



通常文章中会涉及到国家政府、行政、立法和司法相关的政治术语,如jurisdiction, legislation, impeachment, inquisitor, the House, the Senate, congress等,这类词汇在理解时,除了简单地翻查字典,了解对应的中文意思外,还需要适当拓展,了解单词背后的含义。

以the House、the Senate和congress为例,在美国,the House实际上是the House of Representatives的省略,指美国的众议院,the Senate指美国的参议院,congress指美国国会;但单从字面上翻译,这三个词的意思还是很难掌握,到底何为众议院,何为参议院,何为国会;美国国会是美国立法机关,行使立法权,由参议院和众议院两院构成,议案(bill)一经提出,需经过委员会审议、全院大会审议等程序,一院通过后,送交另一院,依次经过同样的程序;法案经两院通过后交总统签署;若总统不否决,或虽否决但经两院2/3议员重新通过,即正式成为法律。


一些文章在语言表达上仍沿用古英语的词汇,如hither相当于现代英语的here,只是hither不能用作名词,“Here is good”而不是“Hither is good”;又如hath,have第三人称单数现在式,读文章时直接等同于has理解。





It is wrong, I suggest, it is a misreading of the Constitution for any member here to assert //that for a member to vote for an article of impeachment means //that that member must be convinced //that the President should be removed from office. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 4)


If we consider the peculiar situation of the United States, and what are the sources of that diversity of sentiment //which pervades its inhabitants, we shall find great danger to fear //that the same causes may terminate here in the same fatal effects //which they produced in those republics. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 27)




Hence it is that we find that the method of measuring what we see happening by what are called ethical standards, and of proposing to attack the phenomena by methods thence deduced, is so popular. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 30)

句中双横线表示并列成分,省略了相同的短语“the method of”。

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 70)

句中双横线标明的是这句话的第一个并列结构,用来修饰“a new generation of Americans”;句中波浪线部分指出了句子的第二个并列结构,用来说明“the human rights”。





Here the great conservator of woman’s love, if permitted to assert itself, as it naturally would in freedom against oppression, violence, and war, would hold all these destructive forces in check, for woman knows the cost of life better than man does, and not with her consent would one drop of blood ever be shed, one life sacrificed in vain. (RSAT OG 2-4)

句中if permitted to assert itself添加了假设条件,“如果守护者能够坚持自己权力的话”。

In proportion as the mind is accustomed to trace the intimate connexion of interest, which subsists between all the parts of a Society united under the same government—the infinite variety of channels which serve to circulate the prosperity of each to and through the rest—in that proportion will be little apt to be disturbed by solicitudes and apprehensions which originate in local discriminations. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 28)

句中插入成分the infinite variety of channels解释说明the intimate connexion of interest。



Not with her consent would one drop of blood ever be shed, one life sacrificed in vain. (RSAT OG 2-4)

句中双横线表明的是倒装成分,正常语序是One drop of blood would not ever be shed with her consent, one life (would not ever be) sacrificed in vain.

No sooner would this become evident than the Northern Hive would excite the same ideas and sensations in the more southern parts of America which it formerly did in the southern parts of Europe. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 29)

句中双横线表明的是倒装成分,正常语序是This would no sooner become evident than the Northern Hive would excite the same ideas and sensations in the more southern parts of America which it formerly did in the southern parts of Europe.

Nor does it appear to be a rash conjecture that its young swarms might often be tempted to gather honey in the more blooming fields and milder air of their luxurious and more delicate neighbors. (可汗学院 阅读习题汇编Passage 29)

句中双横线表明的是倒装成分,正常语序是It nor does appear to be to be a rash conjecture that its young swarms might often be tempted to gather honey in the more blooming fields and milder air of their luxurious and more delicate neighbors.



作者 刘恋




