
Today is National Day, I very think it is a good time to learn some words about the country. Then one day, we can introduce it, our motherland to our foreign friends, telling them how great it is. ,我来为大家科普一下关于我爱的国家是我的家?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Today is National Day, I very think it is a good time to learn some words about the country. Then one day, we can introduce it, our motherland to our foreign friends, telling them how great it is.

Okay, let's begin!

国庆节 National Day October 1st Happy National Day 国庆节快乐

中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China Normally, we just say "China". We can introduce ourselves to others, saying " I am Chinese" or " I come from China".

首都 capital Our capital is Beijing. We also say ‘Beijing is the capital city.’

国旗 national flag 五星红旗 the five-starred red flag or we just say 'Chinese flag'

官方语言 official language(monther tongue 母语普通话 Mandarin

粤语 Cantonese 方言 dialect 北京话 Beijing dialect

公共假日 public holiday 有八天假期 have eight days off

去旅游 go traveling 居家度假 take a staycation

跟朋友出去玩 hang out with friends 吃火锅 eat hotpot

旅游胜地 tourist attractions 看电影 watch movies

Have you got it? So, why not give it a try, using the above phrases to simply describe your holiday? Have a nice day!

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