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If I lived in Dongbei, I most certainly would be twice my size. There are SO many amazing Dongbei foods that I love, and I wanted to share them with you!如果我生活在东北,我的体重肯定要翻番。有太多我喜欢的东北菜了,我想和你们一起分享

评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:回复奖励 转载请注明出处RespectOthersThat was a delightful Dongbei feast!But a bit disappointed to see your fearlessness suffering a slight dent by not trying a teeny weeny bite of that sheep''s crown jewel. :D这真是一个令人愉快的东北盛宴啊!你本来天不怕地不怕,竟然不敢吃羊睾丸,这有点令我感到失望。哈哈Blondie in ChinaRespectOthers haha yeah I should have pushed myself to try it!!!哈哈,是啊,我应该强迫自己尝试一下的。


John TamI heard couples especially men desperate for baby will try it.我听说想要生孩子的夫妻尤其是男方会吃这种东西。FireWallI had my university in harbin dongbei. Oh my gosh, it’s been 12 years. Really reminds my of those days, when I reached the peak of my weight….我在哈尔滨上的大学,已经12年过去了。你的视频让我想起了当初的日子,当时的我是最胖的时候。Paddy ManWhen foreigners stay in China for long time, they will become food rangers.老外在中国待了一段时间后就会成为吃货。xiaofeng wangIn the front row, would love some barbeque前排围观,我喜欢烤肉配啤酒。Blondie in Chinaxiaofeng wang me too lol - I miss Chinese foooooooood我也是哈哈,我太想念中国食物了。kevin chenAwesome videoThose foods looks so good很棒的视频,这些食物看起来很棒。Lonely OwlOof the irresistible 锅包肉. Everything looked so good haha.哇,那不可抵挡的锅包肉。一切看起来都那么好吃哈哈。Michael Liber8Geez Amy you can really eat, but where is it all going? You''re still so slim.哇,博主你真能吃,但是都吃到哪里去了?你还是那么瘦。


impooserHow come you''re so thin? Genes.为什么你还这么苗条?基因。Blondie in Chinaimpooser yeah I thank mum for that! Don’t know how I’m not fat是啊,这得感谢我妈,我也不知道自己为什么不胖。Jordan In ChinaGreat video amy, cant say I have had sheep balls but for sure had some strange foods over the years here in China. Some good and some not so good. Anyways keep up the great content很棒的视频,我不能确定自己吃过羊睾丸,但是在中国期间我确实吃了一些奇怪的事务。有些很好吃,有些不那么好吃。ChineseBlackOlivesheep balls are great. And yes my favorite tie guo dun haha iron pot stew .i prefer guo tie to mantou羊睾丸很好吃的。我最喜欢铁锅炖哈哈。比起馒头,我更喜欢锅贴。Kara Franccinai miss daqing city ❤️❤️我想念大庆市。Jurrasic PigGirl! you can''t eat Dongbei food alone! that''s a strategic misplaning…你不能自己一个人去吃东北菜啊!这是个战略性的错误。Felix LukDongbei dishes are heavier, they have more sauce, seasonings, etc. They are not like more Southern cuisines of which the taste is lighter.东北菜的口味都更重,有更多的酱和调料之类的。而南方一点的菜肴则口味清淡。Michelle SivillaI lived in Guangzhou for two years but never made it north of Beijing. Food looks great!我在广州生活了两年,但是从未去过北京以北的地方。食物看起来很棒!Yanyan AoTrying to make 东北大拉皮 in the US, it takes forever to have the ingredients ready!想在美国制作东北大拉皮,但是食材的准备过程太糟心了。Maddie MitchellI loved this so much! I used to live in northeastern China, and dongbei food doesn’t get nearly enough attention. 我太喜欢了,我以前生活在中国东北,东北食物没有获得足够关注。Blondie in ChinaAhhhh so glad you feel the same - dongbei food needs more recognition! I''ve asked mum to make me guo bao rou for my birthday next week hahaha哈哈,我也是这么觉得的。东北食物应该得到更多承认。我已经要求我妈在我下周过生日的时候为我制作锅包肉。哈哈


Alexandra SanchezI love 串儿, especially in the spring. We’d sit outside with that and order a bunch of beer.我喜欢串儿,尤其是春天的时候。我们会坐在外面吃烤串喝啤酒。kaka kittyDongbei is a bit dangerous now, pay attention to safety东北现在有点危险啊,注意安全。bronwyn wYou should visit tianjin next!! also in the north of china!! :))接下来你应该去天津,也是位于华北。


