
[Reading Comprehension]Steel (钢铁), concrete (混凝土) and glass are the most common materials for building skyscrapers. But more of these buildings are now using wood.Why are wooden skyscrapers being chosen ahead of concrete ones? Is wood strong enough?Wood has been used in many Chinese buildings for thousands of years, but is it strong enough for skyscrapers?“There’s a whole bunch of new materials made out of wood that are structurally (在结构上) able to build big buildings,” materials expert Dr Michael Ramage told CNN.Architects (建筑师) use weaved (编拢) wood to build tall buildings. They place layers of (好几层) wood across one another and use special glue to create a very strong material.Wood also lasts a long time and doesn’t rot (腐烂) if it is properly looked after. Some examples include the rooftops of Beijing’s Forbidden City and some 700-year-old houses in England.Ramage also said bamboo can be cut in special ways to make it even stronger than normal wood.But won’t wood catch on fire too easily? Wooden buildings sound dangerous when it comes to fire. But experts say it might be safer than concrete if there is a fire.“Wood doesn’t burn the way the public imagines,” Ramage said. Very small pieces of wood catch fire easily, but very big pieces of wood are quite hard to set on fire, he said.,我来为大家科普一下关于寒假思维特训营四年级?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



[Reading Comprehension]

Steel (钢铁), concrete (混凝土) and glass are the most common materials for building skyscrapers. But more of these buildings are now using wood.Why are wooden skyscrapers being chosen ahead of concrete ones? Is wood strong enough?Wood has been used in many Chinese buildings for thousands of years, but is it strong enough for skyscrapers?“There’s a whole bunch of new materials made out of wood that are structurally (在结构上) able to build big buildings,” materials expert Dr Michael Ramage told CNN.Architects (建筑师) use weaved (编拢) wood to build tall buildings. They place layers of (好几层) wood across one another and use special glue to create a very strong material.Wood also lasts a long time and doesn’t rot (腐烂) if it is properly looked after. Some examples include the rooftops of Beijing’s Forbidden City and some 700-year-old houses in England.Ramage also said bamboo can be cut in special ways to make it even stronger than normal wood.But won’t wood catch on fire too easily? Wooden buildings sound dangerous when it comes to fire. But experts say it might be safer than concrete if there is a fire.“Wood doesn’t burn the way the public imagines,” Ramage said. Very small pieces of wood catch fire easily, but very big pieces of wood are quite hard to set on fire, he said.

1. Which material is now being added to build skyscrapers?A. Steel. B. Concrete. C. Glass. D. Wood.

2. What can architects do to make sure wood is strong? A. They can use weaved wood.B. They can mix wood with concrete. C. They can put layers of wood across one another.D. They can use special glue to glue the wood together.A. abc B. acd C. abd D. bcd

3. The last three paragraphs explain that _____.A. bamboo is the best building materialB. wooden buildings easily catch on fireC. wooden buildings won’t burn too easilyD. concrete buildings are safer than other buildings

4. What is the story mainly about?A. The use of wood in skyscrapers.B. The weaknesses of wooden buildings.C. Why the Forbidden City has stood for so long.D. What kinds of buildings burn easily.


Skateboarding (滑板运动) seems like a sport for boys. But teenager Brighton Zeuner in the US has shown that __1____ can skate, too. She won the women’s skateboarding competition at the first Vans Park Series World Championships in Sweden. She was only 12 years old and had to skate against women ___2______ than her.Brighton studies at Dehesa Charter School, California. She fell in love with skateboarding when she was 5. She often went to the local skate park to ___3______her older brother Jack. One day she decided to have a go herself.Brighton quickly learned lots of new tricks (技巧). She enjoys the freedom on the board. “On my board, I feel free,” Brighton told ESPN. “This is something I can’t live ____4______.” Her parents built a skate ramp (斜坡) in their backyard. She skates almost every day. A bad crash (碰撞) meant she had to take a ____5_____ from the sport. But she didn’t give up.Then, she started skating professionally (专业地). She became the ___6_____ female to be invited to the X Games. It is an extreme sport (极限运动) competition in the US. She finished fourth in it.Brighton’s success ____7____ many girls to try skateboarding. Now, there are more and more girls skating at her local skate park.Skateboarding will be ___8______ to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, which ____9_____has been put off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Brighton hopes to compete in the Olympics. “It’s right after my 16th birthday,” she told Time for Kids.Brighton is ____10_____ in herself. “When I fall, I get back up and make the trick,” she said. “The trick doesn’t beat me.”

1. A. girls B. boys C. children D. teenagers2. A. stronger B. younger C. prettier D. older3. A. visit B. watch C. play D. skate4. A. without B. with C. for D. within5. A. break B. stop C. time D. breath6. A. heaviest B. professional C. hopeful D. youngest7. A. pushed B. encouraged C. controlled D. touched8. A. added B. competed C. supposed D. invited9. A. luckily B. unfortunately C. surprisingly D. disappointedly10. A. happy B. rich C. brave D. confident

[Vocabulary Practice]

一、根据句意及提示写出正确的单词。1. Wherever he goes, he spreads love and ________ (warm).2. Please read the sentence a________ so that you can practice your speaking.3. The madman r__________ his words, but nobody answers.4. With the i____________ given in class, we know more about space.5. There are two rulers. One is made of ____________ (银) and the other is made of plastic.

二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. English is ___________ (regard) as an international language.7. He has been__________ (die) for two years. We still miss him.8. His __________ (pronounce) has improved, but he still has to practice every day.9. France and Germany are both _____________ (Europe) countries.10. It is a good ___________ (choose) for Millie to study Chinese history in Beijing.


[Reading Comprehension]: DBCA[Cloze]: 1-5 ADBAA 6-10 DBABD[Vocabulary Practice]:1. warmth 2. again 3. repeats 4. information 5. silver 6. regarded

7. dead 8. pronunciation 9. European 10. choice



