
Gifts of the Heart

自我隔离在家,又拾起了很多年前的爱好。给大家读一个来自、心灵鸡汤 的文章。文章版权归洗灵鸡汤


In this hustle-bustle world we live in, it’s so much easier to charge something on a credit card rather than give a gift of the heart.

“A week before Christmas, I asked myself, “What do I have that will make this Christmas special?” In all the houses we had lived in before the divorce, I had always made time to be the interior decorator. But in this rental house there was little time for decorating and a lot less money. Plus, I was angry about this ugly place, with its red and orange carpets and green walls. I refused to put money into it.

That night, I gave each of the children three pieces of stationery with envelopes. At the top of each page were the words, “What I love about my sister Mia,” “What I love about my brother Kris,” “What I love about my sister Lisa” and “What I love about my brother Erik.” The kids were 16, 14, 10 and 8, and it took some convincing on my part to assure them that they could find just one thing they liked about each other. As they wrote in privacy, I went to my bedroom and wrapped their few store-bought gifts.

When I returned to the kitchen, the children had finished their letters to one another. Each name was written on the outside of the envelope. We exchanged hugs and goodnight kisses and they hurried off to bed. Lisa was given special permission to sleep in my bed, with the promise not to pee until Christmas morning.”

I woke that morning with a bright whisper in my ear. “Wow, Mommy, it’s beautiful!”

Later, we all got up and sat around the tree and opened the few wrapped presents. Afterward the children were given their three envelopes. We read the words with teary eyes and red noses. Then we got to “the baby of the family’s” notes. Erik, at 8, wasn’t expecting to hear anything nice. His brother had written “What I love about my brother Erik is that he’s not afraid of anything.” Mia had written, “What I love about my brother Erik is he can talk to anybody!” Lisa had written, “What I love about my brother Erik is he can climb trees higher than anyone!”

I felt a gentle tug at my sleeve, then a small hand cupped around my ear and Eric whispered, “Gee, Mom, I didn’t even know they liked me!”

In the worst of times, creativity had given us the best of times. I’m now back on my feet financially, and we’ve had many “big” Christmases with lots of presents under the tree . . . but when asked which Christmas is our favourite, we all remember that one.”

New words and expressions

· In this hustle-bustle world we live in 喧闹的世界

· I refused to put money into it.花钱在上面

· As they wrote in privacy 各自私下写

· They hurried off to bed. 讯速上床睡觉

· We read the words with teary eyes and red noses.湿润的眼眶和泛红的鼻子

· I’m now back on my feet financially. 经济状况好转


