
In all cases, the diffusion of gas molecules in ice Ih was found to be much higher than the diffusion of water through ice. The self-diffusion coefficient of ice is known to be highly sensitive to temperature, with values increasing from 10-16 to 10-14 m2/s as the temperature is increased between 233 and 273 K.40 At lower temperatures, the self-diffusion coefficient was found to be even lower, between 10-20 and 10-18 m2/s at temperatures between 140 and 170 K.41-43,我来为大家科普一下关于科技英语阅读常考词汇?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



In all cases, the diffusion of gas molecules in ice Ih was found to be much higher than the diffusion of water through ice. The self-diffusion coefficient of ice is known to be highly sensitive to temperature, with values increasing from 10-16 to 10-14 m2/s as the temperature is increased between 233 and 273 K.40 At lower temperatures, the self-diffusion coefficient was found to be even lower, between 10-20 and 10-18 m2/s at temperatures between 140 and 170 K.41-43

l 翻译:在所有的情况下,气体分子在Ih型冰中的扩散远远高于水分子在冰中的扩散。冰的自扩散系数对温度十分敏感,当温度从233增加至273K,扩散系数从10-16增加到10-14平方米/秒。在较低温度下,自扩散系数也更低, 如当温度处于140 - 170 K间时,扩散系数介于10 - 20至10 - 18 m2/s间。

(1) diffusion:扩散;散布;弥漫;漫射

l 词源分析:词根词缀:dif-分离,分开 -fus-,-ion名词词尾。fus-fus可用词根flu-流动来辅助记忆,流、注入、熔三个动词的画面感其实还是很像的。dif-=dis- 非,相反,分开三个基本意思,都是来自单词two,t-d,wo-I,是非、正反、分开都是二心,表示离开、分开之意。confuse 混淆;effuse涌出流出;fuse融化;futile徒劳的(注入到一个洞里面的,也即渗漏到洞里面,全漏了的,徒劳的)infuse注入;interfuse 混入、混合(把一个东西从中间熔进去、注进去);profuse挥霍的,浪费的,充足的;

(2) coefficient 系数

l 词源分析:efficient:效率高的,(人)有能力的。词根词缀: ef- (= ex- )出 -fic-,-i- -ent 形容词词尾。co-一起,来自come,来,一起!所以本身也包含强调的含义。为什么十分高效的可以表示系数呢?最初是用在数学中,如x2中的2就是系数,那么这就是十分高效的,一下子使得x翻了好多倍。后来才用来表示物理系数。1. (mathematics 数) a number which is placed before another quantity and which multiplies it, for example 3 in the quantity 3x• 系数2. (physics 物) a number that measures a particular property (= characteristic) of a substance• (测定物质某种特性的)系数: »the coefficient of friction 摩擦系数

(3) sensitive 敏感的

l 词源分析:sense:感官,感觉,意义,含义,理解力,判断力。来自古法语 sens, 感觉,知觉,理解,五种感官的功能,来自拉丁语 sensus, 感觉的,知觉的, 感知的,过去分词格于 sentire, 感觉,感知,知晓,来自 PIE * sent, 感觉,可能来自 PIE * sent, 走,离开,送出,词源同 send. 其逻辑关系可能为摸着石头过河,根据感觉找路。引申诸相 关词义。

(4) increase

(5) by:靠近,按照

l 来自 PIE * ambhi, 在周围的。 bhi, 同前缀 bi-, 两。词源同 two。该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:by 词源,by 含义。by的所有的含义都和在…周围、靠近…;例如by有凭借的意思,就是靠近走拢,然后才可以凭借;House prices went up by 10%. by 10%就是靠近10%的意思。

(6) even

adv. 1. used to emphasize sth unexpected or surprising• (强调出乎意料)甚至,连,即使: »He never even opened the letter (= so he certainly didn't read it).2. used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger• (用以加强比较)甚至更,愈加,还: »She's even more intelligent than her sister. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明。 3. used to introduce a more exact description of sb / sth• (引出更精确的说法)甚至可以说,其实,实际上: »It's an unattractive building, ugly even. 这栋建筑毫不美观,甚至可以说难看。


