bbc随身英语第一期 BBC随身英语Humourand

人生不总是一帆风顺,难免会遇到起伏。虽然有些事情会让你感到悲伤难过、心烦意乱,但不妨幽默一把,调侃生活中的不如意。本期 “随身英语” 节目探讨如何笑谈生活的艰辛。

bbc随身英语第一期 BBC随身英语Humourand(1)

词汇:coping 应对

Sometimes life doesn’t seem to play fair. It blindsides you at the most inopportune moments, and even if we can learn to grin and bear the ups and downs, they can take their toll on our psyche. So rather than suffer in silence or let these things get you down, maybe there is another way: what if humour can help you get through the dark times?


According to author and clinician Kristen Lee: “Laughter and tears are both therapeutic – we need both to process such hard times.” But how can we find the tough things that happen funny? Our lives are really serious, often filled with mundane and repetitive activities, whether it’s arbitrary bill paying or fighting for a seat on your commute, we need to make time for fun and play – enjoy the little things. Why not make funny noises to remind you to stop taking things seriously, or learn some silly jokes, just to tell when times get hard? They could make you or other people around you laugh!

作家兼临床医生克里斯汀·李 (Kristen Lee) 表示:“笑声和眼泪都具有治疗作用——我们需要两者来度过如此艰难的时光。”但是,我们如何才能发现发生的艰难事情有趣呢?我们的生活真的很严肃,经常充满单调和重复的活动,无论是支付账单还是在上下班途中抢座位,我们都需要腾出时间来娱乐和玩耍——享受小事。为什么不发出有趣的声音来提醒您不要认真对待事情,或者学习一些愚蠢的笑话,只是为了告诉时间何时变得艰难?他们可以让您或您周围的其他人发笑!

When a hurdle pops up in life, it’s easy to get bogged down – but the way we recount events can impact on our resilience. Rather than see the negatives, look for the ironic moments and tell people about them! Why not write parodies in your spare time about events that take place to help you compartmentalise? Script what happened as if it was happening to a character rather than yourself.


bbc随身英语第一期 BBC随身英语Humourand(2)

We all know that some things in life aren’t fair. But take those events and send them up a bit in your scripts! Sometimes life needs a bit of a roasting to get your thoughts in order, and embracing your comedic side, seeing life’s difficult moments as obstacles that can be made fun of rather than overwhelm you, may help you get through them more easily. And who knows, you may just discover a talent for writing at the end of it.


词汇表:play fair 公平待人blindside 攻其不备inopportune 不合时宜,不是时候grin and bear 咬牙忍受ups and downs 曲折,起伏psyche 精神状态,心灵suffer in silence 默默忍受get someone down 使某人沮丧get through 渡过(难关)tough 困难的mundane 单调乏味的hurdle 难题,难关get bogged down 陷于困境的,停滞不前的ironic 令人啼笑皆非的,有讽刺意味的是parody 戏仿作品compartmentalise 划分成不同部分send something up 调侃某事roast 吐槽,开玩笑embrace 欣然接受make fun of 取笑,那…开玩笑测验与练习

1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to the article, what can some events in life do to our psyche?

2. What does Kristen Lee say is needed to process difficult times?

3. What are our everyday lives normally filled with?

4. According to the article, what things can we do to enjoy life a bit more?

5. What can writing parodies of life help you to do?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I know it was sad, but don’t let it get you _______.

down in out on

2. I heard that the performance was hilarious and the comedians _______ each other.

fried baked roasted cooked

3. Please don’t _______ fun of me! I have feelings.

have make do be

4. We need to really _______ the changes the new boss has made.

embrace psyche hurdle play fair

5. We need to work through this and not get bogged _______ by the minor problems.

on off up down


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to the article, what can some events in life do to our psyche?Sometimes life doesn’t seem to play fair. It blindsides you at the most inopportune moments, and even if we can learn to grin and bear the ups and downs, they can take their toll on our psyche.

2. What does Kristen Lee say is needed to process difficult times?According to author and clinician Kristen Lee: “Laughter and tears are both therapeutic – we need both to process such hard times.”

3. What are our everyday lives normally filled with?Our lives are really serious, often filled with mundane and repetitive activities, whether it’s arbitrary bill paying or fighting for a seat on your commute.

4. According to the article, what things can we do to enjoy life a bit more?You could make funny noises to remind you to stop taking things seriously, or learn some silly jokes, just to tell when times get hard. They could make you or other people around you laugh!

5. What can writing parodies of life help you to do?Writing parodies in your spare time about events that take place could help you compartmentalise.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I know it was sad, but don’t let it get you down.

2. I heard that the performance was hilarious and the comedians roasted each other.

3. Please don’t make fun of me! I have feelings.

4. We need to really embrace the changes the new boss has made.

5. We need to work through this and not get bogged down by the minor problems.


