

In the first week of the new semester, JXIHSD successfully held the opening ceremony, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, Bowdoin College, Bard College Fair,having academic and moral education, held a cross-grade football friendly match. On the evening of September 7th, the students also participated in the "Glasgow University Church Choir" Charity Concert.


在嘉祥国际高中部少年扶轮社(Interact Club)的带领下,嘉祥国际高中部新生参加了成都扶轮社主办的“「格拉斯哥大学教堂唱诗班」慈善音乐会”,在古典与现代融合的音符中,感受音乐美学带来的震撼和大爱无疆温暖的洗礼。

Under the leadership of the Interact Club, the 9th and 10th grade students of JXIHSD participated in the "Glasgow University Church Choir" Charity Concert hosted by the Rotary Club of Chengdu. In the notes of classical and modern fusion, the students feel the shock of music aesthetics and the warm baptism of love.

音乐会现场,格拉斯哥大学教堂唱诗班在优雅的旋律中,用悠扬的歌声,演唱了众多世界知名曲目,带来了苏格兰传统民歌《Ae fond kiss(爱之吻)》、《Auld Lang Syne(友谊万岁)》,和爱尔兰祝福曲《Irish Blessing》,以及中国传统曲目《茉莉花(The Jasmine)》、 《康定情歌(Kangding Lovesong)等十余首经典曲目。

At the concert, the University of Glasgow church choir sang more than ten world-renowned songs, such as "Ae fond kiss" and "Irish Blessing", as well as the traditional Chinese song "The Jasmine", "Kangding Lovesong", etc.


时而高亢, 时而低吟, 时而海纳百川大气磅礴, 时而珠落玉盘清脆动人, 余音绕梁而三日不绝。同学们沉浸在一阵阵优美的歌声中,跟随音乐的节奏起伏跌宕,享受音乐带来的心灵震撼和洗礼!

Sound of nature with long-lasting after tastes. The students are immersed in the beautiful songs, follow the rhythm of the music, and enjoy the soul shock and baptism brought by the music!


有感于优雅韵律与现场澎湃的情怀,音乐会以现场师生深情合唱结尾。应着朗朗上口的歌词,嘉祥国际高中部代校长和同学们齐声合唱《Auld Lang Syne(友谊万岁)》,嘉祥国际高中部学术校长Mr. Roberto Santos钢琴伴奏。优美动人的歌声,响彻整个音乐会大厅。

The concert ended with a lively chorus of teachers and students. the Principal Ms. Lily Dai and students sang "Auld Lang Syne", the Academic Principal of JXIHSD, piano accompaniment.



At the whole concert, the students were polite and orderly, the dress was formal, unified, and ceremonially appropriate, showing the good appearance of JXIHSD and international high literacy.


JXIHSD is committed to "all-person education", cultivate international talents with an international vision, good ideological and moral quality, comprehensive ability, physical and mental health. We hope that the students, in the aesthetics of music, improve their aesthetic ability, sublimate the pattern of life, perceive beauty, enjoy beauty, and create beauty!



