

  1. shouldn't have been made public 本不应该被公开

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has acknowledged partying "in a boisterous way" after the release of private videos -- but said she is angry that the footage, which prompted criticism from political opponents, was leaked to the media.

  1. acknowledge doing 承认做过…
  2. boisterous [ˈbɔɪstərəs]热闹的;充满活力的;活蹦乱跳的
  3. release [rɪˈliːs] 公开;发布
  4. prompt 促使;导致;激起

Videos showed Marin, Finland's 36-year-old leader, dancing with friends in a private setting.

  1. private setting 私人聚会

"These videos are private and filmed in a private space. I resent that these became known to the public," Marin told reporters in Kuopio, Finland.

  1. resent 怨恨;愤恨;感到气愤;愤愤不平
  2. become known to 被…知道

"I spent a night with my friends. We just partied, also in a boisterous way. I danced and sang," she said.

The footage shows Marin and five others posing towards a camera and dancing. Another clip appears to show Marin on the floor, singing toward the camera.

  1. pose towards a camera 对着镜头摆姿势
  2. appear to 看起来像…
  3. on the floor 在舞池中央

It had prompted some of Marin's opponents to criticize her behavior as unbecoming of a prime minister. Mikko Karna, an opposition MP, tweeted that Marin should undergo a drug test.

  1. opponent 对手;竞争者
  2. unbecoming 不合时宜的;不相称的;不得体;不合适的;不恰当;不可接受
  3. undergo 经历;接受;进行
  4. drug test 药检

Marin told reporters that alcohol was consumed but she was not aware of any drug use during the party.

  1. consume 消费;吃;喝;饮
  2. be aware of 知道;注意到;意识到

Supporters meanwhile have defended her, and charged critics with applying a double standard.

  1. meanwhile 同时;与此同时;其间;(比较两方面)对比之下
  2. charge with 指责;指控…犯有罪
  3. apply a double standard 采用双重标准

"Why can't she party after work? Do we expect our leaders not to be human beings?" tweeted Ashok Swain, a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Sweden's Uppsala University.

Marin has denied the leaking of the videos was part of a blackmailing scheme. "I am not being blackmailed. These are private videos and they were not supposed to be public," the prime minister said, adding that "they are filmed this summer and in a private home. I am not telling whose home it is."

  1. leaking 泄露
  2. blackmail 敲诈勒索
  3. scheme 计划;阴谋
  4. be not supposed to 不应该…

It's not the first time that Marin's private life has become politicized in Finland. She previously apologized to the public in 2021 after a photo surfaced of her in a nightclub, following Finland's foreign minister testing positive for Covid-19.

  1. politicize 政治化
  2. apologize to 向…道歉
  3. following 紧随…后

"I did wrong. I should have considered the situation more carefully," Marin said in a television interview by public broadcaster Yle at the time.

  1. should have done 本该…
  2. at the time 当时

But she also said she is an "individual, a person, a real person also, even though I'm a prime minister. So, I won't change the way I behave. Of course, I have to be careful what I say because it can be represented as the whole government, but I'm still a person and I will be in the future also."

  1. the way I behave 我的行为方式

