

at first sight 乍一看(之下),一见钟情

I recognized him at first sight.我一眼就认出他了。

catch/have sight of 发现,看到,突然看见

I caught sight of him hurrying away but I didn’t try to speak to him.我见他急匆匆地走着,就没跟他讲话。

In/within sight被见到,看得见;在望

There was no one anywhere in sight. 一个人影都没有。

out of sight 看不见,在视野之外

Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。

sign up 报名,签字参加; 招到,使签约受雇

The school has signed up a number of promising students.这所学校招收了一批优秀学生。

sign on签约受雇用

He signed on as a sailor.他签约当了一名海员。

keep silence保持沉默,不讲话

She insisted on keeping silence.她一言不发。

ever since从那时起(一直到现在)

He went to Turkey in 1996 and has lived there ever since.他在1996年去了土耳其,后来就住在那儿了。

long since很久以前(多和完成时连)

He has married long since.他早就结婚了。

sketch out草拟,画草图;概略地叙述

He quickly sketched out a little drawing of a bridge.

be skilled in擅长

She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.

get/go to sleep睡着,入睡

I can’t get to sleep because of the noise outside.

Slow up/down放慢,慢下来

The train slowed down as it approached the station.

The road is slippery, so he slowed down his car.

or so大约

He was a man of twenty-five or so.

so much as that到这样程度以致…

The clerk as/so much as told me that I was a fool.

so as to以便(表目的);

We picked apples so as to make a pie.

so…as to达到这种程度以致…

He wouldn’t be so careless as to forget her birthday.


something like有点像;大约

The building looked something like a church.

It cost something like ten pounds.

something of有点…,可以说是一个,在某种意义(或程度)上

He is something of a liar(不太老实).他有点贼,

The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village.(颇像一位英雄)

sooner or later迟早,早晚,或迟或早

They are bound to create trouble sooner or later.他们迟早得闯祸。

no sooner...than一…就…

We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke.我们一出发就电闪雷呜。

No sooner had he arrived than he began to complain.他一出现就开始抱怨。

heart and soul全心全意(地)

He loved her with his heart and soul.

to speak of值得一提的

Our loss was nothing to speak of.我们那点损失不算什么。

The country has no mineral resources to speak of.

at a speed of 以…的速度

We were travellng at a speed of thirty miles an hour.

at full/top speed以全速

The motorcar turned the corner at full/top speed. 摩托车转弯不减速。

speed up (过去式过去分词为speeded)使加速,增加速度

I see I shall be late unless I speed up.我想我要不加速就迟到了。

I had to speed up the car.

in spite of尽管;不顾;虽然

In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.

on the spot当场,立即;在现场;处于困境

Tom ruined a machine and his boss fired him on the spot.

The police were on the spot within ten minutes.

I was on the spot then, for I couldn’t pay back the money.

spread out伸开,展开;散开

He spread his hands and said nothing.他摊开手说了个寂寞。

The field was spread out below us.

The captain told his me to spread out.

spring up跳起(身来);(突然)起了,出现;长起来,长出来

He sprang up and rushed to the door.

A suspicion/doubt sprang up in his mind.

The wheat is beginning to spring up.

at stak关系到,在危险中;危如累卵

His life itself was at stake.

Her reputation is at stake.她的名誉不保。

stand a chance很可能,有希望

You don’t stand a chance of getting the job.你找不到工作。

stand by站在旁边;袖手旁观

When the house was on fire they just stood by.房子着火的时候,他们只是在一旁傻站着。


stand for代表;主张,提倡;容许,容忍(多用于否定结构)

What does UNESCO stand for?

I stand for freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color, race or creed(教义).

The teacher wouldn’t stand for free behavior.

stand in one's way阻碍,妨碍,使无法得到

If you want to go overseas to teach, I certainly won’t stand in your way. 如果你想出国教书,我肯定不拦着。

stand out引人注目;杰出,出色

A very tall man stands out in the crowd.

stand out against(在…衬托下)轮廓鲜明;坚决抵抗/反对

The church tower stood out clearly against the sky.

The farmers stood out against the government about the prices of their cattle.

stand up站起身;(论点)站得住脚,成立

A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room.

The charge(指控) you have made would never stand up in court.

stand up for 为…辩护;维护;坚持

I believe you’re innocent and I’ll stand for you anywhere.

stand up to 扛住,经得起;勇敢地面对;坚决抵抗

My old bike has stood up to the bad roads.

A soldier must stand up to danger.

stay up待着不睡,熬夜;没有倒塌/下沉,留着不拆

We stayed up until midnight talking about our work.

As a rule, Christmas decorations stay up until 6thJanuary.

in step协调;同步;合拍

They were walking in step and keeping pace with each other.

step by step逐步地,一步步地

Step by step she taught the little dog to obey her.

step up走上前来;加上,加速

I called for volunteers and John stepped up to volunteer.

When he found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.

take a step 走…一步

take steps 采取步骤;采取措施

You must take every step to keep down expenses.

It was difficult to see what steps could be taken.


stick out伸出;显得突出;坚持到底

His handerchief stuck out from his pocket.

His house is the only brick one and you can’t miss it.

The miners are determined to stick out until they get their demand.

stick to坚持(真理);坚持干(某事);遵循;忠于

If you stick to the truth, you have nothing to fear.

Looking ahead, he decided to stick to his present job.

Flying is simple if you stick to the rules.

I will stick to my brother whatever is said of him.

in stock在贮存中;现有,备有

The store had no more red shoes in stock.

store up 贮藏,储备

During the summer months squirrels store up nuts to eat during the winter.

stretch out 拉长;使维持更长时间

You can stretch this rubber out to twice its length.

We shall stretch out the food until the end of the week.

struggle against 与…作斗争,和…搏斗

The poor have to struggle for a living.

struggle for 为…而斗争/打斗

I struggled with him for a knife.

be subject to 易受…的;惯患…的

All men are subject to death. 人固有一死。

Japan is subject to earthquake. 日本常受地震侵袭。

succeed in在…成功

I didn’t succeed in my first lecture. At any rate I didn’t succeed in making myself understood by you.

succeed to(the throne, etc.) 继承王位等

The prince usually succeeds to the throne after the king’s death.

all of a sudden/on a sudden. 突然,冷不防

All of a sudden the lights went out.

Life seemed on a sudden all empty and meaningless.


be suited for/to 适合,适宜于

You are not suited for the work you are doing now.

She is not suited to such a hard life.

be suited to do适合

That man is suited to be an engineer.

sum up总结,归纳;


The judge summed up the evidence.

He has experienced eyes and summed me up in one glance. 他很有经验,一眼就看透了我。

in support of(作状语)支持…,证明

I’d like to say a word or two in support of the proposal.

be supposed to应该,理应

He is supposed to arrive on the five o’clock train.

You are supposed to have finished by now.

for sure肯定地,有把握地

He said he wounld give us his decision by Friday.

in surprise惊奇地

I gazed at her in confused surprise.


to one’s surprise出乎意料地,使人吃惊的是

To my surprise, the door was unlocked.

switch off /on(用开关)关掉/开启

Shall I switch off/on the light of the room?

be in sympathy with赞同,同情,一致

They are in sympathy with your view.

With this person, I was really not in sympathy.

at table在餐桌边,在吃饭时

When I arrived my friends were already at table.

put/lay one’s card on the table把意见拿到桌面上谈

I’ll lay my cards on the table if you’ll be frank with me.

wait on/at table侍候人吃饭

The girl earned spending money by waiting at table in the school dining hall.

take after长得像,性格像

The boy takes after his father.

Mary takes after her father in being strong-willed.

take apart拆开(机器等);


It’s easy to take a watch apart but difficult to put it together again.

If you hand in work like that, the teacher will take you apart.


Will you take me as your partner?


take away拿走;





Take away your ugly vase and tidy the writing-table.

Some business took me away from the city.

The doctor gave his some tablets to take away the pain.

Take away 2 from 4 and you get two.

His refusal to accept the prize doesn’t take away from his success in winning it.

take care of照料,料理;



She stayed home to take care of the baby. The baby will be taken good care of. It’ll be well taken care of.

She ought to take care of her health more than she does.

I at last learned to take care of spamming(垃圾邮件).

take for拿下来,取下来;




He went up to the third bookshelf and took down a book.

They took down the notes the teacher had written on the blackboard. They have taken down the tent.

A person who is always trying to take others down gets himself disliked.

take for(to be)(错)当作,以为是

Do you take me for a fool? He speaks English so well that he is often taken for a native.

take for granted想当然认为(会是某种情况);



A teacher can’t take it for granted that students always do their homework.

Jim took for granted all that his parents did for him.

I keep telling myself never to take anything for granted.

take in接受(房客等)让…食宿;








The firm may take you in just to please your uncle.

She sometimes takes in work to do at home.

We could hardly take in what was being said.

The article takes in almost all aspects of the problem.

We were completely taken in by his story.

Her eyes were taking in nothing but the beautiful dress.

He’s getting much thinner; he’ll have to take in his clothes.

I take in a daily paper and a monthly magazine.

take into account / consideration把…考虑进去

You must take his illness into consideration/ account before dismissing him.

take it忍受(而无怨言),受得了;


He could criticize others, but he couldn’t take it himself.

I take it from your silence that you don’t want to go.

take it easy慢慢地(不赶急)


Take it easy; the roads are icy.

I am one of those people who dislike a planned holiday; I belive in taking it easy.

take notice of注意;


She passed me in the street, but took no notice of me.

He takes no notice of what is told him.

take notes记笔记

I shall want you to take notes at the meeting.

take off脱下(衣裳等,解(拿)掉;








He took off his wet shoes. He took off his mask.

A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down. He took off down the street at a run.

The government didn’t take the taxes off cigarette.

Bill was tired out so he took the day off.

He took off three pounds after great effort.

The baker took a halfpenny off the loaf.

He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh.

take on接受,从事(某工作);







Is he willing to take on the responsibility?

The supermarket is taking on more assistants.

The pilot refused to take any more passagers on.

His face took on an angry look.

The big man took on two opponents at once.

I didn’t expect pointed shoes to take on, but they have.

At the news of her son’s death she took on like a madwoman.

take out(动手术)取出,割掉;




The dentist took out five of his teeth.

If you take him out you must accompany him all the way.

How can I take out the ink-stains from my blouse?

Mary and John took out a marriage licence.

take over接管;接任(职位)

He is taking over my job while I am on holiday.

Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain?

take up开始学习(某课程),选修;








He dropped medicine and took up literature when young.

Why are you going to take up swimming?

There is another matter which he ought to take up.

When does the new man take up his post?

The meeting took up the whole morning.

The large desk takes up most of the room.

She took up the story at the point where she stopped.

Do you intend to take up his offer of a job?

talk back回嘴,顶嘴

When the teacher told the boy to sit down, he talked back to her and said she couldn’t make him.

talk/persuade into说服;劝说某人做某事

We finally talked father into buying a new car.

talk over讨论,商量;


We must leave them to talk over the arrangement.

You are old school fellows and must have much to talk over.

talk up说清楚点,说大声点;


The tacher asked students to talk up.

He isn’t aftaid to talk up when he disagrees with the teacher.

taste of有…味道(或气息)


It was a special tea which tasted of orange. It has been cooked for too long and doesn’t taste of anything.

tear down撕下来,扯下来;


He tore down the enemy’s flag.

They tore down the old house and built a new one.

teach a lesson给…一个教训

I decided to teach my young brother a lesson after I caught him hurting my cat.

burst into tears突然哭了起来

As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.

in tears在流泪,流着眼泪

She was in tears when she was told what had happened.

keep/fight back tears(努力)忍住眼泪

She fought back the tears as she spoke.

move/affect to tears reduce sb to tears感动得流泪

The old man’s story reduced Mary to tears.

People present were all moved to tears.


I can’t tell one from the other. One should know how to tell good ones for the bad ones.


We all can’t tell the twins apart.

tell from /by从…可以看出

I could tell him by his voice.

in terms of就…来说,从…的角度,用…表示

In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.

lose one's temper发怒,发脾气

I shall lose my temper with you if you don’t try more.

take one’s temperature量体温

The nurse took his temperature and it was normal.

on good/bad terms和…关系好/不好

We are not on good terms with the people next door.

We are on entirely equal terms. 我们的关系完全平等。

come to terms with甘心忍受(某种不愉快处境)

He managed to come to terms with his illness.

make terms with


Obviously they made terms with the enemy.

thanks to由于

Thanks to the doctor I am well again. Thanks to the bad weathrer, our journey was very uncomfortable.

and all that诸如此类

I used to take drugs and all that when I was young.

in that原因,因为;


I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country.

Men differ from animals in that they can think and speak.

that is就是说;即(略为i.e)

John is a New Yorker; that is, he lives in New York.

That’s it / about it.说对了;


That’s it. You’ve described exactly what I felt about it.

She surveyed the supper she had prepared and decided that was it and went off to get dressed before the guests came.

think about想(某人或某事);


What are you thinking about? We’re thinking about buying a new car before the prices go up.

think of想到(某人或某事);



He thinks of himself too much (= He is too self-centered).

I scarcely dare think of what will happen.

Be a good boy and think of your Mama.

think of...as把…看作是,以为…是

You mustn’t think of me as being unhappy.

think out想出;


We’ve got to think out a way to explain it.

The scheme had been carefully thought out.

think over仔细考虑(一遍)

I need a couple of days to think the matter over.

think through想明白

Don’t make a decision until you think it through.

think twice重新考虑,三思(而行)

If I were you, I’d think twice before investing my money in that business.

think up


Jack’s good at thinking up excuses for not working.

on second thought经重新考虑后

On second thought, he decided to stay in England.

at the thought of一想到…,想到时…

I was delighted at the thought of seeing you again.

throw about/around到处扔

He threw his clothes about in his room.

throw away扔掉,放弃,错过


He threw his chances of success. You’re throwing away your money, buying such useless things.

throw back扔回;



He caught the ball and threw it back.

She sat up in bed and threw back the bedclothes.

The attackers were thrown back after a series of fights.

throw off摆脱;




The patient slowly threw off the effect of the illness.

If only he would throw off that bad habit.

He threw off his coat and started work.

His air of innocence threw all of us off.

throw over背弃,抛弃

She threw him over for a tall, dark and handsome Arab.

throw up放弃;



He threw up a promising career and became a teacher.

The smell made me sick and I thought I would throw up.

They threw up a temporary building.

tie up系好,捆上;



Shall I tie up your things in a parcel?

The accident tied up the traffic for hours.

They want to tie the matter up as soon as possible.

ahead of time / in advance提前,在原定时间以前

He didn’t want to go to work ahead of time.

all the time一直,始终

Remind yourself of working hard all the time.

at a time每一次;


Please give me one book at a time.

At a time like this I really don’t have anything to do.

at all times在任何时候,经常

We should at all times be aware of our shortcomings.

at any time在任何时候

I will be your loyal friend at any time.

at no time决不,在任何时候都不

At no time should you give up your dream.

at one time同时;


They all tried to talk at one time.

At one time I used to play a lot of sport, but now I don’t.

at the same time同时;


The two runners reached the finish line at the same time.

He can be very rude but at the same time, I can’t help liking him.

at times有时,不时

She was difficult to understand at times.

for the time being暂时

What you have given us is enough for the time being.

for the first time第一次

He visited Hong Kong for the first time at the age of 7.

from time to time不时地

She sent pocket money to him from time to time.

in no time立即,立刻;马上

With five hungry boys seated at the table, the food disappeared in no time.

in time及时地,在规定时间;



The doctor came in time to save his life.

You’ll get used to the life here in time.

John didn’t play his piano piece in time.

kill time消遣

He killed time by reading newspaper while waiting.

on time准时,正点;


He rarely gets to work on time.

You can buy things at he department store on time.

once upon a time(故事的开头)从前

Once upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly son.

take one’s time慢慢来,不着急

It’s better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.

all too实在太…

The holidays were all too short.

cannot be …too…怎么…也不会过分

You can’t be too careful when crossing a busy street.

none/not too并不太,一点也不

This coat is none too big for me.

on(the) top of在…之上;


I put your bag on (the) top of mine.

He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.

keep in touch with保持联系,了解情况

The salesman kept in touch with the office by phone.

be in touch with和…有联系

Are you still in touch with your old friends?

get/be out of touch with脱离,不了解,失去联系

I have been out of touch with the old place for a great many years.

(be) in trouble有烦事,有困难,出事

I am in great trouble. My little boy has fallen off a ladder.

have trouble in doing…有困难,费事

I had some trouble in reading the letter.

Have trouble with(打交道/应对)有困难

This was the first time that I had serious trouble with an employer.

come true(希望等)实现,成为现实

He said I should be a lawyer and it has come true.

try for谋求,争取

I don’t think I have a particularly good chance of getting the job, but it’s certainly worth trying for.

try on试穿,试衣帽;



Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them were satisfied. I told her it was no good trying on that sort of thing with me.

He tried his new teaching method on me.

try out试用,试验,试试;


We’ll try it out and see whether it works.

“I wonder if you can solve this problem.” “I shan’t know until you try me out.

by turns轮流,交替地


There were eight of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.

They laughed and cried by turns.

in turn依次,轮流,一个挨一个地;


They answered the teacher’s questions in turn.

He stayed with Bill till midnight, comforting him and being comforted in turn.

on the turn快涨潮了,将好转;


The condition of the patient seems to be on the turn.

This cream is on the turn.

take turns轮流做(某事)

We took turns in guarding the treasure.

turn against转而反对,变得对…不满;


After the war, the people turned against their president.

She turied the children against their father.

turn away



She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.

Because the lecture hall was full, many people were turned away.

turn down拒不接受;


The company turned down the suggestion of shorter working hours. The theater lights were turned down.

turn in上床睡觉;




The campers usually turned in as soon as it got dark.

Bill is hard-working and he turns in two essays a week.

Students are reqested to turn their books at the end of term. He was afraid that the farmer would turn him in for stealing chickens.

turn into变为;



Fortunately, it turned into a nice day.

All the buildings have been turned into hospitals.

Can you turn the text into good English?

turn off关(水源等);



Please turn off the wireless; it’s too noisy.

We turned off the motorway at exit 31.

People with loud voices turn me off.我不喜欢大声讲话的人。

turn on开(收音机等);





He turned on his bath water.

Rock music really turns me on. There’s no need to turn on me just because the rain spoiled the picnic.

The success of a party turns on the guests invited.

Our conversation turned mainly on what was to be done when the battle was over.

turn out关掉(电灯或煤气);


A. 跟形容词或副词;

B. 跟不定式tobe ;

C. 跟从句;

D. 跟其它结构



He turned out the light and went upstairs.

The examination turned out easy.

She will put the blame on us and if it turns out badly.

The meeting turned out to be very interesting.

It turns out that this method doesn’t work well.

The accident turned out a disaster. It didn’t turn out like that. The factory turns out bicycles.

The whole town turned out for the parade.

turn one's back on / upon不理睬,不肯帮忙,脱离

I appealed to my father for help, but he turned his back on me. He has turned his back on his past way of life.

turn over移交,交给;





Bob turns over all the money he earns to his wife.

He turned ove a page or two, but was not interested.

This shop turns over no less than 100 dollars a day.

When his alarm went off, he just turned over on the sofa.

The car struck the tall tree and turned over.

turn to找(某人寻求帮助等);





They always turn to me when they are in trouble.他们有困难的时候总是找我帮忙。

I turned to many well-known reference books for help.

The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.

He turned his energies to completing the job.

The children turned to and cleared the dishes away.孩子们把菜吃完了。

turn up来赴约(开会),出席(活动);









I was expecting Peter at ten, but he didn’t turn up.

The lost papers have turned up at a small town.

We don’t know what will turn up in the future.

Turn up the dictionary if you can’t spell the word.

Turn up the gas; vegetables should be cooked quickly.

He turned up the coat collar because of the wind.

The police searched the house hoping to turn up more clues. The sight of blood quite turned me up.

Investment is turning up sharply in the textile(纺织品) market.

be up against面临(困难等)

When you are up against torturers and tyrants(折磨者;暴君) in your life, you have to adapt yourself.

up to 至某个数量;


(=up till)

The lift can hold up to ten people.

The water came up to his chin.

Up to now, the work has been easy.

up and down来回地,上下(颠簸);


People were walking up and down in front of the school.

I’ve been up and down recently; I really need a holiday.

come into use开始使用

When did this word come into use?什么时候用到这个单词?

go out of use停止使用

Pesticides are gradually out of use on the farm.农场上逐渐不用杀虫剂了。

(be)in use在使用着

That textbook is no longer in use.

make use of利用,使用

She was making full use of her opportunity.

use up用完,耗尽;花完

They used up their money at the end of their holiday.

be used to习惯于(接名词或代词)

I am used to loneliness.

He has become used to the life here.他习惯了这里的生活。

I’m not used to being treated like that.那样对我,我不习惯。

used to过去常常(现在已不如此)

We used to grow beautiful roses. Did you use to play football? You usedn’t to make such a mistake. She didn’t use(d) to do it, did she? There used to be some trees in the field, use(d)n’t / didn’t there?

(be) of use有用处,起作用

I don’t want it. But it may be of use to someone.

do/try one's utmost竭力,尽全力

He is doing his utmost to please her.他尽全力来取悦她。

in vain徒劳,白辛苦;

He tried in vain to open the locked door.

All our efforts were in vain.我们的辛苦白费了。

a point of view观点,着眼点(viewpoint.n.)

In spite of his opposition, he respected his son’s point of view.

in view of鉴于,考虑到;由于

In view of what you tell me about it, I shall not go there.

In view of his youth, the police decided not to continue with the case against.

on view(在)展出

The handwork of the pupils in on view to the parents.

warn against让…提防

My parents warned us against strangers.

without warning事前不通知就…,突然(无预兆)

He walked out without a word of warning.

The ice cracked without warning and he fell into the water.

watch out for提防,当心;


You must always watch out for the traffic here.

Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.

all the way

the whole way全程,一直地

Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree.

Consequently I had to walk the whole way.

by the way顺便提一下,另外

By the way, don’t mention me to Mary.

by way of通过…方法,作为


He did it by way of apology.

He drove to Beijing by way of Tianjin.

in a / one way在某种程度上

In a way I agree with you about the matter.

in a big way大规模地,盛大地

They have started to grow vegetables in a big way.

in a small way小规模地,简朴地

They lived in a small way near the coast.

in every way在各方面,以各种方式

She was delighted with the book in every way.

in many ways在很多方面

In many ways he reminded me of his elder brother.

in no way决不,一点也不

In no way can we allow this to continue.

(in) one’s own way


Do it (in) your own way if you don’t like my way.

in the way / in the way of /in one’s way挡道的,妨碍人的

That chair is in the way; please move it.

You will anger him if you are in his way.

in the way of在…方面, …这类东西;


We can afford very little in the way of luxuries nowadays

We have to take the rough with the smooth; it’s all in the way of business.

out of the way偏僻的,很少人去的;


We have bought a little cottage, quite out of the way.

They live in an out-of-the-way house in the country.

There is nothing out of the way about walking ten miles.

lead the way引路,带路;示范

I know the path well; let me lead the way.

lose one’s way迷路

The child lost his way in the woods.(树林)

make one’s way到某地,(向某地)走去;


She hurriedly left the living-room and made her way to bed.她急忙起身离开客厅,径直去睡了。

He has made his own way without any help.

on the way (to)(状语)在去…的路上/时候;


I dropped in on Mr. Smith on my way back/to the city.

He is well on his way to becoming a famous singer.他渐渐变成了一位著名歌手。

under way在进行中,前进着

All the preparations are well under way.

We have several plans under way.

wear off磨掉,擦掉;



Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone. The paint on your nails will wear off soon.

My headache is wearing off.我的头不痛了。

wear out穿破,穿旧,用旧;




Children wear out their shoes very quickly.

Clothing seems to wear out in no time nowadays.

The game wore him out.玩游戏把他累坏了。

He was worn out with all the hard work.

How can we wear out this dull afternoon?我们如何打发这个无聊的下午?

weep away一直哭着;


Is she still weeping?

She has been crying all day.

I’m so sad that I could weep the whole afternoon away.

weep out


The child has wept out its sorrow and is asleep.

weep over


It’s no use weeping over what can’t be helped.

What if...?倘使…将会怎么样/如何?

What if he comes back?

What if she finds out that you have lost her book?

once in a while偶尔,有时;每隔一些时候

They go out together once in a while but not very often.

as a whole总的来说,作为整体

We must examine these problems as a whole.

on the whole总的来说,大体上

On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.

in the mass总体上,一般地

The design in the mass is good.

wind up






1. 跟名词;

2. 跟形容词;

3. 跟介词短语;

4. 跟现在分词

Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.

I forgot to wind my watch up, so of course it stopped.

I must wind up this letter and get on work on the other.

I hope the boring speaker will soon wind up.

In spite of people’s opinions, she wound up the winner.

He is sure to wind up bankruptcy.

Be careful! You would wind up by getting hurt.

I’ve never dreamt that I would wind up owning a house.

wipe out擦掉;




He wiped out with an eraser the words on the blackboard.

Make sure the inside of the bottle was wiped out.

We must make every effort to wipe out injustice in the system. After the attack, the entire city was wiped out.

wish for希望得到/有,盼望

I couldn’t wish for a better son than I’ve got.

There is no point in wishing for a miracle.


It’s a wonder (that)真奇怪,真是令人惊奇

It’s a wonder (that) you didn’t lose your way in the dark.

What a wonder (it is) (that) he didn’t miss the train.


No wonder...难怪…,怪不得…

It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much.

(It’s) No wonder (that) he didn’t want to go.

in other words换句话说,也就是说

I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else—in other words, I was wasting my time.


keep one's word遵守诺言

You must keep your word if you promised to take the children to the cimema.

Words fail…说不出话来,无法形容(多么吃惊、震惊、不高兴等)

When he told me what he’d done, words failed me.

Ed told me he paid 200 dollars. Words failed me.

work at学习,研究,写作,致力于;


He worked at his biology/at a new invention.

There is no easy way round the difficulty; you’ll just work at it.

work on从事(某工作)(可译成:造,创作,画,做,草拟,设计,研究,致力于等);



We are still working on some wood-cuts. When we began to work on the new design several difficulties arose.

I work on perfecting my style before trying new things.

Can you work on the director?

Some pills work on the nerves and make people more relaxed.

work out(使)慢慢出来;







The small piece of dust in your eye should work out by itself.

We must work out a better method of saving paper.

We must work out how we are going to do it.

Have you worked out how much it costs to feed a child?

I can’t work out the meaning of this poem.

Things will work out if you will just be patient.

John works out in the gym two hours every day.


be worth it值得这样做

We had to work hard, but it has been worth it.

be worth doing值得(做)

His suggestions are worth considering.

and/but yet而,然而

I offered him still more, and yet he wasn’t satisfied.

She’s a funny girl, but yet you can’t help liking her.

as yet(到目前/那时为止)还(多用于否定)

We have not succeeded as yet.

He has not as yet made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.

by yourself你独自地,你独立地

Did you walk across the country all by yourself?

be yourself身体正常(没有不舒服)

Are you very tired? You don’t seem yourself today.



