

初中英语之语法回顾 英语重难点之非谓语动词编辑及整理 头条号(育才双师课堂)各位同学,希望今天分享的这份资料《初中英语语法精品资料系列》能够帮助大家夯实语法,夺取高分,更多精品课程请关注头条号:育才双师课堂,初中物理,英语精品课程。





① 形式:动词不定式基本形式由"不定式记号to 动词原形"构成。它的否定形式只要在"to" 前面加上"not"。它的疑问形式是:"wh-疑问词 to 动词原形"。*它的被动形式:"to be 过去分词"。*它的完成形式:"to have 过去分词"。

② 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,即可以在句子中作主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。但不定式也保留动词的某些特征,即不定式后面可以跟宾语、表语和状语。动词不定式加上相关成分就构成不定式短语。

③ 动词不定式可以放在谓语前句子作主语。但是通常将作主语的动词不定式或不定式短语放在谓语后面,而在主语位置用"it"作形式主语(有时在不定式的前面还会用for sb.表示不定式的逻辑主语)。如:To help animals is helping people.(帮助动物就是帮助人)/ It is very difficult (for us) to learn Chinese well.((对于我们而言)学好汉语是非常的困难)/ It took me half an hour to work out this problem.(解出这道题花了我一个小时的时间)

④ 动词不定式可以作谓语动词(及物动词)的宾语。

[A] 及物动词 不定式一般形式:

如:I would like to have a rest at the moment.(我现在想休息一下)/ They began to search the room for the thief.(他们开始在屋子里搜寻小偷)/ He liked to have a swim in the pool near his house.(他喜爱在靠家的水塘里面游泳)/ When did you learn to speak English?(你什么时候开始学英语的?)/ Don't forget to close the door when you leave.(你离开时别忘了关门

[比较] He forgot to turn off the light.(他忘了关灯.) (没关)/ He forgot turning off the light.(他忘记关过灯.)(关了) / Please remember to ring me up.(记得给我打电话.)(还没打电话) / I remember calling you yesterday but you forgot.(我记得昨天给你打电话了,但是你忘记了.)(打过电话)

[B] 及物动词 疑问词 不定式:

如:He does not know which one to take.(他不知道该选哪个)/ Tell me how to get to the station.(告诉我怎么样去火车站)/ She asked me what to do for today's homework.(她问我今天家庭作业做什么)/ Can you teach me how to search the internet?(你能教我怎样上网吗?)

[C] 不定式作宾语而后面又有宾语补足语时,通常用it代替作形式宾语,而不定式则后置。如: I found it not very easy to learn to ride a bike.(我发现学骑车不很容易)

⑤ 动词不定式可以在句子中用作定语,放在名词或代词后面。

[A] 记住下面的一些结构:

[B] 在这种情况下,如果不定式动词是不及物动词,则后面必须加介词。如:

They could not find a place to live in.(他们找不到住的地方)/ Please give me a chair to sit on.(请给我一张椅子坐坐)/ He has got a writing brush to write with.((他找到了写字的毛笔)

⑥ 动词不定式可以在句子中用,有下列几种情况:

[A] 放在不及物动词(come, go, stop, finish, wait等词)的后面。如:He came to see her yesterday.(他昨天来看望她)(表示来的目的)/ I stopped to have a rest.(我停下来休息一会儿)(表示停下来的目的)

[B] 放在完整的谓语之后(即"谓语 宾语"、"谓语 宾语 补语"、"动词 表语"之后)。如:We cleaned the room to let him play in it.(我们打扫了房间以便让他在里面玩)/ I opened the window to see more clearly.(我打开窗子以便看得更清楚点儿)

[C] 有时表示目的的不定式短语可以放在句首。如:To arrive there on time,I got up one hour earlier than usual.(为了按时到达,我们比平时早起了一个小时)(表示早起的目的)

[注意] stop to dostop doing的不同。如:They stopped to have a look.(他们停下来看看)(不定式作"停下来"的目的状语)/ They stopped looking out of the window and began to listen to the teahcher.(他们停止向窗外望,开始听老师讲课)(动名词作宾语,表示"停止"的内容)

⑦ 动词不定式可以在句子中用作表语,限用于连系动词之后。如:My job is to keep the goal.(我的工作就是守住球门)

⑧ 动词不定式可以在句子中用作复合宾语中的宾语补足语。

如:Mum asked me to help her with the cooking.(妈妈叫我帮助她做饭)/ I would like you to see my parents.(我想要你见见我的父母)/ The boss often made the workers work 14 hours a day.(老板常让工人们一天工作14小时)/ Now let me hear you play the violin.(现在让我来听你拉小提琴)

[注意] help之后做宾补的不定式符号to可以省略;hear / see / feel / watch之后的宾补用不定式与现在分词时,含义不同,需特别注意,(参见现在分词部分)。试比较:

I heard her crying when I walked past.(我路过时听到她正在哭)(指当时瞬间的情况)

I sat near her and heard her sing the new song.(我坐在她附近听她新歌)(指整个过程)



动名词可以作主语。一般可用it作形式主语而将动名词短语后移。如:Learning English all by yourself is not so easy.(自学好英语不那么容易)(=It is not so easy learning English all by yourself.)


[A] want / need之后用动名词时,含有被动意思。如:Your car needs reparing badly.(你的车急需修理。)(被修)My hair needs cutting.(我要理发。)(头发被理)

[B] remember / forge / stop / finish之后用动名词时,与用不定式含义不同。如:I forgot to write a letter to him.(我忘了给他写封信)(根本没写) / I forgot writing a letter to him.(我忘了给他写过信)(写了却忘了) / They stopped to look back.(他们停下来向后看)(停下的目的是向后看) / They stopped looking back.(他们停止向后看)(不向后看了)

[C] enjoy / mind / keep / hate/ go等词一般用动名词作宾语。如:Do you mind my closing the door?(把门关上你介意吗?)/ She hates travelling by air.(她讨厌坐飞机旅行)/ They went swimming every afternoon.(他们每天下午去游泳)/ I enjoy walking around the town.(我喜欢在镇上转悠)

[D] like / love / start / begin / learn后面用动名词时,与用不定式意思相近或相同。如:We began to study English when we were at primary school.(我们在小学时就开始学英语了) / We began studying English when we were at primary school. (我们在小学时就开始学英语了)

动名词可以作表语,此时特别注意不要与现在进行时混淆。如:My job is putting these parts together.(我的事情是把这些部件拼起来) / I am putting these parts together.(我正在把这些部件拼起来)

动名词与现在分词构成相同,但是含义不同,动名词主要表示事情,而现在分词则主要表示进行着的动作。如:Eating too much is not good for your health. (动名词短语,作主语) / Seeing is believing.(动名词短语,分别作主语和表语) / He ran after a moving bus and got onto it.(现在分词,作定语) / His father saw him sitting on some eggs.(现在分词,作宾补)

4.分词: 包含现在分词和过去分词。(高中学习重点)

主要区别:现在分词一般有主动的意思或表示动作正在进行的意思;过去分词有被动或动 作已经完成的意思。分词可以有自己的宾语或状语。


[A] 作定语:分词作定语时,一般要放在修饰的名词之前,分词短语作定语时,则要放在所修饰的名词之后。 如:I have got a running nose.(我鼻涕) / The woman running after the thief shouted very loudly,"Stop the thief!"(跟着小偷追的妇女大喊:捉小偷!) / Yesterday I met a man called Mr. Black.(昨天我遇见了一个名叫布莱克先生的人)/ He only gave me a broken glass,so I was very angry with him.(他只给了我一个坏玻璃杯,所以我很生他的气)

[B] 现在分词可以作下列动词的宾语补足语。(参考不定式作宾语补足语)

如:Mum kept me working all the week.(妈妈让我一个星期都在工作)/ When I entered the room,I saw Jack eating a big pear.(我进入房间时看到杰克正在吃一只大梨子)/ In the dark I felt something very cold moving on my foot.(黑暗之中我感到有个冷的东西在我的脚上移动)

[C] 现在分词可以作状语,表示伴随情况。如:She came into the classroom,holding a pile of papers in her hand.(他走进教室,手上抓着一沓纸)/ I am very busy these days getting ready for the coming oral test.(这些日子我正忙着准备即将来到的口语考试)

[D] 过去分词可以作表语,放在连系动词后面,但要注意不要与被动语态混淆,"主系表"主要表示状态,而被动语态则表示动作。常用过去分词作表语的结构有:be worried (焦虑) / be pleased (高兴) / be tired (疲劳) / get dressed (打扮好) / get lost (迷路) / get caught (遭遇) / beome frustrated (沮丧) / become intereted in (对…感兴趣)等等。例略。

[E] 过去分词可以作宾语补足语。如:I had my hair cut this morning.(今天早上我让人给我理了发)(注意:have sth. done表示动作由别人来做,而have done sth.则为现在完成时的结构,两个结构不可以混淆)


1. (2020·桂林)They want to watch (watch) a football match.

2. (2020·南京)It's popular to hire (hire) a boat and row on the Xuanwu Lake.

3. (2020·安顺改编) With the improvement in transportation, students in some small villages no longer go on ropeways to cross (cross) rivers to schools.

4. (2020·龙东) We should do what we can to help (help) those people when they are in trouble.

5. (2020·绥化) My teacher encouraged me to speak (speak) English as much as possible.

6. (2020·泸州)Because of COVID-19 in February, the government advised us to go (go) to the public places less.

7. (2020·长沙) We are glad to know (know) that traditional Chinese medicine can work wonders in preventing some diseases.

8. (2020·甘孜州)He felt tired, so he stopped to have (have) a rest under the tree.

9. (2020·盐城)The Birdwatching Society goes to Zhalong Nature Reserve to count (count)the birds every year.

10. (2020·天津) I've just watched a TV programme about space. I hope to walk (walk) on the moon one day.

11. (2020·天水) Reading is a good way to know (know) the world.

12. (2020·遂宁) It's important for us to keep (keep) a healthy lifestyle.

13. (2020·铜仁) — Look! Kangkang, that old man is crossing the crosswalk.

— Jane, let's help (help) him.

14. (2020·武威) Borrowers are expected to return (return) books on time.

15. (2020·淮安) Social workers in our community are patient enough to explain (explain) how to register Huaishangtong (注册淮上通).

16. (2020·福建)The twin brothers are busy making (make) artworks from ocean waste.

17. (2020·盐城)When making a fruit salad, you'd better choose (choose) fresh fruit.

18. (2020·绥化) When he heard the good news, he couldn't help jumping (jump).

19. (2020·绥化) Eric, your car is so dirty. You should go and get it washed (wash).

20. (2020·自贡)Tom has many hobbies, including (include) hiking and running.

21. (2020·临沂) Most of us enjoy listening (listen)to our mothers speak, because our brains greatly prefer the voices of our own mothers.

22. (2020·绥化) We must be careful to avoid making (make) mistakes in the exam.

23. (2020·乐山)The singer was often seen to practice singing (sing) songs near the woods three years ago.

24. (2020·广元)Gina used to live in the countryside with her parents, but now she is used to living (live) with her classmates at school.

25. (2020·天水)We can overcome all the difficulties by working (work) together.

26. (2020·武威) Do you mind me opening (open) the window?

27. (2020·淮安)This film is full of mysteries and it's worth seeing (see).

28. (2020·淮安)I miss my grandfather very much. I'm looking forward to visiting (visit) him soon.

29. Yunnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun visiting (visit) it.

30. I saw her watering (water) flowers in the garden when I passed by.

31. The foreigner has been used to eating (吃) with chopsticks.

32. They are looking forward to winning (赢)the first prize in the competition.

33. Children and old people may have difficulty understanding (理解) the meaning of the online words without the Internet context.

34. Early this morning I was busy digging (挖) in the garden to plant trees.

35. Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth visiting (参观).

36. Would you mind discussing (讨论) the math problems with us after school, Betty?

37. Everyone has to be checked carefully before entering (进入) the hall.

38. We should try our best to prevent water polluting (污染) because people can't live without water.

39. Our monitor is very patient. He spent about two hours explaining (解释) the tough problem to me.

40. We often practice speaking (说) English in groups.


1.—The movie Tdering Earth is wonderful. Do you feel like ________it tonight?

—I'd love to, but my parents won't let me _________out too late.

A. watching, to stay B. to watch, staying C. watching; stay

2.Teachers expe their students ________ progress day by day.

A. to make B. make C. to take D. take

3.We shouldat we can ________ those people when they are in trouble.

A. to help B. helped C. help

4.— Please stay with me this weekend.

—I'm sorrymy father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago.

A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited

5.He ran asas he could _____________ the bus but he failed.

A. catch B. to catch C. caught

6.—What should I do, doctor?

—_____ healthy, you should do more exercise.

A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. To be kept

7.Would you ____ care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?

A. take B. taken C. to take D. taking

8.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun.

— I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ______________.

A. live B. living C. to live D. to live in

9.It was raining. My father asked me _______ a raincoat.

A. take B. takes C. took D. to take

10.Mr. Zhoood at cooking and he has decided ______ his own restaurant.

A. open B. opened C. to open D. opening

11.Sue practices ______ the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances.

A. play B. played C. to play D. playing

12.—Mario, your mobile phone is ringing.

—Wait a minute dangerous for us ______ it while crossing the street.

A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. answered

13.The child is crying. Please do something to make him_____.

A. stop to cry B. stop crying C. to stop crying

14.As we all a person learns many things by making mistakes and ________ them.

A. corrects B. correct C. to correct D. correcting

15.The policeman warned the man after drinking.

A. not to drive B. to drive C. driving

16.The boss Tim to go and out if there was anyone else absent.

A. find B. finding C. to find D. found

17.I remember ______ to Beijing when I was a child.

A. to take B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken

18.We have worked so long. Shall we stop a rest?

A. have B. to having C. having D. to have

19.Our teachen advises us the habit of making notes while reading.

A. to develop B. develop C. to developing D. developing

20.The sh so funny that it made everyone ______ again and again.

A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh

21.It is necessa us students _____ the listening ability.

A. to improve B. improving C. improve D. improves

22.My litother didn't go to bed until he finished his homework last night.

A. do B. doing C. to do

23.Nowaost people prefer to________ computer games rather than ___________ books.

A. play;reading B. play;read C. playing; reading

24.Attentiease! Without permission, children are not allowed alone here.

A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. swam

25.We are ed ________ some housework with our parents when we have free time.

A. to share B. sharing C. shared D. share


1. C

【解析】【分析】影《流浪地球》很精彩。你今晚你想看吗?——我很想去,但我父母不让我在外面呆得太晚。feel like意为"想要;想做……",后面跟动名词作宾语,即feel like doing sth."想做某事";let sb. do sth."让某人做某事",let后跟省略to的不定式作宾补。故选C。2. A

【解析】【分析师期望他们所有的学生一天天地进步。expect sb. to do sth,期望某人做某事,固定搭配,expect后跟不定式作宾补,故选A。3. A

【解析】句意:的时候,我们应该尽我们所能去帮助他们。to help动词不定式,helped动词的过去式或过去分词,help动词原形。根据题干可知此处用do what one can to do sth.表示"竭尽全力做某事",此处用动词不定式to help作目的状语。故选A。4. C

【解析】句意:—和我呆在一起吧。——我很抱歉,但是我父亲和我很久前就计划去参观北京了。plan to do sth.,计划做某事,动词不定式作宾语,故选C。

5. B

【解析】句意:他尽可能快汽车,但失败了。as fast as he could在此修饰动词ran,to catch the bus 在此作目的状语。故选B。

6. C

【解析】句意:——我医生?——为了保持健康,你应该多锻炼。keep healthy,保持健康,固定搭配,排除D。多锻炼的目的是保持健康,所以用to do不定式表目的,故选C。

7. D

【解析】句意:当我候,你介意照看我的宠物鱼吗?mind doing sth.,介意做某事,应使用动名词形式,故答案是D。

8. D


【解析】句意:亲要我带上雨衣。根据关键词 asked me, 再结合选项,可判断出此处考查的是 ask sb. to do sth.的用法,故答案选 D。


【解析】句意:周先生擅长烹饪,他已经决定开一家自己的餐馆。搭配:decide to do sth. 决定做某事;故答案为C。

11. D

【解析】句意:Sue努力练习拉小提琴并经常做精彩演出。Practise doing sth.故答案为D。

12. B

【解析】【马里奥,你的手机响了。--等一下。在穿过马路时接电话是危险的。A. answering 动名词或者现在分词;B. to answer 动词不定式; C. answer 动词原形; D. answered动词过去式。在it is 形容词 for sb to do sth,句式中it代替动词不定式做形式主语,结合句意,故选B。

13. B

【解析】句意:孩子在哭让他不要哭.使役动词make后面的宾补要用动词原形,即"make sb.do sth让某人做某事"去排除选项C;stop doing sth停下手头正在做的事情,stop to do sth停下手头的事去做…这里句子应该要表达:宝宝在哭,想办法让宝宝别哭了.所以用stop doing sth.故选B

14. D


15. A

【解析】句意:警察警告那个男人不要酒后驾驶。warn sb not to do sth,警告某人不要做某事,故选A。

16. A

【解析】【分析】句他人缺席,老板让蒂姆去弄清楚。and前后并列,前面是动词不定式to go,此处要省略动词不定式to,故此处为动词原形find,故选A。

17. D

【解析】小时候被带到过北京的。Remember to do sth记得要做某事(事情未做);remember doing sth记得做过某事(事情已做)。小时候被带到北京去过,事情已做,用remember doing,A、C错。记得我被带到,用被动语态,故选D。

【点评】本题考查非谓语动词,注意被动语态的结构是be动词 过去分词。

18. D

【解析】【分析】考查非谓:我们已经工作了很长时间。我们停下来休息休息吗?stop doing sth停止做某事;stop to do sth停下来去做某事。所以选D。

19. A

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语我们的老师经常建议我们培养在阅读时做笔记的习惯。Advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事,所以选A。

20. A

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:这节目太好笑了,它使每个人都连连大笑。make sb do sth让某人做某事。所以选A。

21. A

【解析】句意:来说提高听力能力是有必要的。it's 形容词 for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说怎么样 ,故答案为A。

22. B

【解析】句意:弟直到完成作业才睡觉。finish doing sth完成做某事,故答案为B。23.B

【解析】【现在,大部分人比起读书更喜欢玩电脑游戏。prefer to do A rather than do B比起B更喜欢做A。故答案为B。

24. A

【解析】句意:请注,孩子们不能单独在这里游泳。swim代词,游泳;to swim不定式形式;swam过去式。固定搭配allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,动词不定式作宾补;本句为此结构的被动形式be allowed to do sth被允许做某事。故选A。

25. A

【解析】空的时候,我们应该和父母一起做家务。be supposed to do sth,固定搭配,应该,故此处是不定式,故选A。


