大一普通话怎么备考 大学分享四

大一普通话怎么备考 大学分享四(1)

分享兴趣,传播快乐,增长见闻,留下美好!亲爱的您,这里是Learning yard新学苑。今天小编为大家带来《如何备考普通话》。

Share interests, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave good news! Dear you, this is the new Learning yard. Today, Xiaobian brings you "How to Prepare for Putonghua Exam".

1. 关注学校普通话报名时间,在本校考试只需要25元报名费,而在其他地点考试需要50元考试费,且在其他地点考试还需要乘车,路途遥远。

1. Pay attention to the school's Mandarin registration time. Only 25 yuan is required for the test in this school, and 50 yuan is required for the test in other places. The test in other places also requires a car, and the distance is long.

2. 可以提前一个周下载一个关于普通话测试的APP,直接在应用市场搜索“普通话”就会自动推荐一些APP,根据下载量选择一个比较好的软件进行测试便可以了。建议不用买会员,不买会员只能测试前面三个题,即读字,读词,读段落。读字与读词的时候一定要注意字与字,词与词之间的间断,且不要读错(用软件练习可以认识更多字读音);读段落的时候一定要注意语音语调,注意流畅与抑扬顿挫,读错了一定要跳过,一定不要重读,如果重读,机器会判断为你读错之后的字。

2. You can download an APP about Putonghua testing a week in advance, directly search for "Mandarin" in the app market, and some APPs will be automatically recommended, and you can choose a better software for testing according to the download volume. It is recommended not to buy a membership. If you do not buy a membership, you can only test the first three questions, namely, reading words, reading words, and reading paragraphs. When reading words and reading words, you must pay attention to words and words, and the interruption between words and words, and do not mispronounce them (with software practice, you can know the pronunciation of more words); when reading paragraphs, you must pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, and pay attention to fluency. With cadence, if you read it wrong, you must skip it, and you must not reread it. If you reread it, the machine will judge that you have read the next word incorrectly.

3. 考试当天去了候场室抽题之后一定要记住自己的题号,然后可以利用这个时间迅速回到自己的座位试读。在这段时间里你可以完成三件事,一是不认识或者没有把握的字可以使用手机进行搜索(注意,这个时候是可以携带手机的);二是可以默读一遍段落,这样可以减少考试的时候卡住的情况;三是可以构思一下最后一道题目,最后一个题目是给定你一个题目自由说话,比如“我最喜欢的节日”,你可以在心里面理清楚自己要从哪些方面说。

3. Be sure to remember your question number after going to the waiting room on the day of the test to draw questions, and then you can use this time to quickly return to your seat for trial reading. During this time, you can complete three things. First, you can use your mobile phone to search for words you don’t know or are not sure about (note that you can carry your mobile phone at this time); second, you can read the paragraph silently, which can reduce the number of exams. The third is to think about the last topic. The last topic is to give you a topic to speak freely, such as "my favorite holiday", and you can figure out in your mind which aspects you want to say.

4. 正是考试的时候不能携带手机进入考场。坐在考试机前时,首先要做的便是试音,调整自己音量的大小,然后选择自己抽中的题号,照常发挥就好。

4. You cannot bring your mobile phone into the exam room during the exam. When sitting in front of the exam machine, the first thing to do is to audition the sound, adjust the volume of your own volume, and then choose the question number you have drawn, and play as usual.


That's it for today's sharing. If you have any unique ideas for today's article, please leave a comment, let us meet tomorrow, I wish you a happy day!






