
Word of the Day:October 4, 2022onus,今天小编就来说说关于职责承担?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



Word of the Day:October 4, 2022



noun /OH-nuss/ [ˈoʊnəs]

What It Means

Onus is a formal word that means “a responsibility, obligation, or burden.” It can also be used in some contexts as a synonym for blame or stigma. It is usually preceded by the word the.

Onus 是一个正式的词,意思是“a responsibility「责任」、obligation「义务」或burden「负担」”。它也可以在某些情况下用作blame或 stigma的同义词。Onus的前面一般需要 the。

ONUS in Context

“So many of us are solopreneurs, which means we make all of the decisions and the onus is on us to actually follow through on our plans.” — Susan Guillory, Forbes, 18 Aug. 2022


Management has made it clear that the onus is on employees to ask for further training if they don’t understand the new procedures.


Did You Know?

Understanding the etymology of onus shouldn’t be a burden; it’s as simple as knowing that English borrowed the word—spelling, meaning, and all—from Latin in the 17th century. Onus is also a distant relative of the Sanskrit word anas, meaning cart (as in, a wheeled wagon or vehicle that carries a burden). English isn’t exactly loaded with words that come from Latin onus, but onerous (“difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with”) is one, which is fitting since in addition to being synonymous with “burden,” onus has also long been used to refer to obligations and responsibilities that one may find annoying, taxing, disagreeable, or distasteful.

要理解 onus 的词源不该觉得有负担。 就像知道英语从 17 世纪的拉丁语中借用了这个词——拼写、意义和所有内容一样简单。 Onus 也是梵文 anas 的远亲,意思是 cart「推车」(as in, a wheeled wagon or vehicle that carries a burden「如带轮子的货车或载重的车辆」)。 英语并没有很多来自拉丁语 onus 的词,但 onerous (“difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with「难以做或不愉快地做或处理」”)就是其中之一,很适用的于它,因为除了是“burden「负担」”的同义词之外,onus 也长期以来一直是用来指义务与责任会使人会觉得 annoying「烦人的」、taxing「费力」、disagreeable「不愉快的」或distasteful「令人反感的」。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to complete a noun that is a synonym of onus and is also an adjective meaning “necessary”: _ _ p _ r _ t _ ve.



