
Lesson 3Text2 A,我来为大家讲解一下关于大学英语口语3人对话?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Lesson 3

Text2 A

There Is Something Very Nice Inside3 Your Drum4

It was5 Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got6 quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.

"Who gave7 him that thing?" Jimmy's father said8 when he saw9 it.

"His grandfather did11," answered Jimmy's mother.

"Oh," said his father.

Of course12 , Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made13 a terrible14 noise with it, but his mother did not mind15. His father was working during16 the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not hear the noise.

But one of the neighbours17 did not like the noise at all , so one morning a few18 days later19, she took20 a sharp21 knife and went to Jimmy's house while22 he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hullo, Jimmy. Do you know, there's something very nice inside your drum. Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it. "

Text B

May I See a Hat, please?

MR Ross: May I see a hat , please?

SALESMAN: What size23 do you take?

MR Ross: I'm sorry. I don't know.

SALESMAN: I'll measure24 you. . . You take size 6. What colour hat would25 you like?

MR Ross: Brown, please.

SALESMAN: Here are some nice brown hats.Try this hat on.It's a very good one.

MR ROss: Yes, I like this one.It goes very well with my coat. How much is it?

SALESMAN: It's $ 9.95 ( nine dollars and ninety-five cents26 ). Do you want me to put it in abox? 

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following27 passage28 once. Underline29 the key words while reading30and retell31 the story to your partner32.

The police33 in the big city were looking for a thief34. At last they caught him. But while they were taking photographs35 of him - from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without a hat - he suddenly36 attacked37 the policemen and ran10 off38. They tried to catch him, but he got away.

Then a week later the telephone rang in the police-station, and somebody39 said, "You are looking for Bill40 Cross, aren't you?"

"Yes. "

"Well, he left here for Waterbridge an hour ago. "

Waterbridge was a small town about 100 miles41 from the city. The city police at once sent four different photographs of the thief to the police in Waterbridge.

Less1 than twelve hours later they got a telephone call from the police in Waterbridge. "We have caught the fourth42 this evening, we think. "

1 less


  • I read much less now than I did at school.我现在看书远比我上学时少。
  • You can't buy the dress with less than 50 yuan.买这件衣服没有50元钱下不来。

2 text


  • You will find the text anywhere in the Bible.你可在《圣经》某处找到这段经文。
  • The teacher asked the students to copy out the text.老师让同学们抄写课文。

3 inside


  • Two minutes later we were inside the taxi.两分钟以后我们已经坐在出租车里面了。
  • He will be back inside two days.他将在两天内回来。

4 drum


  • They play the drum on monday.他们在星期一玩鼓。
  • Don't drum the table with your fingers.不要用手指敲打桌子。

5 was


  • He said he was right.他说他是正确的。
  • He was cold and hungry.他又冷又饿。

6 got


  • I just got some bad news.我刚得到一些坏消息。
  • I have got far too much work to do.我要做的事太多了。

7 gave


  • He asked for money and I gave him some.他要钱,我给了他一些。
  • I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost. 我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。

8 said


  • He said to me that he could not come.他对我说他不能来。
  • He said to his mother that he would do it by himself.他对他的母亲说他将自己独立做那件事。

9 saw


  • Would you like to saw a tree for me?你能为我锯棵树吗?
  • The moment I saw you,I knew you were angry with me.我一看到你,就知道你在生我的气。

10 ran


  • He ran,and then slowed down to a walk.他跑着,然后放慢速度步行。
  • As soon as Marie opened the door,the dog ran in.当玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。

11 did


  • How many goals did you score in the last game?上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  • Why did you choose basketball in the first place?你为何首先选择篮球呢?

12 course


  • The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。
  • Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。

13 made


  • They were not made in china.它们不是中国制造的。
  • The monkey made a long arm for the peach.猴子伸臂去摘桃子。

14 terrible


  • I think you've made a terrible mistake.我认为你犯了一个严重的错误。
  • This is a terrible idea.这是一个可怕的想法。

15 mind


  • I've changed my mind.我一经转变主意。
  • You really don't mind?你真的不介意?

16 during


  • What did you do with yourself during the summer holidays?暑假你是怎样度过的?
  • London is full of visitors during May and June.五六月间伦敦挤满了游客。

17 neighbours

邻居( neighbour的名词复数 ); 邻近的人[物]; 邻国; 世人参考例句:

  • The neighbours' kids are the bane of my life . 街坊邻居的孩子让我生活得很不安宁。
  • He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours. 他与邻居们发生了争执。

18 few


  • There are few woods in that area.那个地区几乎没有森林。
  • I have a few questions.我有些问题要问你。

19 later


  • He didn't turn up until half an hour later.半小时后他才出现。
  • This part of the hospital was built on later.医院的这个部分是后来增建的。

20 took


  • I took my dog for a walk along the river.我带着狗沿那条河散步。
  • It took me about two hours to cook the meat.我花了大约两个小时来煮这些肉。

21 sharp


  • This knife isn't sharp.这把餐刀不锋利。
  • Dogs have sharp sense of smell.狗有敏锐的嗅觉。

22 while

conj.当…的时候;而;虽然;尽管 n.一会儿参考例句:

  • In a short while,the cat ate up the fish.不久,那只猫便将鱼吃个精光。
  • He teaches English in the school all the while.他一直在这所学校里教英语。

23 size


  • I think I can find the right size for you.我想我能给你找到合适的尺码。
  • This room is twice the size of that one.这间屋子有那间两个大。

24 measure


  • Measure the body temperature before work each day.员工每天开始工作前要量度体温。
  • We measure the temperature with a thermometer.我们用温度计测量温度。

25 would


  • Why would you say that?为什么你会这么说?
  • Would you please help me?你能帮帮我吗?

26 cents

n.分,一分钱的硬币( cent的名词复数 )参考例句:

  • dividend payments of 50 cents a share 每股50分的股息支付
  • A huge plateful like that costs only 50 cents. 这样大一盘才50美分。 来自《简明英汉词典》

27 following


  • The following is the full text.全文如下。
  • Answer the following questions.回答下列问题。

28 passage


  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。

29 underline


  • Underline all the sentences you do not know.在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage.请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。

30 reading


  • Children learn reading and writing at school.孩子们在学校学习阅读和写作。
  • He finds pleasure in reading.他从阅读中得到乐趣。

31 retell


  • Retell the story in English.把这个故事用英语复述一遍。
  • Can you retell the story?你能复述这个故事吗?

32 partner


  • I have got to meet my partner every Friday.每周五我必须和我的合伙人碰头。
  • Are you sure you want him as your partner for life?你决定要他做你的终生伴侣吗?

33 police


  • They sent him over to the police.他们将他遣送警察局。
  • It took the police only several days to break the case.警察只用了几天就破案了。

34 thief


  • He saw the thief running away.他看见贼逃走了。
  • The thief broke the window and got into the house.那个窃贼打破窗子,进入屋内。

35 photographs

n.照片,相片( photograph的名词复数 )参考例句:

  • The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs. 这栋大楼外观雄伟,与照片中所见一模一样。
  • In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs. 展览会上抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。

36 suddenly


  • The weather changed suddenly.天气陡变。
  • He suddenly cried out at the top of his voice.他声嘶力竭地大叫。

37 attacked

v.攻击,进攻,抨击( attack的过去式和过去分词 );非难;损害参考例句:

  • His research work was attacked by animal rights activists . 他的研究受到了动物权益维护者的抨击。
  • When the enemy attacked, we were completely powerless against them. 敌人进攻的时候,我们毫无抵御能力。

38 off


  • You'd better cool off first.你最好先冷静下来。
  • I need some time off.我需要一些时间休息。

39 somebody


  • Somebody is using the computer.有人在用电脑。
  • He seems to be somebody.他似乎是个重要人物。

40 bill


  • Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook.比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且是个烹调能手。
  • It will save trouble if you pay the bill now.如果你现在付账就没事了。

41 Miles

n.英里( mile的名词复数 );很多;一英里赛跑;大面积参考例句:

  • Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。
  • a fortress town enclosed by four miles of ramparts 由四英里长的城墙围着的设防城镇

42 fourth


  • The fourth lesson is science.第四节是科学课。
  • The Fourth of July is the national holiday of the US.七月四日是美国国庆日。


