

Liu Junshuo, a Ph.D. in philology from Sun Yat-sen University and a Guangzhou-based violinist, will give a free talk on Debussy at OCT Art salon Saturday.

Liu will also perform Debussy’s “Beau Soir,” “Clair de Lune” and “La Plus Que Lent” at the event. Entry is free but attendees need to sign up.


Debussy (1862-1918) was a French composer. He is sometimes seen as the first impressionist composer, although he vigorously rejected the term. He was among the most influential composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Debussy originally studied the piano, but found his vocation in innovative composition. He took many years to develop his mature style, and was nearly 40 when he achieved international fame in 1902 with the only opera he completed, “Pelléas et Mélisande.”

With early influences including Russian and Eastern music, Debussy developed his own style of harmony and orchestral coloring, derided and unsuccessfully resisted by much of the musical establishment of the day. His works have strongly influenced a wide range of composers including Béla Bartók, Olivier Messiaen, George Benjamin, and the jazz pianist and composer Bill Evans.

Time:2:30-4:30 p.m., March 16

Scan the QR Code to sign up:

Venue: OCT Art, beside OCT Art and Design Gallery, Shennan Boulevard, Nanshan District (南山区深南大道华·美术馆旁边华·艺术沙龙)

Metro: Line 1 to Overseas Chinese Town Station (华侨城站), Exit C


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Source/ Shenzhen Daily Editor/ Cao Zhen

WeChat editors/ Doria, Jane

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