ihave headache下一句(headlong头向前地倒栽葱地)

ihave headache下一句(headlong头向前地倒栽葱地)(1)

Word of the Day:June 11, 2022



adverb /HED-LAWNG/ [ˈhedˌlɔŋ]

What It Means

Headlong can be a synonym of headfirst, but it is most often used figuratively to describe something done either in a reckless manner or without pause or delay.

Headlong 可以是 headfirst 的同义词,但是它通常被比喻为鲁莽地做某事或没有休止地完成某事。

HEADLONG in Context

"Joseph Mallord William Turner … was less a British artist of the Romantic era than a fiery experimentalist whose audacious work blazed a path from serene Romanticism headlong into the turbulent realm of Modernist art." — The Boston Globe, 22 Apr. 2022


He's impulsive and often rushes headlong into new endeavors, giving little thought to long-term viability.


Did You Know?

Headlong was born out of the Middle English word hedling, a combination of hed ("head") and -ling, an adverb suffix meaning "in such a direction or manner." Thus, hedling meant "with the head first”; it was originally applied to descriptions of falling, or to downward movement. Likely due to the influence of the words along and long, -ling came to be understood as a variant of the adverb suffix -long, a development that carried headlong, as well as sidelong, along with it.

Headlong 起源于中古英语单词 hedling, hed(“head”)与 -ling (副词的后缀)的组合,,意思是“in such a direction or manner「以这样的方向或方式」”。 因此,hedling 的意思是“with the head first「头在前」”;它最初用于描述跌倒或向下运动。可能由于 along 和 long 这两个词的影响,-ling 被理解为副词后缀的变体 -long,一个突如其来一头扎进和一头栽进的。

Test Your Vocabulary

What is the meaning of the noun headspring?



