




母亲的心是一个深渊,在它的最深处你总会得到宽恕。 ——巴尔扎克



The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.——Balzac (1799—1850)母亲的心是一个深渊,在它的最深处你总会得到宽恕。 ——巴尔扎克


A. abyss 可数名词noun [通常使用单数形式C usually singular] abyss , abysses HOLECN: 洞,深渊,无底洞,阴间

1. 文学用语literary : abyss,深渊 a very deep hole which seems to have no bottom。 复数 abysses

2. BAD SITUATIONCN 坏情况,险境,绝境a difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction

1. The US is sinking / plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. 美国这个国家正陷入暴力和法制崩溃的深渊。

2. She found herself on the edge of an abyss.她发现自己要有大麻烦了。

3. He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was done for. 他觉得如临深渊,一步不慎便会永劫不复。

4. How big is the abyss between what you think you are and what you actually are? 你对自己的认识和真实的你之间差别到底有多大?

5. The country was on the brink of an abyss. 国家岌岌可危。

6. He was plunged into an abyss of despair.他栽进了绝望的深渊。

7. It is time I went out of the abyss and freed myself.

8. The US is plunging the world into an abyss of conflicts. 美国正使世界陷入了冲突的深渊。

9. His love had brought her many beautiful dreams, but now it was casting her into a dark abyss. 他的爱曾经带给她许多美妙的幻梦,然而它现在却把她丢进了黑暗的深渊。

10. On every summit you are on the brink of an abyss. 在每一座顶峰上,你都处在一个深渊的边缘。


B. at the bottom of sth.

1. 在......的底部;

2. 是…的真正原因;

3. 是…的根源

1.The result was that the engine of the plane ended up at the bottom of the sea. 结果飞机引擎最终沉到了海底。

2. The old woman lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain. 那位老妇人躺在楼梯底部,痛得呜咽着。

3.The honey runs out of a tap at the bottom of the drum.蜂蜜从鼓形圆桶底部的一个旋塞流出来。

4. At the bottom of the bill, you will notice other expenses such as faxes. 在账单底部,你会发现有传真等其它各项杂费。

5. The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully. 在陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了3名登山者的遗体。

6. She was writing my signature at the bottom of the magazine page. 她正往那页杂志页面的底部签名。

7. A footnote is made at the bottom of the page. 注脚列在书页下端。

8. Ordinary workers in state industry, once favoured, suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the heap. 曾经养尊处优的国企普通工人,突然发现自己已跌至社会底层。

9. This kind of fish usually stays at the bottom of the sea. 这种鱼常沉潜于海底。

10.She is always at the bottom of the class. 她的成绩在班上总是排在最末。

11. Who is at the bottom of all this trouble? 是谁挑起这场纠纷的?

12. At the moment the book you want is at the bottom of that pile, and can't be seen. 你要的那本书现在压在那一堆书的最下面,看不到。

13. At the bottom of the ocean there is very little life .洋底几乎没有生命存在。

14. When the police arrived, he was found dead at the bottom of a lift shaft. 警察赶到现场时,他被发现死在了电梯井的底部。


1、on the bottom of 底下(如水桶外侧的底部)

2、 at the bottom of 底端(如在杂志每一页的底部)

3、 in the bottom of 物体本身的底部(如水桶内侧的底部)






