
《新概念第二册》用英语读英语来也:第一课课文 私聊






1. 音:用中文学英语,英译汉后实际上变成了“中文发音”

2. 形:基本还保持英语字形,但你发觉没有,有人读读单词发音还可以,但是“咦,那个单词怎么写了?”

3. 义:用中文学英语,“词义”实际变成了“中文词义”。


2) 用英语读英语“阅读”训练:把学过的英语用起来!

Lesson 1 A private conversation


Last week I went to the theatre.

1. Last week,“说”英语:

Well, when we say last week, we mean the week BEFORE this week. And we call the week following this week' next week'.

用英语学英语,把你学过的英语before, following用起来没有?

2. I went to the theatre.“说”英语:

Well, When we go to the theatre, we go to a show, we go to see a performance on the stage. We are not going to the cinema, or we are not going to see a movie.


3. I had a very good seat. “说”英语:

Well when we have a good seat in the theatre, we are sitting quite close to the stage ,yet not too close. We can see clearly what is going on the stage.

4. The play was very interesting.

Well the show, or the performance was interesting, everybody was watching it with great interest.

5. I did not enjoy it.

Well, when we enjoy something, like tea, like food, we are very satisfied with something, we get lots of pleasure from it.

6. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.

Well, when people are in their twenties, or twentysome, or in their thirties, or thirtysome, we say they are young men and young women.

in their twenties, or twentysome, or in their thirties, or thirtysome,多有用漂亮的英语,不用英语学英语,我们哪有机会通过young把它们“用起来”?

sitting behind me:

Well, when people are sitting behind us,they are sitting at our back, ,or at the back of us, not in front of us.

7. They were talking loudly.

Well, when we are talking loudly, we are not talking quietly, we are talking in a loud voice,and everybody hears it.

8. I got very angry.“说”英语:

Well, when you are angry, you are upset, you are frustrated.


9. I could not hear the actors.

Well, I could not hear what the actors were saying.

Well, an actor is a person who plays a role(“扮演角色”没学过?学过用过吗?) in a movie, or in a show.

10. I turned round.

Well,when we turn round, we turn our face ,or our body toward something, or somebody.

11. I looked at the man and the woman angrily.

Well, when you look at somebody angrily, you look at him in an angry way.

12. They did not pay any attention.

Well, when you pay attention to something, you listen to something, you watch something, you care about something.

When you don't pay attention,you mean " I don't care"!

13. In the end,

Well, in the end means at last, or finally, or eventually.

14. I could not bear it.

When we can't bear it, we can't stand it, we can't put up with it, we can't endure it,we can't tolerate it any more

I turned round again.

15. 'I can't hear a word!'

I can't hear the actors!

I said angrily.

16. It's none of your business.“说”英语:

Well, when we say it's none of your business, we mean It has nothing to do with you

17. the young man said rudely.

Well, to be rude means not polite

18.'This is a private conversation!'

Well, a private conversation is a conversation between you and me only, beyween two peopme only.

Well, I know private means something is kept to me only it is not shared by others, or more than two people.

Well, a conversation is a dialogue, a talk, or a communication between two people or two persons.





