




第二天一早船长向大家宣布,如果谁想上岸,下午可以上岸 ,他们留了六个人在船长,吉姆想了一下也偷偷上了岸 ,于是亲眼看到西尔弗杀了艾伦和汤姆,而后尽量不出声的离开了那片树林。


9 The man of the island 岛中人

But almost immediately I ran into a new danger.As I ran, I heard some small stones falling from the side of a steep hill. I stopped to look round, and saw a figure jump quickly behind a tree.Frightened, I turned back towards the boats, but the figure appeared again and moved with the speed of an animal. But it was a man, I knew that now.


I remembered I had a pistol if I needed it, and turned back towards this man of the island. He was hiding behind another tree but stepped out to meet me.


‘Who are you ?I asked, staring at him.


‘Ben Gunn ,’he answered, and his voice sounded rough and strange .His skin was burnt nearly black by the sun and his clothes were made from pieces of a ship's sail.‘Poor Ben Gunn,’he went on.‘Alone for three years.’


‘Were you shipwrecked?’I asked.


‘No ,my friend,’he said.‘Marooned.’


I had heard the word before, and knew it meant a cruel punishment often used by pirates-leaving a man alone on some distant, empty island.


‘Marooned three years, he continued,‘ living on wild goats and fish. But I'm desperate for real English food. You don't have a piece of cheese, do you? Many nights I've dreamed of cheese.’


‘If I can get on board ship again, ’I said, ‘you can have as much cheese as you want.’


‘Who's going to prevent you?’he said.‘And tell me your name.


‘Jim,’I told him.


‘Well, Jim,’he said, looking around and lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘I'm rich.’I was now sure the poor man was crazy ,but he repeated his words.‘Rich, I say! Now ,Jim ,that isn't Flint's ship, is it?’


I began to think that I had found a friend, and I answered him at once.‘It's not Flint's ship. Flint is dead, but there are some of Flint's men aboard, and that's bad news for us.’


‘A man with one leg?’he asked, fear in his voice.


‘Silver?’I asked.


‘Yes ,Silver,’he said,‘that was his name.’


‘He's the cook, and their leader ,too.’ And I told him the whole story of our voyage, and the danger we were now in.


‘You're in trouble, Jim,’he said when I'd finished.‘Well, Ben Gunn will help you. Will your squire be generous if I do, do you think? I don't want him to give me a job, but will he give me one thousand pounds out of money that's really mine?’


‘I'm sure he will,’I said.


‘And take me home on your ship?’


‘If we can escape from the others,’I told him,‘we'll need your help to get the ship home.’


He seemed happy with this.‘I was in Flint's ship when he and six seamen hid the treasure,’he said.‘They were on shore nearly a week,then Flint came back alone.Not a man on board could guess how he had killed the others.Then I was in another ship,three years ago,and we saw this island.“Boys,”I said,“let's go ashore and find Flint's treasure.”Twelve days we searched,and the men got angrier with me every day.Then they went back to the ship.“Ben Gunn,”they said,“you can stay here and find Flint's money.Here's a gun,a spade and an axe.”Well,Jim,I've been here for three years,and no real food from that day to this.But I've found things to do,oh yes!’Here he closed one eye and smiled at me.‘Now go to your squire and tell him Ben Gunn is a good man.


‘I will,’I said,‘but how will I get on board?’


‘There's my boat that I made with my two hands,’he said.‘I keep her under the white rock.We might try that after dark.’


Although there was another hour before the sun went down,we suddenly heard the sound of the ship's gun.


‘They've begun to fight!’I cried.‘Follow me.’



  • rough a.(of sounds)not gentle or tunefull.粗野的:粗俗的:a~voice粗野的话语。take the ~ with the smooth既能享乐也能吃苦。
  • cruel a. like to cause pain or suffering; unkind.残忍的,残酷的:Tigers are~ by nature.老虎生性残暴。同义词:inhuman, fierce;反义词:pitiful。
  • desperate a.(of a person) ready for any wild act be cause of loss of hope.绝望的,没希望的;危急的:The state of the country is ~那个国家的形势非常危急。desperately (ad.).
  • cheese n.(any of many kinds of) soft or firm solid food made from pressed and sometimes rippened milk solids.乳酪,干酪: make the ~more binding(美俚)使事情更加复杂困难。Say ~!〈口〉笑…笑!(常在拍照时说。)
  • lower vt . to make or become smaller in amount,price, degree,strength,etc..放下,降下,放低:lower the aim of a gun把枪瞄得低一点。
  • escape v.(of a person) to reach freedom.逃出;逃走;逃跑:He escaped from prison.他从监狱跑了。
  • hide[haid] vt把…藏起来,隐藏to put or keep out of sight; make or keep secret; You are hiding some important facts.你隐瞒了一些重要事实。过去式: hid.过去分词:hidden. hide-and-seek捉迷藏游戏。

