
高考英语中译英测验111. 她总是穿着奇装异服,难怪同学们要取笑她(fun),我来为大家讲解一下关于四字成语的英文?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




1. 她总是穿着奇装异服,难怪同学们要取笑她。(fun)

No wonder her classmates make fun of her because she always wears strange clothes.

2. 我们最好不要与言而无信的人打交道。(fail)

We'd better not make friends with those who always fail to keep their promises.

3. 他目不转睛地看着相册,想起了许多童年趣事。(fix)

With/Keeping his eyes fixed on the photo album, he recalled much fun in his childhood.

4. 他因家境贫寒而不得不退学。(force)

He was forced to quit school because his family was poor.

5. 当你看着太阳冉冉升起的时候,心中就会充满希望。(fill)

While you are watching the sun rising slowly, you will be filled with hope.


1. 在美国逗留期间,我与格林一家相处和睦。(get)

During my stay in America, I got along well with the Greens.

2. 失业教会了我任何事情都不能视为理所当然。(grant)

Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted.

3. 这个小男孩凝视着夜空,想象着自己乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空的情景。(gaze)

The little boy gazed at the night sky, imagining himself traveling in space by spaceship.

4. 说实话,我真后悔没有帮助他克服困难。(get)

To tell you the truth, I really regret not helping him get over the difficulty.

5. 男士一般不擅长购物时和店主讨价还价。(good)

Men are generally not good at bargaining with shopkeepers when shopping.


1. 汤姆能不假思索地正确回答老师的问题。(without)

Tom can answer his teachers' questions correctly without hesitation.

2. 没人料到这件事与那个沉默寡言的人有关。(have)

Nobody expected that the incident had anything to do with the man with few words.

3. 看来他们家发生了出人意料的事情。(happen)

It seems that something unexpected has happened to their family.

4. 看了杰克画的卡通画,他的母亲忍俊不禁。(help)

On seeing the cartoon drawn by Jack, his mother couldn’t help laughing.

5. 毫无疑问,没有什么能阻止他们走向胜利。(head)

No doubt nothing can prevent them heading for victory.

6. 承担这项特殊任务对我来说荣幸之至。(honor)

It's a great honor for me to undertake the special task.


11. 他们失败后没有怨天尤人,而是更加刻苦训练,力求在下次比赛中获胜。(instead)

① Instead of complaining about the failure, they trained even harder to win the next match.

② They didn't complain about the failure; instead, they trained even harder to win the next match.


1. 大多数人不愿意介入这场毫无意义的争论。(involve)

Most people aren't willing to get involved in this meaningless argument.

2. 缺乏良好的教育使他与这份工作失之交臂。(lack) Lack of good education made him miss the job.

3. 我对这位诗人的生活背景知之甚少。(know)

I know little about the life background of the poet.

4. 如果你能从失败中吸取教训.你就能避免重蹈覆辙。(learn)

If you can learn from failure, you can avoid repeating the same mistake.

5. 请勿践踏草坪,违者重罚。(keep)

Keep off the grass, or you will be severely punished.


1. 难以置信,那位百万富翁过着一种极为简朴的生活(live)

It is hard to believe that the millionaire lived an extremely simple life.

2. 他们应从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚。(lesson)

They should learn a lesson from this incident: he who plays with fire will surely get burnt.

3. 他的自行车没锁,这给了小偷可乘之机。(leave)

His bike was left unlocked, which gave the thief a chance.

4. 这次意外事故使他学到了“乐极生悲”这个教训。(lesson)

The unexpected accident taught him a lesson that too much happiness leads to sorrow.

5. WTO如果没有中国,它是名不副实的。 (live)

If the WTO doesn't include China, it can't live up to its name.

6. 陷入沉思,她没有注意到外面发生的事情。(lose)

Lost in thought, she didn't notice what was going on outside.



Doing a worthless job means wasting our precious time.


In spite of the heavy traffic, he managed to send the tourists to the airport in time.


Hard work can make up for the lack of intelligence.


1.犯了这么严重的错误,你再狡辩也无济于事。(now that)

Now that you have made such a serious mistake, it's no use finding excuses.


The manager is in a bad mood today, and just now I was scolded by him for no reason.


It is obvious that he is unwilling to do as he is asked to.

4.你一收到这封信,就知道事情的来龙去脉了。( The moment…)

The moment you receive the letter, you'll know the whole story of the incident.


We can't take no notice of what he has done.



You don't need to worry at all as everything seems to be in good order.


Only by keeping doing exercise can human beings live a longer life.


The proverb has been passed down from generation to generation.


The engineer is easy to get along with and always owes his success to his colleagues' help.

5.出于好奇,年幼的他走上了魔术生涯。(out of)

Out of curiosity he began to follow a magic career at an early age.


The pretty girl has a passion for following fashion.



Experts point out that medical care can't replace a well-balanced diet in keeping healthy.


Shoes made in China are cheap but good, so they are very popular with the local customers.


