

Sleep and Dream


Geremie R. Barmé 译



Life is inextricably tied up with sleep, and we sleep about half of our lives away. As soon as we are born into the world, we sleep and spend most of our first months unconscious. When we leave the world, it is also usually in our sleep. The comfort and relaxation that sleep affords us is the highest form of human enjoyment.


The best thing about sleep is that it is free, and you don't have to be powerful to experience it. Sleep is available to everyone, regardless of age or wealth, one's wisdom or ignorance. It is the property of all except those sorry souls who are afflicted with insomnia.


In sleep there is equality: the prosperous and mighty can be reduced to poverty; and beggars can become rich men. A prince may love and marry a commoner; while even a vagabond dares laugh at the nobles in his dreams. Sleep, along with eating, is one of man's most vital activities. It is of even greater consequence than marriage.


Sleep is a primal luxury, and as such it requires none of the trappings of modern life. Though naturally a bed with soft springs does make for increased comfort, the most primitive and unadorned surroundings can give whimsical joy to our somnolent indulgence. That is why the delightful story of Shi Xiangyun sleeping drunkenly on a mattress of peonies is so charming and evocative of a poetical atmosphere. How could the springs of any bed be more soft or inviting than a lush green lawn? Is not the caressing spring breeze more delicate than the finest down? Add to these are the lullabies of small birds sung from the trees and the babbling of the brook bringing intoxicating sleep.


I once went on a long train journey. My seat was in the third class carriage, and as night fell, the passengers were gradually overcome by drowsiness in the limpid and pale light of the dusk. A long and lazy yawn stretched the length of the carriage in the darkness, rippling through the rows of weary travelers. We were all thinking of home and bed, eyes stinging with sleep and our bodies weighted down heavily with the desire for repose. The sound of snoring was soon heard, and everyone began to drop off to sleep. It was not long before the carriage was filled with a gallery of humanity in all of its variety, sitting prone in the grip of sleep – people with their mouths gaping and their heads cocked to one side; others grinding their teeth or dribbling at the mouth. Despite the stuffy closeness of the carriage and the hard seats, everyone was sleeping contentedly.


“There is another world for the sleeper, it is called the Land of Dreams” or so the saying goes. But what are dreams, really? According to modern psychology, dreams are merely a subconscious response to certain external stimuli. All I can say about dreams for sure is that they open up to all of us a supramundane existence. It is a world not unlike that depicted in A Midsummer Night's Dream.


Dreams are lighter than the gossamer of a fly's wings, more intangible than air. They are more lustrous than the moon, yet they may vanish in an instant, for they are fleeting and beyond our grasp. As the Diamond Sutra says, “One should view all of these things as dream-images, bubbles, for they are like the morning dew or lightning.” Dreams are illusory, like bubbles reflecting the spectrum of light in a sunbeam, a shadowy nothingness, a drop of dew glistening on the stem of a flower, or a flashing streak of lightning.


“Something that troubles you in the day will cause a dream at night.” Such dreams are usually the sweetest, since what we fail to achieve during the day can sometimes be realized at night in our dreams. If, for example, you are infatuated with someone you think of nothing but that person. Your every waking moment is a torment of longing, but the one you love cannot be yours.


Only at night, if the Lord of Sleep is kind to you, can that loved belong to you. The most frustrating thing about dreams, though, is that just as things reach a climax, you fall into a ditch or get bitten by a dog. The fantasy comes to a sudden end, you wake and your dream-world vanishes, leaving you feeling as empty as you did in your waking hours. People say that “nothing is ever perfect”. Who would have ever thought that this holds true even for dreams?


There is no way we can be sure just what we will dream. And not even the most earnest entreaties can ensure you the dreams you want. In A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu goes to great lengths so he can meet Lin Daiyu in his sleep. He first burns incense and washes his hands, following which he prays to the deities so that his beloved will visit him in his dreams. Yet, it is all for naught, and he sleeps soundly till the sun is high the next day without having one dream. This incident brings home to us the feeling of forlorn desperation as expressed in the line of poetry that says, “Separated from you in death I have been for so many years, not even a shadow of yourself has entered my dreams.”


Dreams, insubstantial though they may be, can sometimes actually change one's life. The most famous case of this happening is the story of the “dream of Nanke”. In his sleep, a man dreams that he travels to the State of Nanke, marries the princess and lives with her for many years, experiencing all of the twists and turns, pleasures and sorrows of a capricious fate. After a rich and full life, he finally wakes up only to discover that he has not even been asleep long enough for a pot of millet to cook! This shattering experience leads him to retire from the world and end his days as a contemplative Buddhist hermit.


How true bewildering dreams can be. In an instant they can render the barriers of time and place meaningless, and transport a friend from a great distance to join you, while dozens of years can melt away in the twinkling of an eye. In the realm of dreams all things become possible; reality and illusion are at one.


“Life is but a dream”; “our floating existence finds temporary repose in the dreams within the greater dream of life”. The Land of Dreams is in reality nothing more than a short dream in the long dream of life, a dream which begins with our birth and ends with our death. We are but characters playing against the chimera of life.


Riches and poverty, all the joys and sorrows of the world are nothing more than a part of the dream. Our roles may bring us a life of ceaseless activity and excitement or common insignificance, great happiness or wretched despair. Some dreams may be lustrous and attractive, others grey and dull.


We pass our young years in a world of fantasy, suffering and rejoicing in our dream, even so it seems to be very real. Again, in old age we come to a final awakening from the great dream of life. If we shut our eyes and lower our heads in reflection, we can look back over the hazy years of the past: it has all flashed by in an instant, no more than a fleeting vision.


When the famous general Zhuge Liang was in seclusion, he wrote the lines, “Who wakes first to realize it is a great dream, I know what my life has been. Sleep fills the spring days in a grass hut, the day growing late outside my window.” Despite this realization and his taking refuge in sleep as his only comfort, the general finally let himself be persuaded by the entreaties of Liu Bei, returning to the frantic world of human activity to take a pre-eminent role in the history of his time. After years of fierce and tireless struggle, endless campaigns and victories, he ended his days as a loyal and devoted warrior. Zhuge is praised as a lord among men, a superior being, yet for all of his ability and talent, he could not free himself from the tyranny of the dream of life.


Casually looking out of my window, I can see the beauty of the late spring on the land south of the river. Everything shines freshly after the rainfall. A stream rushes past, and a field of soothing green stretches out in front of my eyes flecked with red and white flowers which add an element of fullness to the scene. In the delicate thin grass, a pair of butterflies frolic with each other.


I hear the branches of the trees scraping against the window frames of my study and my eyes follow the butterflies flitting in and out of sight amidst the vegetation. I am reminded of the story of Zhuang Zi turning into a butterfly. My mind clouds over and I can no longer tell whether all this is real or just a dream.


There is a wonderful line in the Yinshuici (Drinking Water), “Sleep on, sleep on; to awaken to the truth is no salvation.” If we feel this way about the world, then we should really sleep on, sleep in the hope of finding a more beautiful existence. For it is only in sleep that we may discover a world of harmony.


March, 1937Nanjing


I came across this article written last spring while looking through my trunk. I thought of many things when I reread it. The sorrow and stress of the last year have made me realize that the past was a nightmare, it was all a waste of time, and today is not much better. I have sworn to myself that I will not dream any more. Even so, how will I ever forget Nanjing?


ovember, 1938 Chongqing


