

原译文:Despite the lack of coordination between urban development and ecological environment,

改后:Despite the incongruity between urban development and ecological environment,

分析:the lack of coordination是缺乏协调,没有问题,但不够简洁,不如incongruity简洁表示不相称,不协调。一个词比三个词简洁。

The incongruity of something is its strangeness when considered together with other aspects of a situation. 不协调; 不适宜; 不相称

• She smiled at the incongruity of the question.她面对这样突兀的问题露出了微笑。

Incongruity的形容词 incongruous 也很常用。

Someone or something that is incongruous seems strange when considered together with other aspects of a situation. 不协调的

• She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform.她人瘦小,穿上军装显得很不协调。



1. His behaviour was not in keeping with the solemn occasion. 他的举止与这庄严的场合不协调。

2. the mismatch between the demand for health care and the supply 医疗保健供求之间的不协调

3. The sleeves were not proportional to the length of the blouse.


4. her eyes and her brain seemed to be seriously out of sync.她的眼睛和头脑看上去好像极不协调。

5. The new bridge doesn’t tone in with the buildings around it. 新桥和周围的建筑物不协调。

6. The modern furniture was out of keeping with the old house. 这套现代家具与老房子不协调。

7. Lee’s diet is not compatible with his active lifestyle.李的饮食跟他活跃的生活方式不协调。

8. Prices for beef and cattle appear to be out of alignment.牛肉和牛的价格似乎不协调。

9. an industry that is not attuned to the demands of the market.与市场需求不协调的工业

10. A dark wooden table wouldn’t fit with the decor in here.深色木桌与这里的装饰不协调。

11. The carpet doesn’t blend in with the rest of the room.这块地毯与房间里的其他东西不协调。

12. The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.那栋新楼与周围环境不协调。

13. The discord between indigenous and Western cultures.本土文化和西方文化之间的不协调。新牛津14. The blue curtains clash against the brown furniture.蓝色窗帘与褐色家具很不协调。

15. A black and white print may jar with these colours.黑白印花配这些颜色可能会不协调。

16. The party is clearly out of step with voters.

很明显, 那个党派与投票人不协调。

17. His salary is out of line with his workload.



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