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Why do you salt and season food throughout the cooking process instead of all just at the end?【译】为什么你要在烹饪过程中给食物加盐和调味,而不是只在最后出锅前?【短语】instead of 代替(……的是);而不是…;例句:Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。Oops! I put in sugar instead of salt. 啊!我错把糖当盐放了。【单词】salt [sawlt][sɔːlt] vt. 用盐腌;加盐于【单词】cooking 原型:cook [koo k][kʊk] v. 烹调;烧煮

Does it make a difference?【译】有什么区别吗?

Yes, it does make a difference.【译】是的,这确实有区别。

Some seasonings will taste different based on when you add them.【译】有些调味料的味道会根据你添加的时间而有所不同。【单词】seasonings 原型:seasoning ['see-zuh-ning]['siːzənɪŋ] n. 调料【单词】taste [teyst][teɪst] v. 品尝;有 ... 味道的;体验【单词】based 原型:base [beys][beɪs] vt. 以 ... 作基础

Things like onions and garlic (fresh, not powdered) mellow out and sweeten up when added early.【译】像洋葱和大蒜(新鲜的,不是粉状的)在早期添加时会变软变甜。【单词】onions 原型:onion ['uhn-yuh n]['ʌnjən] n. 洋葱【单词】garlic ['gahr-lik]['ɡɑːlɪk] n. 大蒜【单词】fresh [fresh][freʃ] adj. 新鲜的;清新的【单词】powdered 原型:powder ['pou-der]['paʊdə] vt. 洒粉于;使变成粉 vi. 变成粉;涂粉【单词】mellow ['mel-oh]['meləʊ] v. (使)变熟,(使)柔和【单词】sweeten ['sweet-n]['swiːtn] v. (使)变甜;使愉悦;净化

Add them late and they will be much stronger and overpower more subtle flavors.【译】迟点加入,它们会变得更浓,并能压倒更多微妙的味道。【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。【单词】overpower [oh-ver-'pou-er][ˌəʊvə'paʊə] v. 压倒;制服;打败【单词】subtle ['suht-l]['sʌtl] adj. 微妙的;敏锐的;不明显的;精细的【单词】flavors 原型:flavor ['fley-ver]['fleɪvə] n. 风味;特殊的滋味;风格;调味品

Some seasonings like parsley and aromatics will disappear if added too early.【译】有些调味品,如欧芹和香料,如果过早添加,就会消失。【单词】parsley ['pahr-slee]['pɑːsli] n. 欧芹;荷兰芹【单词】aromatics [ar-uh-'mat-ik][ˌærə'mætɪks] n. 芳族植物;芳族化合物;芳香剂【单词】disappear [dis-uh-'peer][ˌdɪsə'pɪə] vi. 消失;不见;失踪

Adding seasonings at the right time can add depth and dimension to the flavor.【译】在适当的时候添加调味料可以增加味道的深度和层次。【单词】depth [depth][depθ] n. 深度;深刻;深奥;深;厚度【单词】dimension [dih-'men-shuhn, dahy-][daɪ'menʃn] n. 尺寸; 次元; 容积; 维度; 范围; 方面

Most of the traditional should be added early in so they can build a more rich, complex flavor.【译】大多数传统的调料应该在早期加入,这样他们可以形成更浓、更多样的风味。【单词】build [bild][bɪld] v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强

【单词】rich [rich][rɪtʃ] adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的【单词】complex [adjective, verb kuhm-'pleks, 'kom-pleks; noun 'kom-pleks]['kɒmpleks] adj. 复杂的;合成的;复合的

Salt should be split up - many recipes need some early on in order to cook properly (sweating vegetables and browning meat) but you can easily end up with too much salt if you use it all up front.【译】盐应该单独加——在许多食谱中需要早些加盐,才是正确的烹调方法(特别是出水的蔬菜和会烧成焦黄的肉),但是如果你一开始就加了足够的盐,你很容易最终把菜做得很咸。【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中。【单词】split [split][splɪt] v. 分裂;将…分成若干部分;分摊;分离;劈开;裂开【单词】recipes 原型:recipe ['res-uh-pee]['resəpi] n. 秘诀;食谱;药方【单词】properly ['prop-er]['prɒpəli] adv. 适当地;正确地;完全地【单词】sweating 原型:sweat [swet][swet] v. (使)出汗 ,这里指烧制时会出水【单词】vegetables 原型:vegetable ['vej-tuh-buh l]['vedʒtəbl] n. 蔬菜;植物【单词】browning 原型:brown [broun][braʊn] v. (使)变褐色,变焦黄【单词】meat [meet][miːt] n. 肉;主要或重要部分


So half up front, then add to taste as the last ingredient.【译】所以应该一开始先放一半,留一半作为最后的配料。【单词】ingredient [in-'gree-dee-uhnt][ɪn'ɡriːdiənt] n. 成分;原料;配料;因素

Spicy seasonings can become spicier as you cook them, so I usually do the same with them - half up front to allow it to develop a flavorful spiciness, then add more at the end suit to my preference.【译】辛辣的调味料在你煮的时候会变得更辣,所以我通常也会做同样的事情——先把调料调一半,让它产生一种有味道的辛辣味,然后再根据我的喜好在最后再加一些。【语法】allow sth.意为“允许某事”。如:I can't allow such a thing. 我不允许发生这样的事。这里是“让……”的意思【单词】Spicy 原型:spicy ['spahy-see]['spaɪsi] adj. 辛辣的;香的【单词】spicier spicy的比较级:更辣的【单词】develop [dih-'vel-uh p][dɪ'veləp] v. 发展;开发【单词】flavorful ['fley-ver-fuhl]['fleɪvəfʊl] adj. 充满 ... 味道的; 可口的【单词】spiciness ['spahy-see]['spaɪsinəs] n. 香郁;富于香料;火【单词】suit [soot][suːt] n. 套装;请求【单词】preference ['pref-er-uhns, 'pref-ruhns]['prefrəns] n. 偏爱;优先;喜爱物;优惠

Acids (lemon, citrus, vinegar, etc) will cook out quickly, so if you want the lightness and bite from them they should be added towards the end too.【译】酸的调料(柠檬、柑橘、醋等)会很快煮熟,所以如果你想要清淡的味道,那么应该在最后加入。【单词】Acids 原型:acid ['as-id]['æsɪd] n. 酸;酸性物质【单词】lemon ['lem-uhn]['lemən] n. 柠檬;柠檬色

【单词】citrus ['si-truhs]['sɪtrəs] n. 柑橘属果树;柑橘属果实【单词】vinegar ['vin-i-ger]['vɪnɪɡə] n. 醋【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

【单词】lightness ['lahyt-nis]['laɪtnɪs] n. 光亮度;颜色浅淡;轻;动作轻松迅速;举止优雅;无忧虑;轻浮;精巧【单词】bite [bahyt][baɪt] n. 一口; 小量食物

Powdered garlic and onion and similar spices should be added early so they aren't grainy or bitter, but after any liquid so they don't burn.【译】蒜粉、洋葱粉和类似的调味品应该尽早加入,这样它们就不会变酸或变苦,但应在任何液体之后,这样它们就不会烧焦了。【单词】onion ['uhn-yuh n]['ʌnjən] n. 洋葱【单词】bitter ['bit-er]['bɪtə] adj. 苦的;痛苦的;辛酸的【单词】liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] n. 液体【单词】burn [burn][bɜːn] v. 燃烧;烧着;烧毁;灼伤

Adding to this.【译】再加一点。

Some spices especially in the indian cooking need hot oil to leave flavour.【译】一些调味品,尤其在印度烹饪中,需要热油才能留下香味。【单词】indian ['in-dee-uhn]['ɪndiən] adj. 印度的;印度人的;印第安人的【单词】hot [hot][hɒt] adj. 热的;辣的;强烈的【单词】flavour ['fley-ver]['fleɪvə] n. 味道;风味;韵味 vt. 给...加味;给...增添风趣

So they are the first things added to the oil and the rest is cooked in that oil.【译】所以他们是第一个添加到油里的东西,然后其余的在加了料的油里再煮。

Which spices should be cooked in oil first?【译】哪些调味品应该先用油烹调?

Any of the dry herbs/ spices.【译】任何一种干燥的药草/香料。【单词】dry [drahy][draɪ] adj. 干的;干燥的

In India they're called "Khadda Masala".【译】在印度他们被称为“卡达·马萨拉”。【专有名词】India 地名 ['in-dee-uh]['ɪndɪə] n. 印度【专有名词】Masala [mə'sɑːlə] 马萨拉


So that would be dried whole chillies, cinnamon barks, bay leaves, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, cardamoms and any other dry, coarse, raw spices.【译】那是干的整个辣椒,肉桂树皮,月桂叶,孜然种子,芥末种子,豆蔻和任何其他干燥、大粒的天然香料。【单词】dried [drahyd][draid] adj. 弄干了的 【单词】chillies ['chil-ee][t'ʃɪlɪz] n. 辣椒【单词】cinnamon ['sin-uh-muhn]['sɪnəmən] n. 肉桂;肉桂树;肉桂色【单词】barks 原型:bark [bahrk][bɑːk] n. 树皮【单词】bay [bey][beɪ] n. 月桂树【单词】leaves 原型:leaf [leef][liːf] n. 叶,叶子【单词】cumin ['kuhm-uhn]['kʌmɪn] n. 莳萝;小茴香(子);孜然芹【单词】seeds 原型:seed [seed][siːd] n. 种子【单词】mustard ['muhs-terd]['mʌstəd] n. 芥末;芥菜【单词】coarse [kawrs, kohrs][kɔːs] adj. 粗糙的;粗俗的;非精制的【单词】raw [raw][rɔː] adj. 未加工的;生的;原始的


