高考英语it 句型(高考英语干货系列)

it的用法:1)指示代词(【不】明确所指) 2)引导词(非人称代词) 3)常考句式 4)惯用语,我来为大家讲解一下关于高考英语it 句型?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!

高考英语it 句型(高考英语干货系列)

高考英语it 句型


1)指示代词(【不】明确所指) 2)引导词(非人称代词) 3)常考句式 4)惯用语



1.天气/光线 /温度/自然现象











6.替代:反意疑问句中的——附加问句部分(everything, something等)

7.it = the 上文名词(特指);one = a/an 上文名词(泛指);that = 可指代un.


【it作形式主语/宾语,而真正主语/宾语是:to do、doing、连接词 从句】

1.It 动词 to do sth

2.It be 形容词 to do sth

3.It is 形容词 for sb to do sth

4.It is 形容词 of sb to do sth

5.It is 形容词 that/when/whether/what/where 从句

6.It is 过去分词 that/when/whether/what/where 从句

7.It is 名词 that/when/whether/what/where从句

8.sb find it 形容词/过去分词/名词 (for/of sb) to do sth



It is/was 被强调部分 that (who/that表人) 其他剩余部分 (高考范围)

It was not until A that...直到A才… =Not until A 部分倒装

2.It is (high/about) time (that) 主语 should do sth或 主语 did sth. (高考范围)

It is time for sth,

It is time to do sth,

It is time for sb to do sth

3.It is the first/second/third…time (that) 主语 have done现在完成时(高考范围)

It was the first/second/third…time (that) 主语 had done常用过去完成时(高考范围)

4.It be 时间点 when 常用瞬间动词

5.It is/It has been 时间段 since 过去式/过去时间点(时刻):自从…以来多长时间了

6.It be 时间段 before(可译为“才”等含义) 从句

It wasn’t long before…

It won’t be long before…

It will be 时间段 before…

7.It takes/took/will take sb 时间 to do sth 做某事花费/需要某人一些时间

8.It occurred to sb that 某人(突然)想起/想到…

It hit/struck sb that 某人(突然)想起/想到/意识到…

9.It is no good/ no use doing sth 【it is of no use doing sth中的of常省略】

10.It is not that…(but that) 并不是因为…(只是因为…)

It is not simply that… (but that) 不仅仅因为…(只是因为…)

11.when it comes to (doing) sth, 主句 当谈到/涉及某事(做某事)的时候,

12.when/if it is convenient for sb to do sth 当/如果sb方便(做某事)的时候/的话,…

13.it looks/seems/appears as if/as though 似乎/好像…

14.It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事

15.sb like/love/enjoy/appreciate/hate/dislike it when/if从句

16.It doesn’t matter what/whether/who/if/that从句 ……没有关系/不要紧/无所谓的

17.If it/sb were not for sb/sth要不是sb/sth,如果不是/没有…的话

= were it/sb sth = without sb/sth = but for sb/sth

18.If it hadn’t been for sb/sth 要是没有sb/sth

= without sb/sth = but for sb/sth


1.see to it that = make sure (that) = ensure (insure还有保险的含义) that 确保/务使…

2.take it for granted (that) 想当然地认为…/认为…是理所当然

take sb/sth for granted (因习以为常)对…不予重视;


3.take it (that) = assume that 假定/假设/设想/认为

4.take it from me that… 我敢担保/我说的肯定没错

5.take it/things easy 放松/休息/别过分劳累

6.have it (that) 说/称…属实,据传…

rumour/legend/word has it that 谣传/传说/有消息说…

7.go for it 努力争取(吧)/好好争取(吧)

8.make it 获得成功;准时到达/赶上;能够出席/到达/参加;幸免于难/渡过难关

make it 时间/地点

9.stick it out 坚持到底/忍受下去(指对于困难、棘手或枯燥的活动)

10.sb can take it leave it 取舍顺便;要不要随便;要就要,不要就拉倒;可有可无/无偏好

leave it out(让人停止做某事)行啦,就这样吧

11.It’s hard to say. 很难说。

12.I can’t/couldn’t help it. 我不知道为什么/我忍不住/我控制不住自己。

13.It can’t/couldn’t be helped. 这是不可能的。

It couldn’t be helped. 这是不可避免的。

14.How is it going? = How are things going? = How goes it?


15.How is it with sb/sth? 某人如何/某事怎么样?

16.let’s face it/ face it 面对现实

17.forget it



3) = forget that! 休想!不可能!


18.it/that figures (表示应该或似乎合乎逻辑)有道理,合乎情理

That figures/ (it) figures(口,尤美)[L5p920]


b) 这有道理,这合乎情理

19.It/that (all) depends. 那得看情况/视情形而定

20.Don’t mention it. (别人道谢时回答)不客气 = you’re welcome.

21.make a day of it 痛痛快快玩一整天

22.Believe it or not. 信不信由你。

23.That is it. 这/那就是要点;完了/没有了(表某事已结束或情况不可改变);


= That does it. 够了(表愤怒,不想再继续了)

24.This is it. 这就是要点;就是它/就要发生了(期待发生的事)

25.It’s nothing没什么;小事情

26.it was nothing/think nothing of it【口】别放在心上,没什么(用于回应别人的感谢)

27.It’s up to sb (to do sth). 由某人决定(去做某事);做某事是某人的义务

28.It’s just/only a matter of time (before…)早晚的事,只是时间问题

29.as it is/was 事实上/实际上;照目前情况来看

30.as it were 可以说是,似乎是,仿佛

31.(It is) no/little/small wonder (that)…不足为奇/并不奇怪/难怪…

32.as it happens/happened令人惊奇的是,恰恰

33.It (just) so happens that碰巧/恰好

34.It happens that碰巧/恰好

35.You can depend/count/rely on/upon it that…

36.to put it another way换个说法,

to put it wildly温和点儿说

37.beat it 滚开/走开/立即走开

38.with it 时新/时髦

39.get it 懂得

get it = catch it 受罚/受斥责

40.hit it 开始吧(要某人开始做某事,如演奏音乐)

41.keep at it 坚持干/继续苦干

42.on the fact of it 表面上看

43.cool it (用于劝说)冷静下来,沉住气,别激动,息怒 [N8p449]

44.brave it out勇敢地应对 [L5p275]

45.rough it 暂时过艰苦的生活;渡过暂时的难关 [N8p1799]

46.go it alone 独力;独自干;单干[N8p55]

go it alone 单独行动,独自干;独立出去生活 [L5p67]

47.call it a day 结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止

48.call it quits (因势均力敌)同意停止比赛(或争论等);决定停止 [N8p279]

call it a draw打成平局,不分胜负[L5p328]

call it/things even(口)不必再给了,就算了结了[L5p328]

call it £ 10/two hours etc(口)就算作10英镑/两小时等[L5p328]

49.have it in for sb跟某人过不去[N8p966]

50.have it in you (to do sth)有能力(做某事)[N8p966]

51.come to that/ if it comes to that


52.come to think of it/ come to that(刚意识到或想起)还有,说起来

53.take it/things one day at a day 得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天

54.be in for it (BrE also be for it) 会惹出麻烦;要受惩罚

55.more like (it) 比较好/还差不多;(更恰当地描述)倒更像是/说…还差不多

56.Be that as it may尽管那样;即使如此

57.(there is) nothing in/to it不真实/不可信 ;不费事/(这事)轻而易举/非常简单


