







What kind of president will Mr. Donald Trump be remembered as? The list of adjectives likely applied here may exhaust the English vocabulary. Of them, one that few can deny and his supporters and critics probably can see eye to eye on is that he is definitely “the most Twitter-savvy” President of the United States.

One day before President Trump leaves the White House, the New York Times, the constant target of quite a few Trump “fake news” accusations, decided to compile a “The Complete List of Trump’s Twitter Insults (2015-2021)” to archive the incumbent president’s moments of anger, shock and discontent from when he declared his candidacy in June 2015 to January 8, when Twitter permanently barred him.

CGTN’s Social Media Desk has combed the NYT list and picked a few high-frequency words in relation to the subjects that are relatively topical throughout his presidency and familiar among Chinese readers.

Hopefully, these micro accounts may afford you some materials to form your own theory about how the United States, and by extension, the world, has come out of his presidency.


On “Mainstream” Media

【假新闻(fake news)】、【谎言(lies)】







Trump knows he is no friend of the American “mainstream media” as he defines it. No sooner than he was elected as the president in 2016 had he begun to declare a smear campaign against his targets in the news industry with his hallmark battle cry: Fake News.

Nearly all household brands have fallen foul with him, and the most mentioned include: CNN, Washington Post, and New York Times, which actually makes this list of Trump’s insulting tweet collection


On the Democrats

【骗人的希拉里(Crooked Hillary)】、【疯狂的佩洛西(Crazy Pelosi)】

与民主党的博弈,贯穿了特朗普四年掌权生涯。此前民主党总统参选人希拉里因竞选期间持续抨击特朗普政治理念,成为其在推特上炮轰的“靶心”。他多次在推特直呼希拉里为“世界骗子”, 更扬言要送她进监狱。






Among President Trump’s political enemies, most of them from the Democrat Party off course, the New York Times have located several that have been constantly become the “red-eye” of Mr. Trump’s criticism. With Hillary Clinton, who was the Democrat Party’s Presidential candidate standing against Mr. Trump in 2016, Trump’s most often used word in his tweets is “crooked”- he did say that once he became the owner of the Oval Office, Mrs. Clinton “would be in jail”, but he never acted on his words.

Another political foe who enjoyed President Trump’s special treatment on Twitter is Nancy Pelosi, the Congress Majority Leader. “Crazy Nancy” appears to be the most liked “nickname” for the most powerful woman in the Democrat Party by the outgoing president. From the impeachment inquiry to the pandemic financial aid package, on all the partisan fronts of the US politics, Mrs. Pelosi being the point woman of the Democrat in the House, had the time and again crossed swords with and frustrated the president and his republican party, probably explained why the president thought her as “crazy”. Interestingly, despite the president’s unmitigated misgiving towards her, Mrs. Pelosi did in one group interview tell the reporters that she still “prayed for” Mr. Trump.


On the Impeachment

【骗局(hoax)】、【迫害(witch hunt)】、【诈骗(scam)】




Mr. Trump will go down history as many things, good or bad. But one thing, he will definitely be remembered as the only POTUS who had ever been impeached twice. The latest impeachment is still ongoing, and he will be long out of office when the result comes out. Twitter had been one of the president’s main battlegrounds to hit back at all the allegations that led to the impeachment hearings and win back hearts. Of all the words he liked using on the social media network include “Hoax”, “Witch Hunt”, and “Scam”. Coincidently (or not), the three words had somehow become his favorites when it comes to political plotting. They as well often appeared in his defensive tweets about the allegations of him “colluding with the Russians”.


On the 2020 Presidential Election

【操纵选举(Rigged Election)】、【“瞌睡虫”拜登,(Sleepy Joe)】




The outgoing president still doesn’t take the result of the 2020 Presidential Election very well – he still refuses to admit defeat by the time the entire world is waiting for his farewell speech on duty as the President of the United States. Therefore, it’s not surprising to find out that of the president’s Twitter insults at the election, one of the most often used words is “rigged”. “Fraud” is another one the-soon-to-be-former president frequently deployed to attack the political infrastructure of his own country, despite that he is supposed to have made the country “great again” at the end of his presidency.

For the oblivious reason, Mr. Trump had never shown him as a big fan of the soon-to-be the 46th President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden, and probably will never be. Every time the name “Joe” was written down in his tweet, the chance would be there is the word “sleepy” ahead of it. The “catchphrase” was meant to mock the then Democrat presidential candidate’s age and mental power. The last time, at least in the NYT’s archive, Mr. Trump used the phrase to describe Mr. Biden on November 3. After that, the most eye-throbbing term Mr. Biden was given in Trump's Twitter insult is probably “Fake President” on December 26.





Exactly how many of Mr. Trump’s Twitter followers would call him a master of words would probably not cause many debates. Not for one time the outgoing president had made spelling errors with his tweets, such as “covfefe” which ought to be “coverage”. Apart from using strong words, Mr. Trump also knows well when to give an extra amount of strength to his Twitter insults, especially with an exclamation mark. And not just one, but three.

The following topics from the NYT’s research, among others, have stood out to have particularly evoked the president’s wrath, attention, or shock, and deserved a “!!!” treatment in his tweets: “Voter fraud”, “rigged election”, “Fox is lost”.


