
Hello everyone and welcome back to "English with Lucy".,我来为大家讲解一下关于n英语的正确发音?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Hello everyone and welcome back to "English with Lucy".

大家好,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。

Today, we are going to be looking at some really confusing words.


Words that are pronounced in very similar ways, words that if you mispronounce them, you could say one of the worst swear words or curse words in the English language.


There's a lot to talk about today, but don't worry, I'm here to help you.


Before we get started, I would like to thank the sponsor of today's video, it is Lingoda, Europe's number one trusted language school with their language marathon.

在我们开始之前,要感谢今天视频的赞助商,那就是 Lingoda,欧洲第一大值得信赖的语言学校与他们的语言马拉松。

You can take the marathon in English, Business English, French, German and Spanish, and gain up to 400 euros in cash back when you attend at least 90% of your lessons.

你可以参加英语、商务英语、法语、德语和西班牙语的马拉松,并且当你参加至少 90% 的课程时获得高达 400 欧元的现金返还。

There are three different marathons to choose from, the quarter marathon, the half marathon and the full marathon, three months, six months and 12 months respectively.


The personal cash back prize just adds that extra push of motivation to keep you attending your lessons.


With the full marathon, the 12 month marathon, you can progress up to four language levels.

全程马拉松,即 12 个月的马拉松中,陌最多可以提升四个语言等级。

I'm really happy to share this opportunity with you because I have first hand experience of how effective the Lingoda language challenges can be, they've transformed many of my students' lives.

我真的很高兴与你分享这个机会,因为我亲身体验过 Lingoda 语言挑战有多么有效,它们改变了我许多学生的生活。

They love Lingoda because they can interact in small groups with amazing qualified teachers.

他们喜欢 Lingoda,因为他们可以与优秀的合格教师小组互动。

I actually secretly joined one of Lingoda's student Facebook groups to see how everyone was getting on and I was blown away by the amount of students celebrating their fluency transformations and their cashback refunds as well.

我其实偷偷加入了Lingoda 的一个学生 Facebook 群组去看大家都进展得怎么样,而我惊讶于庆祝语言流利度转变和现金返还退款的学生的数量之多。

So, don't sweat about your language skills this summer, take the Lingoda language marathon and transform your fluency in just three, six or 12 months.

所以,今年夏天不要为你的语言技能而烦恼,参加比赛 Lingoda 语言马拉松,并在短短 3、6 或 12 个月内改变你的流利程度。

One more thing, the first 50 of my students and it is limited to 50, to sign up with my code, LucySummer, will get a 30% extra discount on their first paid month.

还有一件事,我的前 50 名学生,仅限 50 名,用我的代码 LucySummer 注册,将在他们的第一个付费月份开始获得 30% 的额外折扣。

Hurry up and click on the link down below and use the code LucySummer to claim that offer.

快点点击下面的链接并使用代码 LucySummer 申领该优惠。

Remember there is also the option to take the seven day free trial and gain three classes completely for free.

请记住,还有一个选择 7 天免费试用并完全免费获得三门课程的选择。

Let's get started with those confusing words.


Remember, as always, I have created a free PDF that goes along with this lesson.

请记住,一如既往地,我为这节课创建了一个免费的 PDF。

If you want to get that, just click on the link in the description box, enter your name and your email address and then you sign up for our mailing list, you get all my offers plus free PDFs every week.

如果你想得到它,只需单击说明框中的链接,输入你的姓名和电子邮件地址,然后你注册我们的邮件列表,你每周都会收到我的所有优惠以及免费的 PDF。

Firstly, let's look at can, and can't.

首先,让我们看看 can 和 can't。

Now, these can be really confusing words, not only in the British pronunciation, the various forms of British pronunciation, but in American English, it gets even more complicated, so, we're going to talk about all of that today.


Firstly, let's talk about strong and weak forms.


So, with the word, can, we have can with the/æ/sound, but we also have/kən/with the schwa sound and this is a weak form.

所以,对于这个词,can,我们有一个/æ/音,但我们也可以读作 带有中元音的 /kən/,这是弱读形式。

Weak forms are syllable sounds that become unstressed in connected speech and they're often pronounced as the schwa, a, a.

弱形式是变成音节的声音在连贯的演讲中没有压力它们通常发音为 schwa,a,a。

Can, /æ/, can, /ə/.


Take a look at this sentence.


When I'm speaking naturally, I would say, I can do what I can.


So, the first can is a weak form, /kən/, and the last one, it's an important word so, it's can.

所以,第一个 can 是弱读形式,/kən/,最后一个,这是一个重要的词,所以是/kæn/。

The first can is in its weak form and the second one is stressed, so, it's in its strong form.

第一个 can 是弱读形式,第二个被强调了,所以是重读形式。

Can, can, I can do what I can.


This works for other words as well, like do, what do you want to do?

这也适用于其他词,例如 do,你想让我做什么?

What do you want to do?


The first is unstressed the second is stressed.


Now, let's take a look at can versus can't with RP pronunciation, my pronunciation. /æ/, can, /a: /, can't. /æ/is a really short and wide sound, /æ/, /æ/.

现在,让我们来看看标准发音,我的发音中 can 和 can't 的对比。/æ/,can,/a:/,can't。/æ/是一个非常短而宽的声音,/æ/,/æ/。

With can't, we have a different mouth shape and it's a lot longer. /a: /, /æ/, /a: /, /æ/, do I look silly?

而 can't,我们的嘴型不同而且发音时间更长。/a:/,/æ/,/a:/,/æ/,我看起来很傻吗?

Good, because that's how I meant to look when I'm teaching pronunciation.


Can, can't, /æ/, /a: /.


Now, let's talk about a swear word.


I don't normally talk about swear words on my channel.


In American English, they refer to them as curse words, but there is a vowel sound.


It is very similar to the/a: /sound.

它与 /a:/ 的音非常相似。

If you use that in can't, it makes a really bad word.

如果你在读 can't 的时候使用它,那就会说成一个非常糟糕的词。

The vowel sound is, /ʌ/, /ʌ/.

元音是 /ʌ/,/ʌ/。

So, we've got/a: /, can't and/ʌ/. . .

所以,我们有 /a:/,can't,还有 /ʌ/......

I'm not going to say it on this channel, it's a really vulgar word.


But if you would like to search it and hear it for yourself, then just replace the a in can't with a u, and I'm sure some robot dictionary will tell you exactly what it sounds like.

但如果你想自己搜索和听发音,那么只需把 can't 里面的 a 换成 u,我相信一些机器人词典会准确地告诉你它的发音。

Just be really mindful. /ʌ/, it's short and that's the bad version, /a: /, can't, that's longer and that's the fine version.


Now, something to notice with the pronunciation of can't is that sometimes we don't release that final T.

现在,需要注意 can't 的发音是有时我们不发出最后的 T。

Instead of saying can't, we might say can.

我们可能会说 can 而不是 can't。

I can' do it, not I can't do it.

I can' do it,而不是 I can't do it

I can't do it, I can't do it.

I can' do it,I can' do it。

I can do it, I can' do it.

I can do it,I can' do it。

I can do it, I can't do it.

I can do it,I can' do it。

So, you can't always rely on hearing that T to know if somebody is saying can or can't.

所以,你不能总是依赖听 T 去判断某个人说的是 can 还是 can't。

Now, this is where it gets complicated, because in American English, they use a very similar vowel sound for can and can't and they also avoid releasing that T at the end.

这就是变得复杂的地方,因为在美式英语中他们 can 和 can't 的元音发音非常相似,而且他们也避免在最后发出那个 T。

So, can in American English and you must excuse my terrible accent, is/kæn/, /kæn/, but can't in American English is/kænt/, /kænt/.

所以,美式英语中 can 的发音,你必须原谅我糟糕的口音,是 /kæn/,/kæn/,但美式英语中的 can't 的发音是 /kænt/,/kænt/。

Now, if they don't release that T, then they sound very similar. /kæn/, /kænt/, /kæn/, /kænt/.

如果他们不发出那个 T,那么它们听起来非常相似。/kæn/,/kænt/,/kæn/,/kænt/。

Okay, brace yourself for this accent, I can try, I can't try.


Now, I spoke to a couple of my friends from the U. Sand they assured me that they can hear the difference because when they say can't, can't, they make the vowel sound much more abrupt.

现在,我和我的几个美国朋友聊了聊,他们向我保证他们可以听到不同之处,因为当他们说 can't,can't 时,他们会让元音听起来更加突然。

Can, can't, can, can't.


So, I hope you now feel confident in pronouncing can and can't and avoid pronouncing that bad word, unless you want to pronounce it, which is fine by me, just not on my channel, and I hope you now have a better idea about the differences between can and can't in American English.

所以,我希望你现在有信心发好 can 和 can't,并且避免说出那个坏词,除非你想读,这对我来说没事,只是不能在我的频道上,我希望你现在对于美式英语中的 can 和 can't 之间的差异有了更好的了解。

Now, let's talk about some more pairs of words that's even I find tricky and I really have to clarify exactly what I'm saying, especially when I'm talking on the phone.


This is the difference between teen and ty.

这就是 teen 和 ty 之间的区别。

Fourteen, forty.


If I say I want 14 coffees, please, they might say, is that 14 or 40?

如果我说我想要 14 杯咖啡,他们可能会说,那是 14 还是 40?

So, don't worry if you mix them up, native speakers get confused with it all the time.


It's actually very, it's very annoying that those words are so similar, but in general speech, there are differences between them.


Take a look at the phonetic transcriptions of these two words, let's go on to 16 and 60.

看一下这两个词的音标,我们继续讨论 16 和 60。

We have sixteen and sixty.


You can see that in the teens, the stress is on the second syllable, but for the tys, the stress is on the first syllable.

你可以看到,在 teen 这个词中,重音在第二个音节,但是对于 ty,重音在第一个音节。

Sixteen, sixty, fourteen, forty, fifteen, fifty, seventeen, seventy, eighteen, eighty, nineteen, ninety, twenteen, twenty, just joking with that last one, I hope you didn't write that down, if so, rub it out.


So, if you want to be really clear, especially when speaking over the phone when you can't lip read or really hear too well, make sure you really over accentuate the stress of the word you're trying to use.


I said 60, not 16.

我说的是 60,不是16。

I'm going to do really quick quiz for you right now, just to make sure you understand the differences.


Write your answers in the comment section down below and then I'll start correcting the first ones I see.


You've got to tell me whether I'm saying teen or ty.

你得告诉我我是说的是 teen 还是 ty。

Okay, number one, 60 people came to the game last night.


I got my dog when I was 17.


I've been with my husband for 17 years.


And the last one, I'm only having 80 people at the wedding.

最后一个,我只有 80 个人参加婚礼。

I'm only having 80 people at the wedding.

我只有 80 个人参加婚礼。

Right, that is it for today's lesson.


I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned something.


I hope I clarified some of your doubts.


Don't forget to check out Lingoda with their language marathon.

不要忘记查看 Lingoda 与他们的语言马拉松。

All the information is in the description box.


And remember that the first 50 of my students to click on the link in the description box and use my code LucySummer, will get a further 30% of their first paid month.

记住我的前 50 名单击描述框中的链接并使用我的代码 LucySummer 的学生将在第一次付款时获得 30% 的折扣。

Don't forget to download the PDF for today's lesson.


Just click on the link in the description box, enter your name and your email address, you then sign up to my mailing list.


I'll send the PDF directly to your inbox and then every week after that, you'll get all of my free PDFs plus all of my news updates and offers.

之后的每个星期我会将 PDF 直接发送到你的收件箱,你会得到我所有的免费 PDF 加上我所有的新闻更新和优惠。

Don't forget to connect with me on social media.


I've got my Instagram @Lucy and my website, Englishwithlucy. co. uk, where I've got a really cool pronunciation tool.

我有 INS,账号是 @Lucy ,还有我的网站 Englishwithlucy.co.uk,在那里我有一个非常酷的发音工具。

You can test out pressing all of the phonemes and hearing me say those phonemes and say words containing those phonemes. it's great fun.


And I've also got my vlogging channel.


If you want to practise your vocabulary and improve your listening skills, all of my vlogs are fully subtitled and they document my life here in the English countryside.


I will see you soon for another lesson.


There's a lot to talk about today.


With the full marathon, the one year marathon.


Schwa sound and this is a weak form.


Sorry, that was my tummy.





