


Mulan - Rise of a Warrior (2009) (English Subtitles)赵薇版《花木兰》外网好评如潮,海外网友表示:这才是真正的花木兰!



Naomi Shindouvor 6 Tagenme...lol我…哈哈哈Rudezvor 5 Tagen‍♀️‍♀️Leilani Catrosevor 4 TagenMeeeeee 我我我…Ai Saepharnvor 4 TagenI seen this way back, and it’s 10x better then the American version我回过头来看这个版本的,我认为这版花木兰要比美国版的好上10倍。Mario Daniel Rodriguezvor 3 TagenI still prefer this version我还是更喜欢这个版本的花木兰ManticoreROvor 2 TagenSaw this movie waaaaay back and though it was better than even the animated Disney one. It is grounded and well... a good movie with a very good female lead.我早就看过这部电影了,这部电影拍得非常好,很接地气…是一部有着一位非常棒的女主角的好电影。SuseJ Moorevor 2 Wochen (bearbeitet)This Hua Mulan is way better than Disney’s version. It is more honorable to have Mulan not made by Disney. This version of Mulan won many awards and nominations. Strong talented actors and actresses. The film music score is so beautiful and majestic.这版花木兰要比迪士尼版本的好太多了。更值得称赞的是这不是由迪士尼制造出来的木兰。这个版本的花木兰赢得过许多奖项和提名。电影里的男女主角表现得非常棒。该电影的配乐也十分唯美,并且大气磅礴。monique atkinsvor 1 Wochethis is a very beautiful movie indeed. not the typical Mulan but a realistic Mulan.这的确是一部美妙的电影。电影里的木兰并不是我们印象中的典型的木兰形象,却是一个真实的接地气的木兰。


Little Angelvor 1 WocheAgree! I’m not a fan of the animated version of the movie like everyone is. Can’t believe on Twitter everyone was getting mad that Mushu wasn’t in it It was trying to be close to the source material. I don’t like how Disney did make her a princess even though she married a general which is different我同意!我并不是迪士尼动画片版的粉丝。看到推特上每个人都在为迪士尼电影版的木兰没有木须这个角色而生气,这令我感到不可思议(翻白眼)。赵薇版的木兰更接近原始资料中的木兰。我一点也不喜欢,迪士尼将木兰变成一个公主,并嫁给一个与众不同的将军这样的故事情节。alex raltevor 5 Tagen2020 mulan is trash2020版本的木兰是垃圾


Alvin Awvor 3 TagenTotally agreed..... after watch 2020 version only make me wanting to watch this 2009 version again!我完全同意你的看法,在看了2020年版本的木兰后,我只想再看一遍这个2009年的版本!Sharkie Alamivor 6 TagenDisney’s live action is terrible so I found this Chinese version迪士尼的实景拍摄实在是太糟糕了,所以我找到了这中国版的来看。Mark Edison Alvizvor 2 TagenI've watched both. Disney's version is nice, but this is better.我两个版本都看了。迪士尼的不错,但是赵薇这版更棒。Faith Gwapavor 4 Tagen (bearbeitet)I still like this 2009 movie way better than Disney's 2020 version. I didn't mind reading the English subtitles at all.比起迪士尼2020这版我还是更喜欢2009年的这部电影。我一点都不介意这部电影只有英文字幕。ally serlvor 4 TagenI came here after hearing how bad the new Disney Mulan was and I am not disappointed. Holy cow. And the soundtrack is enchanting.我在听说了迪士尼的新版木兰差评后来看这版的木兰,这部电影没有让我失望。电影的配乐也很迷人。Ahmad Naufalvor 1 TagThis is realism. Disney wasted money to create something so inferior.这个版本的木兰更加的真实。迪士尼拍出一部如此粗制滥造的电影纯粹是在浪费钱。Quan Tranvor 2 Tagen (bearbeitet)An 2009 movie that beats an 200 millions dollar movie of 2020 made by a big loser DISNEY! This movie beats the 2020 version in every possible way, the acting, the storyline, 'the 'effects'' and last but not least, the emotions of Zhao Wei compared to the loser Liu Yifei一部2009拍摄的电影,完胜迪士尼花了2亿美元在2020拍的电影,迪士尼是大输家!这部电影在方方面面都完胜于2020版本的,无论是在动作,故事情节,还是在“特效”这块,还有一点但不是最重要的一点,那就是赵薇在电影中的情绪表达表现得比刘亦菲要更好。RVL8Rvor 7 Stunden^this sounds like Donald Trump's review of this movie lol你的影评听起来像特朗普的风格 哈哈哈Joel Diaovor 3 TagenThis movie respect true history of Northern Wei way much more than 2020 Mulan.这部电影比迪士尼版的木兰更加尊重北魏的历史。King inamovor 1 TagHonestly, I never really cared for Mulan. Even the animated version- I cared more for the music, Mushu, and the fact that Lea Salonga was the singing voice and I'm Filipino. And I haven't even seen the 2020 version (tho I have very low expectations at this point). But this Mulan ach what a hero. Forget Disney. I'm marketing this version instead. (I'm not an influencer or anything but I have some friends lol)说实话,我对木兰这个任务一点都不感冒。即使是动画版中-我更在意的也是音乐和木须,因为我是菲律宾人,所以实际上看动画版的时候我更在意配乐中莉萨洛加的歌声。我没有看过2020版本的木兰(虽然我对影片的质量也不抱有期待)。但是赵薇版的这个木兰真的是一个英雄(泪目)。忘了迪士尼吧。我正在到处安利这一版木兰(虽然我没有什么粉丝,但是我还是有些朋友的,哈哈哈)moca bzvor 4 TagenThe real mulan’s story 1,500 years ago was cruel and dark since it was about war and death, this is a much better portrayal comparing to Disney’s fairy tales1500年前真实的木兰故事是既残酷又黑暗的,因为这是一个关于战争和死亡的故事,比起迪斯尼的童话故事来,这部电影更好的展现了这个故事的残酷性。Binura Kandanearachchivor 6 TagenNotice that the runtime in both the 2009 and 2020 films are almost similar. But this film seems to have so much in it while the 2020 film just finishes so fast. The characters are compelling and relatable and the overall story is quite emotional. I even like the sad ending tbh, maybe because i'm a sucker for realistic storylines. Mulan had enough of fighting and now she just wants to spend the rest of her life in her village in pea我注意到,这两部电影的时长都超不多。但显然赵薇版这部电影的内容更加丰富,而相比之下2020版的电影的结尾结束得如此草率。赵薇版电影中的人物刻画得如此令人信服,整个故事情节相当的感人。我甚至喜欢这个悲剧性的结局,也许是因为我更喜欢真实的故事情节。木兰受够了战争,现在她只想在村庄里度过余生。Temujin vangvor 5 TagenThis is still the best Mulan movie.这部电影依然是做好的木兰电影。Ko Ye`vor 3 TagenDislike : Disney CEO迪士尼总裁给这部电影点了踩




owen jacksonvor 1 Wochethis version IS and Will Always Be the BETTER version than the Disney 2020 version.这个版本的木兰永远都比迪士尼2020版的要好



Justbevor 4 TagenI can relate to this Mulan. This one is way better than the 2020 disney crap. The love and the twists and heart wrenching moments are executed perfectly with emotions. The 2020 didn't have the right emotions and failed to execute the moments.我能与这个版本的木兰产生共鸣。这部要比迪士尼2020好得太多了。爱情,曲折的情节还有那令人心碎的时刻,这些感情都很完美得表现出来了。而迪士尼2020的版本没有这样准确的情绪,没有很好的表达出这些情感瞬间。Inai Ace Henna IAHvor 5 TagenBeautiful movie. After disappointed with the Disney's version of Milan, I came here and cried few times. This is the movie that we want to potray the tagline. LOYAL, BRAVE AND TRUE.美妙的电影。在对迪士尼版本的木兰失望之后,我来看这个版本的,看的过程中我哭了好几次。这是一部电影展现了我们想要表达的那些词:忠,勇,真[Meows in cowboy]vor 6 TagenSee unlike the actress from Mulan 2020, this actress knows how to show emotion不像木兰2020中的女主角,这部电影中的女主角懂得如何去表达情绪。Ooi Tze Yuanvor 21 StundenThis is much better! Disney, do your f***ing homework!这个版本好太多了!迪士尼,请做好你的功课!Alvin Awvor 3 Tagen (bearbeitet)This version is the best, no flying phoenix no walking up a vertical wall. I watching it after10yrs later & still is the best. Plain & simple but show what brotherhood is.这个版本是最好了。没有满天飞的凤凰没有飞檐走步的动作。即使是10年之后再看这部电影依然是最好的。简单,质朴,但是展现了兄弟情谊。Hozana Beatrizvor 5 TagenTwitter brought me here推特把我引到这里来了。Mia Ferrarivor 3 TagenI watched this movie years ago and I'm so happy people are finally appreciating it, even if only because they hated the 2020 remake, lol.我几年前就看过这部电影,我很高兴终于有人开始欣赏它了,即使只是因为他们讨厌2020年翻拍的那部,哈哈。MonsterHuntressRoonvor 1 Tag (bearbeitet)What did Disney think they could do that's better than this movie?迪士尼怎么会认为他们能排除超越这部的版本呢?Mpituipit lebornvor 1 TagI just know this movie is existed after watching the 2020 one. And this is seriously badass compared to 2020 one.我看了木兰2020那版才知道这部电影的存在。和2020版的相比,这部实在是太棒了。Zoya khursheed Khanvor 5 TagenNo matter what happen I will not watch the Disney version. .......my respect for mulan无论如何我都不会去看迪士尼版本的木兰……这是我对木兰的尊重Olivia Royvor 2 WochenOh my god this was beautiful. I cried so much I don't think anything can ever replace the spot in my heart that this movie has taken up. I wish there was a happier ending but alas, it was still a very touching one and I don't think I can ever forget this masterpiece!我的天哪,真是太美妙了。这部电影看得我痛哭流涕以至于我不认为还有任何其他东西可以取代它在我心中的位置。我多么希望能够有一个更美满的结局,但是,唉,这依然是一个感人至深的结局。我想我永远都不会忘记这部杰作。


