
Russia pressed on with its offensive in several areas of Ukraine, having bombarded it with unusual severity over the weekend. Russian forces pounded Nikopol, a city near Zaporizhia, and fired cruise missiles into Odessa. The EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, rejected calls from member states bordering Russia, including Estonia and Finland, for a blanket ban on tourist visas for Russians travelling to the Schengen area. He advocated a “more selective” approach ahead of talks planned for next week.,今天小编就来说说关于10000个英语单词大全?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



Russia pressed on with its offensive in several areas of Ukraine, having bombarded it with unusual severity over the weekend. Russian forces pounded Nikopol, a city near Zaporizhia, and fired cruise missiles into Odessa. The EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, rejected calls from member states bordering Russia, including Estonia and Finland, for a blanket ban on tourist visas for Russians travelling to the Schengen area. He advocated a “more selective” approach ahead of talks planned for next week.


1.press on

press sth on sb

to try to make sb accept sth, especially food or drink, although they may not want it 勉強某人接受;促某人吃(或喝)


a military operation in which large numbers of soldiers, etc. attack another country 進攻;攻擊;侵犯 SYN strike

◆ an air offensive 空中攻擊

◆ They launched the offensiveon January 10. 他們於 1 月 10 日發動了進攻。


bombard sb/sth (with sth)

to attack a place by firing large guns at it or dropping bombs on it continuously 轟炸;轟擊


pound sth

to attack an area with a large number of bombs over a period of time 狂轟濫炸

◆ The area is still being pounded by rebel guns. 這個地區仍然遭受着叛軍炮火的轟擊。


[保加利亚] 尼科波尔




to shoot bullets from a gun 射擊;開火;開槍

7.cruise missile

a large weapon with a warheadthat flies close to the ground and is guided by its own computer to an exact place 巡航導彈

dip·lo·mat / ˈdɪpləmæt ; NAmE ˈdɪpləmæt / NOUN


a person whose job is to represent his or her country in a foreign country, for example, in an embassy 外交官

a person who is skilled at dealing with other people 善於交際的人;通權達變的人;圓通的人;有手腕的人

9. blanket

including or affecting all possible cases, situations or people 包括所有情形(或人員)的;總括的;綜合的

◆ a blanket ban on tobacco advertising 煙草廣告的全面取締

◆ a blanket refusal 完全拒絕


a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave their country (護照的)簽證

◆ to apply for a visa 申請簽證

◆ an entry/tourist/transit/exit visa 入境╱旅遊╱過境╱出境簽證

11.ahead of

1further forward in space or time than sb/sth; in front of sb/sth (時間、空間)在…前面

◆ Two boys were ahead of us. 有兩個男孩在我們前面。

◆ Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training. 我們還要進行十天的強化訓練。

2earlier than sb/sth 早於

◆ I finished several days ahead of the deadline. 我是在最後期限的前幾天完成的。

3further advanced than sb/sth; in front of sb, for example in a race or competition 領先

◆ She was always well aheadof the rest of the class. 她總是遙遙領先班上的同學。

◆ His ideas were way ahead of their time (= very new and so not widely understood or accepted). 他的思想遠遠超越了他們那個時代


