

科学研究的世界呈现出蔓延生长、不断演化的景象。科研管理者和政策制定者需要掌握科研的进展和动态,以有限的资源来支持和推进科学进步。对于他们而言,洞察科研动向、尤其是跟踪新兴专业领域对其工作具有重大的意义。《2022 研究前沿》分析报告仍然以文献计量学中的共被引分析方法为基础,基于科睿唯安的 Essential Science IndicatorsTM (ESI) 数据库中的 12610 个研究前沿,遴选出了 2022 年自然科学和社会科学的 11 大学科领域排名最前的 110 个热点前沿和 55 个新兴前沿。

1·农业科学、植物学 和动物学





















8·天文学与 天体物理学

引力波的观测发现及其引发的相关研究在天文学与天体物理学领域产生了深远影响,众多热点前沿与此相关,如黑洞和中子星等致密天体观测及性质研究、双致密天体并和事件研究等。大型科学任务平台继续发挥极高的影响力,“帕克太阳探测器”(PSP)、“太阳轨道器”(Solar Orbiter)等任务的阶段性和集中产出榜上有名。黑洞、暗物质、恒星及行星系统形成等“一黑两暗三起源”相关的研究主题依旧表现突出。


9·数 学




面对深度神经网络模型的“黑匣子”,XAI 从算法模型生命周期的各个环节介入,通过对数据、模型和结果的解释,解决深度学习机制下技术细节不透明的问题,帮助使用者排除模型故障或提升性能。与传统 AI 相比,XAI 更加注重可信度、因果关系、公平性、透明性和隐私意识,因此,未来在医疗、司法、安全、金融等关键领域具有广阔的应用前景。新兴前沿“可解释人工智能”,重点综述了可解释人工智能技术的发展情况。


11·经济学、心理学 及其他社会科学





四是安全性、有效性和开发 / 批准速度被认为是影响新冠肺炎疫苗接种犹豫的主要因素,这些必须在疫苗接种活动之前或期间解决。



[1] Eugene Garfield. Citation indexes for science: a new dimension in documentation through association of ideas. Science, 122 (3159): 108-111, 1955.

[2] Eugene Garfield. Citation Indexing: its Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities. NewYork: John Wiley & Sons, 1979, 3.

[3] Genetics Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1963.

[4] Eugene Garfield. Citation indexes in sociological and historic research. American Documentation, 14 (4): 289- 291, 1963.

[5] Eugene Garfield, Irving H. Sher, Richard J. Torpie. The Use of Citation Data in Writing the History of Science. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1964.

[6] Derek J. de Solla Price. Science Since Babylon. New Haven:Yale University Press, 1961. [See also the enlarged edition of1975]

[7] Derek J. de Solla Price. Little Science, Big Science. NewYork: Columbia University Press, 1963. [See also the edition Little Science, Big Science⋯and Beyond, 1986, including nine influential papers by Price in addition to the original book]

[8] Derek J. de Solla Price. Eugene Garfield, Essays of an Information Scientist, Volume 3, 1977-1978,Philadelphia: Institute For Scientific Information, 1979,v-ix.

[9] Derek J. de Solla Price. Networks of scientific papers: the pattern of bibliographic references indicates the nature of thescientific research front. Science, 149 (3683): 510-515, 1965.

[10] ibid.

[11] Henry Small. Co-citation in scientific literature: a new measure of the relationship between two documents. Journal ofthe American Society for Information Science, 24 (4): 265-269,1973.

[12] Irena V. Marshakova-Shaikevich. System of document connections based on references. Nauchno Tekhnicheskaya, Informatsiza Seriya 2, SSR, [Scientific and Technical Information Serial of VINITI], 6: 3-8, 1973.

[13] Robert K. Merton. Singletons and multiples in scientific discovery: a chapter in the sociology of science. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 105 (5): 470-486, 1961.

[14] Robert K. Merton. Resistance to the systematic study of multiple discoveries in science. Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 4 (2): 237-282, 1963.

[15] Myer M. Kessler. Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers. American Documentation, 14 (1): 10-25, 1963.

[16] Henry Small. Cogitations on co-citations. Current Contents, 10: 20, march 9, 1992.

[17] Henry Small, Belver C. Griffith. The structure of scientific literatures i: Identifying and graphing specialties. Science Studies, 4 (1):17-40, 1974.

[18] Belver C. Griffith, Henry g. Small, Judith A. stonehill, sandra Dey. The structure of scientific literatures II: Toward a macro- and microstructure for science. Science Studies, 4 (4):339-365, 1974.

[19] ibid.

[20] See note 8 above.

[21] Eugene Garfield. Introducing the ISI Atlas of Science: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1978/80. Current Contents, 42, 5-13, October 19, 1981 [reprinted in Eugene Garfield, Essays of an Information Scientist, Vol. 5, 1981-1982, Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1983,279-287]

[22] ISI Atlas of Science: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,1978/80, Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information,1981.

[23] ISI Atlas of Science: Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics, 1981/82, Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1984.

[24] Eugene Garfield. Launching the ISI Atlas of Science: for the new year, a new generation of reviews. Current Contents, 1: 3-8, January 5, 1987. [reprinted in Eugene Garfield, Essays of an Information Scientist, vol. 10,1987, Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information,1988, 1-6]

[25] Henry Small, ED Sweeney. Clustering the Science Citation Index using co-citations. I. A comparison of methods. Scientometrics, 7 (3-6): 391-409, 1985.

[26] Henry Small, ED Sweeney, Edward Greenlee. Clustering the Science Citation Index using co-citations. II. Mapping science. Scientometrics, 8 (5-6): 321-340, 1985.

[27] Henry Small, Eugene Garfield. The geography of science: disciplinary and national mappings. Journal of Information Science, 11 (4): 147-159, 1985.

[28] Eugene Garfield, Alexander I. Pudovkin, Vladimir S. Istomin. Why do we need algorithmic historiography?. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5): 400-412, 2003.

[29] Eugene Garfield. Historiographic mapping of knowledge domains literature. Journal of Information Science, 30(2):119-145, 2004.

[30] Henry Small. The synthesis of specialty narratives from co-citation clusters. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 37 (3): 97-110, 1986.

[31] Henry Small. Macro-level changes in the structure of cocitation clusters: 1983-1989. Scientometrics, 26 (1): 5-20, 1993.

[32] Henry Small. A passage through science: crossing disciplinary boundaries. Library Trends, 48 (1): 72-108, 1999.

[33] Henry Small. Charting pathways through science: exploring Garfield's vision of a unified index to science. In Blaise Cronin and Helen Barsky Atkins, editors, The Web of Knowledge: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, Medford, NJ: American Society for Information Science, 2000, 449-473.

[34] Edward O. Wilson. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.

[35] Henry small. A Sci-MAP case study: building a map of AIDs Research. Scientometrics, 30 (1): 229-241, 1994.

[36] Henry Small. Update on science mapping: creating large document spaces. Scientometrics, 38 (2): 275- 293, 1997.

[37] Henry Small. Visualizing science by citation mapping.Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50 (9):799-813, 1999.

[38] George S. Davidson, Bruce Hendrickson, David K.Johnson, Charles E. Meyers, Brian N. Wylie. Knowledge mining with Vxinsight®: discovery through interaction. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 11 (3): 259-285, 1998.

[39] Kevin W. Boyack, Brian N. Wylie, George S. Davidson. Domain visualization using Vxinsight for science and technology Management. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53 (9): 764-774, 2002.

[40] Katy Börner. Atlas of Science: Visualizing What We Know, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010.






