


这种情形,很可能是因为句子里有大量的抽象词或抽象短语。什么是抽象词呢?比如 notion, concept, object, vision, element,emotion. 这些词的特点是你很难具化它,也很难在脑海里形成一个明确的形象。不像apple, banana, fire, hand, run,walk,看到这些词,如banana,脑海里很容易就出现香蕉的样子:黄的、弯弯的,像月亮一样的水果,可以剥皮,香甜好吃。但是看到抽象词,比如concept,你很难在脑海里形成具体的形象,所以理解起来也比较费力。除了抽象词,有些短语因为不怎么常用或者意思比较多,也会成为我们理解句子含义过程中的障碍。这些抽象词或短语,就算你查到了它的中文意思,但代到句子里面,总还是觉得不顺畅,理解得不透彻。


(3)I reflected on my attraction to Weil’s thought, and on my habit of putting her books into the hands of my students and friends saying: ‘Read this.’ There are six reasons I return to Weil and want to share her: 1) the total absence of irony in most of her philosophical writings; 2) her sustained campaign against a self-interested, narcissistic citizenry; 3) the ethical urgency with which she approached the problem of education; 4) her emphasis on first-hand knowledge (of the assembly-line worker’s plight, for example, or the farmhand’s daily exertions); 5) her belief that technology’s distancing effects would lead to total alienation; and 6) the congruity of her preaching and her practice.


第一个单词,reflect,这个比较简单,它常用的有两层含义:to show,反射、反映;to thinkly deeply,深思。结合上下文,这里我们替换成think deeply。

第二个单词,irony,它的意思是sharply mocking in which the intended meaning is the opposite of the literal meaning,也就是反讽、讽刺的意思,我们可以换成 mocking。

第三个单词,citizenry,the people of a place regarded collectively. 我们直接换成people。

第四个单词,urgency,an earnest and insistent necessity,我们可以换成necessity。

第五个单词,plight, a plight is a situation that's hard to get out of, 所以我们可以换成hardness。

第六个单词,exertion, use of physical or mental energy; hard work,我们直接用hard work替换。

第七个单词,alienation,which describes the feeling that you're not part of a group,我们用separation替换。

第八个单词,congruity, agreement between things, harmony,所以,我们可用harmony替换。

第九个单词,preach, speak, plead, or argue in favor of,我们用speak代替。

最后,整个段落变为:I think deeply on my attraction to Weil’s thought, and on my habit of putting her books into the hands of my students and friends saying: ‘Read this.’ There are six reasons I return to Weil and want to share her: 1) the total absence of mocking in most of her philosophical writings; 2) her sustained campaign against a self-interested, narcissistic people; 3) the ethical necessity with which she approached the problem of education; 4) her emphasis on first-hand knowledge (of the assembly-line worker’s hardness, for example, or the farmhand’s daily hard work); 5) her belief that technology’s distancing effects would lead to total separation; and 6) the harmony of her speaking and her practice.







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