
对于“日本人能否大致看懂中文”这个问题,这就跟我们读文言文遇到的障碍一样,字我都认识,一部分词也可以明白大概的意思,但连成句子,甚至整个段落,看起来的确困难重重,这可能跟日语中的汉字现在所处的环境差不多。在海外问答论坛 quora上,日本网友提问道:中文和日语相近,日本人是怎样看待汉语的?这引起各国网友的关注,我们看看他们的回答。





The study of ancient Chinese classics (Confucius, Sun Tzu, Mencius, etc.) was the pillar of warrior education before the Meiji Restoration, which was extended to Japanese modern junior high school/high school curriculum. In a typical high school, ancient Chinese texts will become a compulsory course together with modern Japanese, ancient Japanese texts, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, world history, Japanese history, etc..



Interestingly, we (and the samurai) generally read these texts in Japanese rather than Chinese, and even the order of Chinese characters is often reversed to conform to the Japanese grammatical framework. Therefore, we mainly study content, not language. In addition to accumulating vocabulary of about 4-5000 Chinese characters, we have also disseminated many traditional Chinese thoughts and cultures. When I was in high school, I never thought that I was studying Chinese, but ancient Chinese philosophy.


However, today's Chinese writing is not so easy for us, especially reading comprehension. Reading billboards in Chinese Mainland is actually a challenge. Most characters can be recognized individually, but when combined, we are at a loss. So far, many signs in Taiwan, China, China are easier to identify immediately, probably because many of them come from the Japanese occupation.



Another potentially interesting fact is that some Chinese characters representing Western concepts were created in Japan and used by the Chinese. According to a (Chinese) source, about 70% of the nouns in Chinese social research subjects and scientific terms are made in Japan, such as service, organization, discipline, guidelines, policies, etc., and even the terms of science, business, canteen, etc. are also translated from Japan.




All these answers are good and helpful. I particularly like that the respondent Serina regards pseudonyms as "childhood friends who came out of a group of fearsome gangsters" - which is similar to my feeling when I was in Japan in my early years.


Let me add: ordinary Japanese feel very close to familiar things when they see Chinese, and feel "we already know", because the basic education in junior high school and senior high school includes Chinese classic courses. These not only cover ancient Japanese literature, but also Chinese works - they must be so, because many elements of Japanese culture are derived from Chinese history, especially many words and phrases can only be explained by telling a story from ancient China.


A well-known example: the common word of "conflict" is contradiction, in which the characters act in contradiction. This can be traced back to a Chinese story about a blacksmith who sold weapons and said, "This spear is too sharp. It can pierce the hardest shield!" Then, "This shield is too hard to pierce even the sharpest spear!" His customers laughed at this inherent contradiction. A famous scholar quoted this story as the most extensive logic loophole.



Reading the wiki article Hanzi can get more detailed information than you might want... However, the "Hanzi" system can read classical Chinese just like reading classical Japanese (although there are huge differences in grammar), which everyone must learn at school, even if they are never good at it. It is true that modern Chinese is not the same as classical Chinese, but Japanese readers do have some experience in following the unique word order.


By the way, a normal Japanese reading ability requires a basic stock of about 3000 Chinese characters, and more Chinese characters are added to each professional term. Chinese literacy needs about 4000, especially for majors. This is not because the number of characters is so different, but the two groups of characters do not overlap completely - some characters are common in Chinese, but have never been used in Japanese, and vice versa to some extent. In these two languages, there are still thousands of characters in theory, or they have been used in history, but now they are left to scholars and classicists for fun.


Of course, everything I said is limited to written language. As other respondents said, pronunciation is another matter!



海外网友Peter Yonge的回答

As a bilingual person, I can tell you at least one thing: Chinese attaches great importance to context. Sometimes, if you don't know what the other person is saying, you can't understand how to explain a sentence. Sometimes Chinese people play games with this feature. Someone told me that someone was holding a cup with a string of words written on the outside, which formed a closed loop. You can start from any role, read it and other roles in turn, and it will become a meaningful sentence. So if there are 25 characters on the cup, you can have 25 different sentences.


Chinese readers can generally understand a paragraph in Japanese, but the more Chinese characters, the better, because unless they are educated in Japanese, they do not know the meaning of syllables. So they may miss the negation of verbs, such as "he is really not my friend," and become "he is really my friend."


As long as you insist on using simple vocabulary items, the two languages are usually similar, because at the beginning, Japanese borrowed Chinese characters to write, and they also borrowed a lot of technical vocabulary, products or technology names. Later, with the advance of economic and social revolution, and the leading position of Japanese in western learning, China often borrowed Japanese characters to express English or other western language vocabulary. If the Japanese have an acceptable combination of Chinese characters, why should they invent a new one?


Modern Chinese has a lot of "pronunciation only" input, that is, they try to string Chinese characters together to form something that sounds like an English term. So you will hear Jeep's "gee poo" and Khrushchev's "Hey lou shweh foo". They did the same thing with the names of Mongolia and Manchuria in their history books. I always felt stupid, because after thinking about it for some time, I realized that it was a transliteration name, not some mysterious concept. The Japanese are also confused when they try to find out the corresponding concept of the word "MacDonald" in Chinese.

现代汉语有很多“仅凭发音”的输入,也就是说,他们试图将汉字串在一起,形成听起来像英语术语的东西。所以你会听到吉普的“gee-poo”,赫鲁晓夫的“Hey lou shweh foo”。他们在历史书中也对蒙古和满洲的名字做了同样的事情,我总是觉得很愚蠢,因为在思索了一段时间后,我才意识到这是一个音译的名字,而不是一些神秘的概念。日本人试图用中文找出“麦克唐纳”这个词语对应的概念也会感到困惑。



From the perspective of a native Chinese, if a Chinese with ordinary education shows them a Japanese reading material, such as a newspaper, he/she can basically read a considerable part and guess the rest. Generally speaking, people can guess the meaning, which is not more difficult to understand than imagined.



Chinese characters in Japanese originate from Chinese characters, and combine with hiragana and katakana to form a grammatical pattern, thus forming sentences. Chinese characters are comprehensive units of structure (combination of strokes), pronunciation and meaning, and there are no equivalent symbols such as hiragana or katakana in Chinese. Grammatically, these parts help to understand the meaning of different patterns or concepts (tense, voice, singular/plural, clause, masculine/feminine...), while Chinese is mainly based on context.


In modern Chinese, many characters have new meanings, while in modern Japanese, they (the same characters) may retain their original meanings. For example, in Chinese, Qi1 Zi3 (note the number of tones) represents wife, while in Japanese, SaiShi/TumaKo (the same character) represents wife and children. This makes the guessing part more difficult.

在现代汉语中,许多字符具有新的含义,而在现代日语中,它们(相同的字符)可能保留了以前的原始含义,例如,在汉语中,Qi1 Zi3(注意声调的数字)表示妻子,而在日语中,SaIShi/TumaKo(相同的字)表示妻子和孩子。这使得猜测部分更加困难。

There is another difficult part. Many Japanese words are written in Hiragana and Katakana, but there are also Chinese versions. But nowadays, Japanese native speakers may not be able to write the Chinese version because they use the simplified version too frequently or the Chinese version is relatively complex. But the tricky thing is that in Chinese, these words are introduced from Japanese, which uses the form of Chinese characters (there are no meaningless pure phonetic symbols in Chinese). For example, the word "CLUB" was first translated into the Japanese Chinese character KURABU (transliteration and meaning, which is a gathering place or alliance for people with the same hobby), and then translated into Chinese. However, in Japanese, katakana is still a formal form of expression, while the Chinese version may be rarely used or seen.


It may be interesting or confusing to guess the meaning of these words or expressions, but once you learn some basic rules, it will become much easier.


This can be compared with Persian speakers who read Arabic or other languages under the influence of Arabic. Many words seem similar, but the structure is completely different from other basic words.




Chinese characters are available in both traditional and simplified versions. Chinese Mainland has developed a simplified version to improve literacy. Traditional Chinese characters were borrowed by Japan when it created its own written language, so Chinese characters themselves are very familiar to Japanese.


Although Chinese characters look the same, this does not mean that Japanese can easily understand the meaning of sentences, because the languages are completely different. Chinese mainly uses monosyllabic words, because they may produce a large number of syllables when using tones, while Japanese mainly uses polysyllabic words, not depending on tones.


Therefore, Chinese can use a single character to represent words, while Japanese must create Japanese words by using the combination of two or more Chinese characters (the same way as English creates words from other languages such as tele scope), or create multi syllable words by using a single Chinese character and additional Japanese pinyin characters. In addition, the grammars of the two languages are completely different. Although the same characters are used, the basic spoken language is not even from the same language family.

因此,汉语可以使用单个字符来表示单词,而日语必须通过使用两个或多个汉字的组合来创建日语单词,(与英语从tele scope等其他语言创建单词的方式相同),或者通过使用单个汉字和附加的日语拼音字符来创建多音节单词。此外,这两种语言的语法也完全不同。尽管使用了相同的字符,但基本的口语甚至不是来自同一语系。

The Japanese will feel familiar when they look at traditional characters, but this does not mean that they will recognize all traditional characters. Chinese uses about 30000 characters, while Japanese only uses about 2000 of the most commonly used characters.


With simplified characters, it will be more difficult for Japanese to read because many strokes have been deleted from Chinese characters. This undoubtedly makes learning to write easier, but for those who already know traditional characters, learning to simplify characters is an extra job.


I am not a native speaker of Japanese, but I can read very well. I did an experiment. I saw thousands of simplified Chinese cards and tried to guess the meaning of Chinese characters. I can guess about 30% of them.


Even so, when visiting China, it is difficult to understand what is written on the sign. Sometimes I can do it, such as the "No Spitting" sign. (This happened many years ago, so I don't know whether they still have it.) In the restaurant, I can find out enough things, so I can order something edible. But this is not just because of Japanese; I also often eat in Chinese restaurants in Japan, where the menu has Chinese and Japanese.



