
论文标题:Determination of chirality and density control of Néel-type skyrmions with in-plane magnetic field

作者:Senfu Zhang, Junwei Zhang, Yan Wen, Eugene M. Chudnovsky & Xixiang Zhang


近日《通讯-物理学》发表的一篇名为Determination of chirality and density control of Néel-type skyrmions with in-plane magnetic field的研究,描述了一种通过水平磁场的引入来分辨斯格明子的类型和手性,并提高斯格明子密度的方法。

磁性斯格明子是一种受拓扑保护的手性自旋结构,其主要存在于空间对称性破缺的磁性块体材料和多层膜样品中。根据自旋分布的方式,斯格明子可以分为奈尔型(Néel type)布洛赫型(Bloch type)两种,而每种类型的斯格明子又有两种相反手性的自旋分布。布洛赫型斯格明子的手性可以通过洛伦兹透射电子显微镜(L-TEM)图像中心的亮斑或暗斑非常容易的分辨出来,然而奈尔型斯格明子的手性却很难分辨。



沙特阿伯杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)张西祥教授带领的科研团队利用L-TEM研究了 [Pt/Co/Ta]n 多层膜结构在倾斜磁场中的磁化反转过程。首先将样品饱和磁化,然后在缓慢降低外加磁场的过程中,一些斯格明子逐渐产生并生长为条状磁畴。有趣的是,该生长过程更倾向于沿着与水平磁场分量相反的方向进行。进一步的微磁学模拟研究表明,在斯格明子中心磁化方向确定的情况下,斯格明子偏好的生长方向与斯格明子的类型和手性直接相关。对于奈尔型的斯格明子,其偏好方向与水平磁场方向平行,然后通过是相同还是反向便可以判断出其手性。而布洛赫型斯格明子的生长方向则与水平磁场方向垂直。



图2:不同角度的倾斜磁场可以产生的斯格明子最大密度的洛伦兹电镜图。图源:Zhang 等

摘要:Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected nanoscale spin textures exhibiting fascinating physical behaviors. Recent observations of room temperature Néel-type skyrmions in magnetic multilayer films are an important step towards their use in ultra-low power devices. Here, we investigate the magnetization reversal in [Pt/Co/Ta]n multilayer samples under a tilted magnetic field using in-situ Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. On decreasing the magnetic field, individual skyrmions appear to subsequently evolve into snake-like structures growing in the direction opposite to the in-plane magnetic field. We show that this unusual relation between the velocity vector and the magnetic field is dominated by the chirality of the Néel-type skyrmions. It allows one to extract the sign of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya constant. We also demonstrate that high concentration of skyrmions can be achieved on increasing the in-plane component of the field or increasing the disorder of the film. Our micromagnetic simulations agree with our experimental results.

期刊介绍:Communications Physics(https://www.nature.com/commsphys/) is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of physics. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new insight to a specialized area of research.


