is an inside job, and sometimes cultivating your happiness means developing the right mindset.


the researchers say chilli peppers are labour-intensive and difficult crops to cultivate, and it is tricky to keep the pungency of the fruits consistent.


develop[di'veləp]vt.发展 形成 开发 冲洗照片 vi.进步

development[di'veləpmənt]n.发展 开发 生长 显影 开发区

improve[im'pru:v]vt.使更好 改进 利用 vi.改善 改进

maintain[mein'tein] vt.维持 赡养 维修 保养 坚持,断言

Abraham Lincoln was a progressive who freed slaves and maintained the Union.


The road is said to be one of the most dangerous in the area, where roads are poorly maintained and accidents are frequent.


Many employees maintain an almost ideological belief that growing Facebook’s user base — and therefore its power — will, on net, be a force for good in the world.


maintenance['meintənəns] n.维修,保养,维持,保持,生活费用

The money will be used to address increased operating costs, provide adequate staffing and maintenance and continue to offer quality programs and services.


Most buyers anticipate the money they’ll need for their mortgage, homeowners’ insurance and taxes, but they don’t always budget for home maintenance and repairs.


retain[ri'tein] vt.保持 保留 保有 记住

The mechanism allows professors to retain their academic standing.


As well, the firms would be required to retain user data for 180 days or longer if demanded by a government agency.


retention[ri'tenʃən] n.保留,保持,保持力,记忆力

The goal of the channel is to improve retention of pay-TV subscribers by providing a richer experience and exclusive programming.


For one, better benefits to employees will increase retention and lead to savings on training and hiring.


sustain[səs'tein]vt. 支撑;维持;蒙受;忍受

The driver of the car, a man in his 20s, sustained serious injuries and was taken to hospital along with a female passenger, also in her 20s.


The primary asset of any society is its people. That’s true in the lofty spiritual sense and in the crass financial one: Other people produce both the economic goods and the tax revenue that sustain the nation.

一个社会的主要资产是人。 无论是崇高的精神意义还是庸俗的经济意义上都是如此:其他人生产商品和创造维持国家运行的税收。

sustainable a. 能支持住的;能忍受的;可证实的

Farm yields in poorer nations must be improved to create a sustainable, healthy world, the report found.


With technology changing how and where we work, property developers are tapping artificial intelligence to create more sustainable workplaces to help staff work more efficiently and comfortably.


abstain [əbˈsteɪn] v.戒、避免;弃权 abstinence

By abstaining, it neither supported the resolution nor opposed it.


A group of liver specialists found that abstaining from alcohol for a month improved liver function, blood pressure and markers associated with cancer.


At the one month follow up, the researchers noticed significant improvements in the abstinence group.


abstemious [əbˈstiːmɪəs]adj. 有节制的,饮食有度的; 节俭的

For people with children, the idea of an abstemious festive season might prove difficult.


While he entertained so well, he was himself abstemious in his habits and denied himself animal food one day in every week.


remain [ri'mein] vi.剩下 余留 逗留 保持 依然留下n.遗迹 剩余物 残骸

remains [ri'meinz] n.残余(余物遗物化石) 余额 废墟

remnant ['remnənt] n.剩余(物),零料,遗迹[风] a.剩余的,残留的

stain [stein]vt. 玷污 弄脏 给...着色n.污点 瑕疵 染料 着色剂

gain [gein]vt.获得 得到 增进 增加 vi.增加 得到 (钟表等)走得快 n.增进 增益 获得利润

attain [ə'tein] vt.达到 获得 完成

obtain [əb'tein]vt.获得 得到 买到vi.通用 流行 存在

contain [kən'tein]vt.包含 容纳vi.自制

container [kən'teinə]n.容器 集装箱

detain [di'tein] v.耽搁;扣押,拘留

detention n.拘留,扣押;阻留,滞留

