make sure为什么后面加of(makebelieve和)

make sure为什么后面加of(makebelieve和)(1)

今天介绍一下“make believe”和“make do”两个近义词的用法。先看第一个词。

“make believe”有“动词”、“名词”、“形容词”三重意义,我们先看一下字典中的解释:


1. to pretend or enact a fantasy (动词:假装)

例句:the children made believe they were doctors

2. You use make-believe to refer to the activity involved when a child plays a game in which they pretend something, for example that they are someone else. (名词:小孩子的过家家游戏)

例句:She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.

3. You use make-believe to describe things, for example in a play or film, that imitate or copy something real, but which are not what they appear to be. (形容词:假装的,假象的)

例句:In the video, he danced down a make-believe street.

make sure为什么后面加of(makebelieve和)(2)

“make believe”的动词用法大多以孩童为对象,隐约带有童幻色彩,多出现在儿童题材的影视剧,或童话故事中。如果从成人口中说出,也表示当事人以某种孩童似的口吻进行表达。

另外,“make believe”在作“形容词”和“名词”时,请不要忘记中间的连字符“make-believe”。

再来说说“make do”,先看一下字典:

Collins:to manage with whatever is available

Cambridge:to manage to live without things that you would like to have or with things of a worse quality than you would like

“make do”这个词组的意思是“凑合着用,手头有什么就先用什么”。根据语境的不同,这个词有时会带有淡淡的“无奈”感觉。

make sure为什么后面加of(makebelieve和)(3)


1. We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack. 我们很匆忙,只好将就着来了点小吃。

2. Why make do with a copy if you can afford the genuine article? 如果你买得起正品,为什么还拿复制品凑合呢?



