php网站后台入口 PHP论坛管理系统

php网站后台入口 PHP论坛管理系统(1)



<?php require_once('Connections/bbs.php'); ?>


if (!isset($_SESSION)) {



$MM_authorizedUsers = "";

$MM_donotCheckaccess = "true";

// *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page

function isAuthorized($strUsers, $strGroups, $UserName, $UserGroup) {

// For security, start by assuming the visitor is NOT authorized.

$isValid = False;

// When a visitor has logged into this site, the Session variable MM_Username set equal to their username.

// Therefore, we know that a user is NOT logged in if that Session variable is blank.

if (!empty($UserName)) {

// Besides being logged in, you may restrict access to only certain users based on an ID established when they login.

// Parse the strings into arrays.

$arrUsers = Explode(",", $strUsers);

$arrGroups = Explode(",", $strGroups);

if (in_array($UserName, $arrUsers)) {

$isValid = true;


// Or, you may restrict access to only certain users based on their username.

if (in_array($UserGroup, $arrGroups)) {

$isValid = true;


if (($strUsers == "") && true) {

$isValid = true;



return $isValid;


$MM_restrictGoTo = "admin_login.php";

if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) {

$MM_qsChar = "?";

$MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";

if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0)

$MM_referrer .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

$MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer);

header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo);





$keyword=$_POST[keyword]; //定义keyword为表单中"keyword"的请求变量

if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {

function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotdefinedValue = "")


if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {

$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;


$theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);

switch ($theType) {

case "text":

$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";


case "long":

case "int":

$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";


case "double":

$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";


case "date":

$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";


case "defined":

$theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;



return $theValue;



$currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];

$maxRows_rs_bbs = 20;

$pageNum_rs_bbs = 0;

if (isset($_GET['pageNum_rs_bbs'])) {

$pageNum_rs_bbs = $_GET['pageNum_rs_bbs'];


$startRow_rs_bbs = $pageNum_rs_bbs * $maxRows_rs_bbs;

mysql_select_db($database_bbs, $bbs);

$query_rs_bbs = "SELECT bbs_Main.bbs_ID, bbs_Main.bbs_Time,bbs_Main.bbs_Hits, bbs_Main.bbs_Title,bbs_Main.bbs_url, bbs_Main.bbs_email,bbs_Main.bbs_sex, bbs_Main.bbs_Face,bbs_Main.bbs_Content, bbs_Main.bbs_Name,COUNT(bbs_Ref.bbs_Main_ID) AS ReturnNum, MAX(bbs_Ref.bbs_ref_Time) AS LatesTime FROM bbs_Main LEFT OUTER JOIN bbs_Ref ON bbs_Main.bbs_ID=bbs_Ref.bbs_Main_ID where bbs_Title like '%".$keyword."%' GROUP BY bbs_Main.bbs_ID ";

$query_limit_rs_bbs = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_rs_bbs, $startRow_rs_bbs, $maxRows_rs_bbs);

$rs_bbs = mysql_query($query_limit_rs_bbs, $bbs) or die(mysql_error());

$row_rs_bbs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_bbs);

if (isset($_GET['totalRows_rs_bbs'])) {

$totalRows_rs_bbs = $_GET['totalRows_rs_bbs'];

} else {

$all_rs_bbs = mysql_query($query_rs_bbs);

$totalRows_rs_bbs = mysql_num_rows($all_rs_bbs);


$totalPages_rs_bbs = ceil($totalRows_rs_bbs/$maxRows_rs_bbs)-1;

$queryString_rs_bbs = "";

if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {

$params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

$newParams = array();

foreach ($params as $param) {

if (stristr($param, "pageNum_rs_bbs") == false &&

stristr($param, "totalRows_rs_bbs") == false) {

array_push($newParams, $param);



if (count($newParams) != 0) {

$queryString_rs_bbs = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));



$queryString_rs_bbs = sprintf("&totalRows_rs_bbs=%d%s", $totalRows_rs_bbs, $queryString_rs_bbs);


<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


<style type="text/css">


body {

margin-top: 0px;

background-color: #FFF;


body,td,th {

font-family: 宋体;

font-size: 12px;


.style18 {color: #FFFF00}

.style25 {font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;}

.STYLE26 {font-size: 16px}

a:link {

text-decoration: none;

color: #000000;


a:visited {

text-decoration: none;

color: #000000;


a:hover {

text-decoration: none;

color: #FF0000;


a:active {

text-decoration: none;

color: #000000;


.STYLE28 {

font-size: 13px;

color: #FFFFFF;





<table width="764" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td width="764"><img src="http://img.studyofnet.comimages/1副本.gif" width="764" height="179" /></td>



<td height="30" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td width="339" height="30"><table width="100%" height="30" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td valign="middle"><form action="" name="form1" id="form1">

<div align="center">查询主题:

<span class="style18">

<input name="keyword" type="text" id="keyword8" value="" size="30" />

</span><span class="style18">

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="查询" />






<td width="425"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td width="67%"><table border="0">


<td><?php if ($pageNum_rs_bbs > 0) { // Show if not first page ?>

<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_rs_bbs=%d%s", $currentPage, 0, $queryString_rs_bbs); ?>">第一页</a>

<?php } // Show if not first page ?></td>

<td><?php if ($pageNum_rs_bbs > 0) { // Show if not first page ?>

<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_rs_bbs=%d%s", $currentPage, max(0, $pageNum_rs_bbs - 1), $queryString_rs_bbs); ?>">前一页</a>

<?php } // Show if not first page ?></td>

<td><?php if ($pageNum_rs_bbs < $totalPages_rs_bbs) { // Show if not last page ?>

<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_rs_bbs=%d%s", $currentPage, min($totalPages_rs_bbs, $pageNum_rs_bbs 1), $queryString_rs_bbs); ?>">下一个</a>

<?php } // Show if not last page ?></td>

<td><?php if ($pageNum_rs_bbs < $totalPages_rs_bbs) { // Show if not last page ?>

<a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_rs_bbs=%d%s", $currentPage, $totalPages_rs_bbs, $queryString_rs_bbs); ?>">最后一页</a>

<?php } // Show if not last page ?></td>



<td width="33%"><div align="right"><a href="bbs_add.php"><img src="http://img.studyofnet.comimages/postnew.gif" width="72" height="21" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="admin_login.php"><img src="http://img.studyofnet.comimages/Editor.gif" width="59" height="20" border="0" /></a></div></td>







<td><table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#66CCFF" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" >


<td width="5%" height="29" background="../froum/images/dow3.gif">心情</td>

<td width="20%"> 发言主题 </td>

<td width="10%">作&nbsp;者</td>

<td width="9%"> 回复 </td>

<td width="16%"> 最新回复</td>

<td width="5%"> 阅读</td>

<td width="15%"> 发布时间</td>

<td width="10%">修改</td>

<td width="10%">删除</td>


<?php if ($totalRows_rs_bbs > 0) { // Show if recordset not empty ?>

<?php do { ?>


<td><img src="<?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_Face']; ?>" alt="" name=""></td>

<td height="40"><a href="del_reply.php?bbs_id=<?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_ID']; ?>"><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_Title']; ?></a></td>

<td><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_Name']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['ReturnNum']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['LatesTime']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_Hits']; ?></td>

<td><?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_Time']; ?></td>

<td><a href="upd_title.php?bbs_ID=<?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_ID']; ?>"><img src="http://img.studyofnet.comimages/write.gif" width="16" height="16"></a></td>

<td><a href="del_title.php?bbs_ID=<?php echo $row_rs_bbs['bbs_ID']; ?>"><img src="http://img.studyofnet.comimages/dele.gif" width="16" height="16"></a></td>


<?php } while ($row_rs_bbs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_bbs)); ?>

<?php } // Show if recordset not empty ?>

<?php if ($totalRows_rs_bbs == 0) { // Show if recordset empty ?>


<td height="20" colspan="9">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="STYLE26">目前没有发表任何主题 </span></td>


<?php } // Show if recordset empty ?>


<td height="40" colspan="9" bgcolor="#4DAFFE"><span class="STYLE28">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Copyright @ 2011 Inc.All rights reserved. 论坛之家 </span></td>











