

先看上次的练习答案剑桥英语语法精华6 -- 情态动词的用法和相关比较

  • 用 can 或者 be able to 完成句子:
    She _can_ drive but she hasn't got car.
    Ask Catherain about your problem. She might _be able to _ help you.
    I can't understand Martin. I 've never _been able to_ understand him.
  • 用musn't 或者don't/doesn't have to 完成句子:
    I don't want anyone to know. You _mustn't_____ tell anyone.
    He _doesn't have to ___ wear a suit to work but he usally does.
    I __musn't ___ eat too much. I 'm supposed to be on diet.
  • 根据所给情境,用neen't have done 造句:
    Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery.
    He _needn't have sold his car.
  • It's turn to learn the new lesson! 我们来上新课----


    专题七 --- 《情态动词2》


    i. 结构:主语 should (not) 动词原形

    • You should go to bed because you look tired.
      The government should do more to help homeless people.

    ii. I think / I don't think / Do you think...? 后面的从句常用should:

    • I don't hink you should work so hard.

    iii. should 与must的区别:should 没有must 语气那样肯定:

    • You should apologise. 你应该道歉。
      You must apologise. 你必须道歉。

    iiii. 用于表示希望做或者发生的事情:

    • She 's been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass. (我希望她及格)
      There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn't be difficult to find somewhere to stay. (我不认为这会有困难)

    v. should have done sth : 表示不应该做某事:

    • I shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate. 我不应该吃太多巧克力
    2、had better 与 should 的比较

    i. had better 只用在表示某一特殊情况,should用在提出看法劝告的所有情况。

    • It's cold today. You'd better wear a coat when you go out.
      I think all drivers should wear seat belts.

    ii. had better 表示不这么做会有困难或者是危险,should 只是意为it is a good thing to do it.

    • It is a great film. You should go and see it. (如果不这么做,也不会有危险或者困难)
      The film starts at 8:30. You 'd better go now or you'll be late.
    3、can / could / would you。。。?的用法

    i. 表示请求做事:

    • Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the station?
      I wonder if you could help me.
      Do you think you could lend me some money until next week? (这里不用can)
      Would you please be quiet?

    ii. 表示给予:

    • Can i have these cards, please? (在商店)
      Could I have the salt, please? (在用餐中)

    iii. 表示允许:

    • Could I use your phone?

    iiii. 给予和邀请:

    • Would you like a cup of tee?

    I 'd like...是表达愿望的一种客气的说法:I'd like to try on this jacket, please.



    1. 用should 括号内的动词完成下列句子:
      She ________ the exam. She's been studying very hard. (pass)
      YOu missed a great party last night. YOu _________ (com)
      I am i a difficult position. What do you think I ________ ? (do)
    1. 用 should 下列动词完成j句子: buy keep phone wait
      ' Shall i leave now?' 'No, I __________ a bit longer.'
      'Shall I throw these things away?' 'No, you ________ them. You may need them.'
      'Shall I go and see Paul?' "Yes, but you _______ hime first.'
      'Do you think it's worth repairing this TV set?' 'No, you ______ a new one.'
    2. 根据下列情况,完成对话:
      *-* You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer hime your seat.
      You: ____________________________________________
      Man: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you.
      *-* A Friend of yours is interested in one of your book. YOu invite hime to borrow it.
      Friend: THis book looks very interesting.
      You: Yes, it's very good. _____________________________





