
25.as much,as many, as much as, 和as good asas much和as many均可表示同样的数目,前者用于不可数名词(the same amount of),后者用于可数名词,“一样多”(the same number of )As much还可以表示同样的事情,表示“也,同样,相应”As much as 表示“和……一样多,几乎等于,与……同类,和……一样,与……同程度,尽……那么多,多达”As good as表示“简直是,(实际上)等于,和……一样”例如:,今天小编就来说说关于高考形容词副词真题?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



25.as much,as many, as much as, 和as good as

as much和as many均可表示同样的数目,前者用于不可数名词(the same amount of),后者用于可数名词,“一样多”(the same number of )。As much还可以表示同样的事情,表示“也,同样,相应”。As much as 表示“和……一样多,几乎等于,与……同类,和……一样,与……同程度,尽……那么多,多达”。As good as表示“简直是,(实际上)等于,和……一样”。例如:

He as good as told me so. 他实在是这么告诉我的。

I like you as much as he. 我喜欢你如同他喜欢你一样。

He gave me a look as much as to say “ Mind your own business.”他看了我一眼,好像是说“少管闲事”。

26.more than和more...than


We we are doing today is more thandonating some money.今天我们所做的不只是捐一些钱。(不仅是,不只是)

This more thansatisfied me. (十分,极为)

He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。

The man is morekind thanwise.那个人善良有余,智慧不足。

He is more of apoet thana king.与其说他是一个国君,不如说他是一个诗人。

27.not so much...as, not ...so much as和not so much as

前两个表示“与其说……还不如说”或“更多的是……而不是”。More ...than, better...than, rather...than, not...but也都可表达这个意思。Not so much as表示“甚至连……都不”。not even, without even, never so much as, without so much as也都是这个意思。但要注意的是not so much that...as that和not so much that...but that表示“倒还是……而是”例如:

It wasnt so muchhis appearance I like as his personality.与其说我喜欢外表,倒不如说我喜欢他的品格。

Experience shows that success is not so muchdue to ablility asto zeal.

=Experience shows that success is less due to ability than to zeal.

=Experience shows that success is due to zeal rather thanto ability.

=Expearance shows that success is moredue to zeal thanto ablility.


She can not so much aswrite her own name.她甚至连自己的名字都不会写。

It wasnt so much thathe dislikes the book as thathe just doesn’t understand it.


28.Nothing less than的含义

nothing less than与little less than和no less than 同义,意为“和……一样,不亚于,完全是,简直是”。例如:

That’s nothing less than kidnapping.那简直和绑架一样。

He is nothing less thantelling a lie.他纯粹是在说谎。

30.Little与think, expect, dream, imagine, realize, know等连用时,是副词,相当于not at all。例如:

He little realized that it was a golden opportunity.


31.Pleasing, pleased和pleasant

pleasing指某物或某人“使他人高兴,招人喜爱”;pleased指外物作用于人的感官,使人感到“高兴,满意,喜欢”,常用的结构有:be pleased +不定式,be pleased with, be pleased at (about), be pleased +从句等;pleasant意为“愉快的,舒畅的,非常好的,讨人喜欢的,风趣的。例如:

The student has a pleasingmanner.


I am quite pleased that she has got such a good opportunity.


He talked in a pleasant way.


32.Last but one, last but not least和the last+不定式

last but one意为“倒数第一”,last house but three意为“倒数第四家”,next turning but one意为“第二个转弯处”;last but not least意为“虽是最后的但却并不是最不重要的”;the last+名词可以表示“最不值得,最不合适,最不可能,决不会”等。例如:

Jane lives in the next house but one.


Oh, yes, last but not least, each of us should carry some plastic bags for storing waste things.


The is the last thinghe should do.


He is the last manI want to see.我最不愿意见到他。

You should be the last manto talk about your own contributions.


33.Last week和the last week


I was quite busy last week.

我上周非常忙。(=during the week before this one)

I have been quite busy the last week.

我过去7天来一直很尽快。(=the past week)(during the seven days up to today)

Last year saw great changes in the world.

去年,世界发生了很大的变化。(the year up to last December)

The last yearhas been one of great changes.

过去的12个月中发生了巨大的变化。(=the twelve months up to now)

34.after all和after all+名词的差异


After all my adivce,he insisted on carrying on alone.


I think we should let things be. After all,there is little we can do.


35.Not so...but (that, what)和not such a ...but

这两个词组意为“还是如此……以至于不”;not but that和not but what可以表示让步相当于although;有时but that可引导条件状语从句,作“如果……不”。例如:

He is notsuch a fool but thathe can see it.


I can’t help him, not but whatI pity him.


But thatI saw it, I could not have believed it.


36.None (not)the +比较级


I am afraid he’s none the wiserfor your explanation.


37.All the +比较级


With such an economic policy, the rich will become all the richer.


38.So much the better


If he doesn’t come, so much the better.




He is a good teacher, asteachers go.


40.Be at ones (its)+最高级


The poem shows him at his best.


Beijing is at its bestin autumn.


41.as great as, if not greater than的结构


In his time, he enjoyed a reputation as great as, if not greater than,Mozart’s.

42.dead drunk和come cleank中的形容词

He is dead drunk already.

After this work, he was dead tired.

Go mad发疯,go crazy发狂,go hungry挨饿,go wild变野,go barefoot光脚走路,go over big非常成功(大受欢迎),fall dead死去,come clean变得清洁,come alive变得       活泼,fall silent安静下来,fall unconscious失去知觉。


a wonder book 一部充满奇事的书  a wonderful book 一部奇妙的书

a horror film一部恐怖的影片  a horrible film一部令人感到恐怖的影片

a Japan visit 一次对日本的访问  a Japanese visit一个日本人的访问

an education expert一位教育专家 a educational film一部教育影片

heart disease心脏病 hearty applause热烈的掌声

rose garden 玫瑰花园 rosy prospects美好的前景

youth problem青年问题 youthful appearnace富有朝气的面容

production cost生产成本 productive writer多产作家

geography lesson地理课 geographic difference地区差别


1)never such/ so 原级+名词 例如:

I have never see such a glorious sunrise.我从来没有见过这样壮观的日出。

Never before have so many people taken part in the movemnt.

2)as 原级+as ever

He is as great a philosopher as ever breathed.他是最伟大的哲学家。


He who wishes to be wise, cannot do better than enquire into the past experience of mankind.


4)比较级+than any other 名词

He is cleverer than any other studentin the class.他比这个班的其他学生都聪明。

5)否定词+so(as) 原级+as

No one is so blind as those who won’t see.

6)more 形容词+than the+同一形容词构成的名词

The vase is more valuable than the valuables.



Grain is the treasure of treasures.粮食是最为宝贵的东西。

45.most, a most和the most

most有时并不表示最高级,表示“非常”,相当于very, extremely,这种用法的most不重读,前面不加the。

He is a most dilligent studentin our class.

46.“see little (much等)+of”表示看见某人的频率

I saw little ofMary.=I seldom saw Mary.

I saw much of Mary.=I often saw Mary.

I saw quite a lot of Mary.

I have seen enough of Mary.

I saw nothing of Mary last month.

I have seen much less of Mary recently.

47.ten parts water还是ten part water

part可用来表达具体的“几份”也就是我们习惯上说的地球是“3(份)山6(份)水1(份)田”的“份”“1份”是one part,“2份”以上就用parts,parts后面的of有时被省略。

Take two parts of sugar, eight parts of flour and ten parts water.

48.percentage不同于per cent

前者表示“百分比,百分率,比例”是概指,只能用low, high, large, small修饰,指百分比的高或低,不能用具体数字修饰,如可以说low percentage of birth(出生率很低),不能说20percentage of birth。后者指“百分之……”其前用数字,其后用of

What is the percentage of unemployment in the city?


Fifty percent of the students attended the meeting.百分之五十的学生参加了会议。

49.Not much point中的point

point作“用处”解时,相当于use,为不可数名词,只能用little, much等修饰,不可加s。例如:

There is not much point in giving him advice.


There is little point in doing so.这样做毫无意义。


