




counter offer 还盘

Valid 有效的

Validity 有效

Limit a price; give a limit限价

buy(sell)at limit 限价买进卖出

buy below limit低于限价买进

sell above limit高于限价卖出

exceed a limit超过限价

reduce a price by将价格降低多少

reduce a price to将价格降低到多少

To develop trade between us, we trust that you would allow us a higher rate of discount.


这里To develop trade 可以用以下用语代替

To step up trade

To encourage business

To initiate business

To promote trade

To expand business

Since this is our first transation with you, we decide, as an exception, tocut(reduce/shade) the price by 2%.


Since this is our initial transaction with you, we decide, as an exception to deduct 3% (make a reduction of 3%)from the price.

Since this is our initial transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to offer you 3% off.

This is the most reasonable price we can offer at precent, and any further reduction on our side is out of the question.


any further discount

any further concession

any further compromise

any further deduction

We cannot entertain business even if we meet you halfway.


we cannot accept your counteroffer

we cannot entertain your proposal

we cannot consider your suggestion

we cannot trade at your side

We are not in a position to do business at your price, since it far below our cost price.


it below our level

it too severe

it prohibitive

it too high

it quite out of line(with the international market)

it on the high side.

You would benefit by ordering now, as there is every indication that the prices are rising.


there is every indication that the price are rising.

there is a possibility of an uprise next week.

there is a rising tendency in the market now

there will be an immediate price increase soon.

the cost of material is steadily rising this week.

we are expecting a 2% rise in the price next week.

the prices are surely going up in the near future.

the market is firm with an upward tendency.

the prices are on a rapid increase.

According to our investigation, the market is now showing a decline, so we are expecting an adjustment of the price at the end of this month.


这里showing a decline可以换成以下表达


on the decline

surely falling


We have shown some flexibility in price negotiation in order to make the conclusion of business possible.


The protracted negotiation and you final concession have enable us to make the conclusion of business possible.


conclude the business with you.

make it possible for us to close this deal

finalize this order with you

succeed in securing the transaction

come to terms at last

reach an agreement in the end.

If our price is not acceptable, please give us your best offer.


The price you counter-offered is unreasonable.




