

B4 U4


1.statement n. 陈述、声明;说法

1) make a statement (on/about)... (关于…)发表声明

2) a public /a written /an official statement 公开/书面/官方声明

state v. 陈述、指出、声明 n. 状况、状态

1) in a good /bad state 状况好/坏

2)in a state of… 处于…的状态

eg: Although he was in a state of depression,he stated his intention to run for election and made a statement about his determination.

2.greet vt (和某人)打招呼、问好;欢迎、迎接

greet sb. (with sth.) (以…方式)和某人打招呼

eg:The actress greeted her fans with her charming smile.

拓展:greeting n.问候、招呼致意;贺词、问候语

send greetings to sb. 向某人致意

greeter n. (餐馆、商店等地)迎宾, 迎候客人的服务员

3.represent vt


eg: A dove(鸽子) represents peace.


represent…as… 把…描绘成…

represent sth. to sb. 向某人描绘某物/事

represent oneself as/to be… 自称是…

拓展:representative n. 代表;典型人物 adj.典型的、有代表性的

be representative of… …的典型/代表

a representative of… ...的代表

representation n. 表现形式、描绘;代表、维护

4.association n.

1) 协会、社团


in association with… 与…合伙/联合

have (no) association with… 与…(没有)联系

1) 联想、联系

拓展:associate vt. 联想、联系 vi 交往、混在一起 n.伙伴、同事

associated adj. 有联系的、相关的

be associated with… 与…相关/有联系

5.1)curiously adv. 好奇地、奇怪地

2)curious adj. 好奇的、奇怪的、奇异的

be curious about… 对…好奇

be curious to do 极想做…

It is curious that… 很奇怪…

curiosity n. 好奇心

with curiosity 好奇地

out of curiosity 出于好奇

Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇害死猫

satisfy /arouse sb's curiosity 满足/引起某人的好奇心


1)Vt. /vi. 靠近、接近、走进

表示"临近、来临、接近"时可用: draw near、 be coming、 be on the way、

be around the corner、 be approaching

eg: Christmas is approaching.

2)vt. 着手处理、对付(=deal with); 接洽、建议、要求

approach sth. 着手处理…

approach sb. about /for sth. 向某人要求

eg: The manager approached the bank for a loan. 经理向银行贷款。

3)n. 距离、时间上的靠近、接近;方式、方法;路径、道理;接洽、建议

an approach to... 通往…的道路;…的方法(此处to为介词)

with the approach /approaches to… 向…要求;与…接洽

eg: All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.

4)approachable adj. 可接近的、能达到的、易理解的


approach : approach to (doing) sth

manner : in a(n) …manner

means : by this means

way : in this way

method : with this method


1) n. 防御、保护、保卫;国防体系、国防机构

in defence 保卫、防守

in defence of…= in sb's defence 为了保卫…;为…辩护

come to one's defence 前来保护某人

eg: I have to say in her defence that she know nothing about in beforehand(在事先).

2)n. 防御物、防务、防御能力

拓展: defend vi./vt. 防御、保护;辩解

defensive adj. 防御的

defenceless adj. 无防御的


1) adj. 大的、主要的、重要的

2) n. 主修课程、专业课

3) v. 主修(与介词in连用) major in 专业 主修….

拓展:the majority 大多数

the minority 少数

9.misunderstanding n. 误解、误会

misunderstanding between A and B A与B之间的误会

注:对事有误会: misunderstand over sth.

对人有误会: misunderstand with sb.

拓展:misunderstand v. 误解、误会 misunderstood adj. 遭误解的、不为人理解的


1)n. 作用、功能、职能

perform /fulfill a function 发挥功能、履行职责

eg: Computers can fulfill an important function if used properly.

2)vi. 起作用、运转

function well/normally 运转正常/良好

function as 起…作用、具有…功能

eg: The sofa functions as a bed at night.

拓展:functional adj. 实用的,功能的,起作用的


1) v. 给人留下好印象,使钦佩

impress sth. on ones mind/memory 把某事铭记在心

impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人意识到某事

impress on/upon sb sth. …使某人铭记….

2)impressed adj 印象深刻的

be impressed with/by 对….印象深刻,被打动

impressed sb. with sth . 使某人对某事物印象深刻

3)impression n. 印象,感想,影响,效果

give(sb.) the impression of /that… 给人以…的印象

make /leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象

4)impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的,令人敬佩的

eg: Bob is a boy of many gifts, Last week, his impressive performance at the concert left a deep impression on me. However, what impressed me most was his decent(得体的) manners.

12.on the contrary 与此相反,恰恰相反(作插入语

eg: It doesn't seem ugly, on the contrary , I think its rather beautiful.

拓展:contrary adj. 相反的 n. 相反的事实

contrary to 与….相反…

to the contrary 相反的

13.be likely to do sth. 可能做某事Its likely that … 可能……..

辨析:lively指"很可能" 作表语时,主语可以是人接to do... It is lively 从句,

不能 for sb. to do...

possible 指可能性不大

probably 指具有一定根据的判断= most likely 很可能

14.in general 通常,大体上,总的来说

= generally speaking= as a general rule 一般而言


"总之一句话说": in a word / all in all / in conclusion

"总的来说": on the whole / in general

15.in place of sb./sth. =in sb's place = take sb's /sth's place= take the place of sb./sth. 代替、顶替

拓展:"发生":take place (有计划地)

happen (偶然地)

in place 在恰当的位置

out of place 位置不恰当

16.at a crossroads 在紧要关头

eg: It's my parents who encouraged me when I was at a crossroads.

17.clean out 把'内部'彻底打扫干净

clean sth. up 打扫干净

clean sth. off 把…刷掉

18.pick up 捡起、拾起、拿起; 搭载、(开车)接人; 得到、听到、学会(偶然);接收(信号、声音、图像等); 取回、收集

19. make up 编造(故事、谎言); 化妆、上妆; 形成、构成; 作出补偿

eg: Sixty students make up our class, one girl of whom once make up in the dorm and was late for class, when asked by the teacher, she make up an excuse.

关于"up"的短语: take up 从事、拿起、占据 save up 攒、节省

put up 张贴 turn up 出现到末

come up 走近、发芽、出版 use up 用光

show up 露面 bring up 养大

20. put sb. at ease 使舒服、自在

at ease 自由自在、舒适

with ease 毫不费力、轻易地

ease (oneself) into (使)熟悉

eg: When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease.

21. lose face 丢脸 in the face of 即使面对

to sb's face 当着某人的面 save one's face 保住面子

make a face= make faces= pull a face 做鬼脸

22. turn one's back to 背对

eg: It's impolite to turn your back to others while talking.

23. up and down 上下波动、起伏; 来回、往复; 时好时坏

up and downs 沉浮、兴衰、荣辱

24. from side to side 左右来回摇摆

eg: The ship rolled from side to side in the river.

25. in most cases 在大多数情况in the case of 就…来说

in case 以防万一、假使、免得 in no case 在任何情况下绝不

in case of… 万一… the case 实情

26. be wrong about 出错、搞错、弄错 what's wrong with…? 怎么了?

go wrong 犯错误、发生故障

eg: The fact proves that we were all wrong about them.


1. be ready to do sth. 准备好做…;愿意做…;乐意做…

eg: He is always ready to help his friends.

be ready for sth. 准备好…;急需某物

eg: I was twenty years old and ready for anything.

2. be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事

eg: I'm perfectly willing to discuss the problem.

3. It is a pity / a shame / a wonder that… 可惜 /遗憾 /奇怪的是…

4. It happens / appears /seems that… 恰巧 /看上去 / 好像…

5. It's said / reported / believed/ announced that… 据说 /据报道 /人们认为 /据宣布

6. "动词 sb 介词 the 表示身体部位的名词"

拍打:pat/strike/hit/beat sb in the 柔软部位(如:face、eye、leg)

抓:catch、seize/grasp sb on the 坚硬部位(如:head、should)

拉、牵:pull/take/hold sb by the 牵拉部位(如:hand、arm、ear)

eg: Don't hit him in the face.

The angry father caught his son by the arm.



