


Question 问

What makes a compound subject singular or plural in a sentence?


Answer 答

A compound subject is made up of two or more simple subjects joined by a conjunction (such as and, or, or nor):

复合主语由两个或两个以上的简单主语用连词(如and, or, or nor)连接而成:

· books and movies 书籍和电影

· Cookies or cake 饼干或蛋糕

· (not) you nor I 不是你,也不是我

· she and her mother 她和她的母亲

· South America or Australia 南美洲或澳大利亚

To know whether you should use a singular or plural verb with a compound subject, you need to look at the word that joins the elements of the compound subject.


If they are joined by and, use a plural verb.


· A cat and a dog are walking down the street.

· 一只猫和一只狗正在街上走。

· Cake and ice cream sound delicious.

· 蛋糕和冰淇淋听起来很好吃。

· Teachers and students ride the bus on field trips.

· 老师和学生乘公共汽车进行实地考察。

If they are joined by or, the verb agrees with the element closest to it.


· (Either) Mom or Dad is picking me up today. [Dad is singular, so the verb is singular.]

· 今天不是妈妈就是爸爸来接我。[Dad是单数,所以动词也是单数。]

· A rooster or chickens are making noise in that coop. [Chickens is plural, so the verb is plural.]

· 一只或几只公鸡在鸡笼里吵闹。[Chickens是复数,所以动词是复数。]

If they are joined by nor, the verb agrees with the element closest to it.


· Neither John nor I dance well.

· 约翰和我跳舞都不好。

· Neither the teacher nor the students know what the weather will be like next week.

· 老师和学生都不知道下周天气会怎样。

Additionally, if a compound subject is preceded by each or every, the verb should be singular.


· Each student and parent has an appointment with the teacher.

· 每个学生和家长都和老师有一个约会。

· Every car and truck is inspected by quality control before being sold.

· 每辆汽车和卡车在出售前都要经过质量控制部门的检查。

Finally, when a compound subject acts as a single unit (this will be things that are commonly considered one thing, even though they have the structure of "A and B"), use a singular verb.


· Cookies and cream is my favorite ice cream flavor.

· 饼干加奶油是我最喜欢的冰淇淋口味。

· Cops and robbers was a common childhood game when I was a kid.

· 警察和强盗是我小时候常见的游戏。


