



1.be born into a wealthy family 出生于富裕人家2.at the age of 在……岁时3.in one’s teens/twenties 在某人十多岁/二十多岁时4.a16-year­-old girl 一个16岁的女孩5.a boy with great ability 一个能干的男孩6.a promising writer 一位有前途的作家7.spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力地去做某事8.have a wide range of interests 兴趣广泛9.get on well with 与……相处融洽10.a considerate person 体贴别人的人11.be willing to help others 乐于助人12.be expert in/at 善于……13.be in good health/shape/condition 身体健康14.depend/rely on 依靠;依赖15.gain scholarship 获得奖学金16.gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名17.be awarded with the title of 获得……的称号/头衔18.make great contributions to 对……做出巨大贡献19.set a good example to sb. 为某人树立好榜样20.to one’s credit 值得赞扬的是


1.His great personality has gained their respect.他伟大的品质赢得了他们的尊重。2.She makes a promise that she will behave herself and set a good example to schoolmates.她承诺,她会表现好的,并为同学们树立好榜样。3.My mother, a housewife of 45 years old, is my favorite person.She is always dressed very elegantly and neatly with a smile of contentment on her face.我最喜爱的人是我的妈妈,一个45岁的家庭主妇。她总是穿着整齐优雅,脸上带着满足的微笑。4.After reading the passage, I was lost in thought.From my own perspective,however busy parents are,they should make time to accompany their children.读完这篇文章,我陷入了沉思。从我个人的角度看,不管父母有多忙,他们都应该挤出时间陪伴他们的孩子。5.It reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best.这使我想起了我的妈妈,她总是尽她所能给予我最好的。



假定你是李华,在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Mike的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助。请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回帖。Hi,everyone,I'm 18 years old and I'm going to a university in Beijing this autumn. My parents insist on going with me to help me with my daily life.But I think I can manage it all by myself. How can I make them change their ideas?写作要点:1.告诉Mike要理解父母;2.给Mike提出解决问题的具体建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。

[范文必背]Hi, Mike,As a student of your age, I understand your situation. I think it is wise of you to go all by yourself. But you need to deal with your problem cautiously. You’d better avoid hurting the feelings of your parents. Here are some of my suggestions.As your parents, they may have many reasons to go with you. This is your first time to be far away from home for so long, and they surely have some worries and wish to see everything go well. So have a talk with them peacefully and listen patiently.And then, express your thanks for all their love and care. Persuade them you can manage everything well this time just as you did many times in the past. Remember to invite them to Beijing when you have already settled down. I am sure they will understand you and take your idea into consideration.All the best. Sincerely yours, Li Hua

04记阅读障碍词汇1.restriction n.限制,约束2.unconscious adj. 不省人事的,未发觉的,无意识的3.impact n.& v. 影响,作用;冲击,碰撞4.mention vt. 提到,说起;提及5.divorce vt. 使离婚,与……离婚;使脱离,使分离6.convince vt. 使确信,使信服,说服7.companion n. [C]同伴;同事8.volunteer n. 义工,自愿者v. 无偿做……;志愿做……9.outspoken adj. 直言的;坦诚的10.bride n. 新娘11.bridegroom n. 新郎12.burglar n. 窃贼,小偷13.concrete adj. 混凝土制的;具体的,实在的14.sponsor n. 赞助商;主办(单位) vt. 赞助;发起15.cooperate vi. 合作


