
文:朗播 - 王垚(yáo)


在知乎上看到有人提问,说最近大热的电影《疯狂动物城》的英文名 Zootopia 是 zoo to pia 三个英语词汇的组合,但是不知道 pia 是什么意思,所以想问 pia 在这里是什么含义……有人回复:pia 是在打你这个单身狗的脸。


实际上,Zootopia 的正确拆分方式是 zoo utopia,直译应为「动物乌托邦」。utopia 这个词来自于 500 年前托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)的著作《乌托邦》(Utopia),莫尔在书中描绘了一个犹如世外桃源的理想社会,并将这个理想社会取名为 Utopia。在古希腊语中 ou 是「无」的意思,topos 是「地方」的意思,故这个词指的是「无何有之乡」。后人们也用乌托邦来指空想出来的理想社会。

  • an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

  • often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions

  • an impractical scheme for social improvement

  • 1. 这个乌托邦到底长什么样子?


    The island of Utopia is in the middle two hundred miles broad, and holds almost at the same breadth over a great part of it, but it grows narrower towards both ends. Its figure is not unlike a crescent. Between its horns the sea comes in eleven miles broad, and spreads itself into a great bay, which is environed with land to the compass of about five hundred miles, and is well secured from winds. In this bay there is no great current; the whole coast is, as it were, one continued harbour, which gives all that live in the island great convenience for mutual commerce.



    岛上共有 54 座城市,所有人使用共同的语言、传统、风俗和法律。城市的布局、外观差别甚微。作者详细描绘了作为全国中心、也就是乌托邦的首都亚马乌罗(Amaurot)。亚马乌罗的街道布局整齐,这样不仅有利于交通,还可以免于风害。建筑都十分美观、整齐。每家的前门通街,后门通花园:

    The streets are very convenient for all carriage, and are well sheltered from the winds. Their buildings are good, and are so uniform that a whole side of a street looks like one house. The streets are twenty feet broad; there lie gardens behind all their houses. These are large, but enclosed with buildings, that on all hands face the streets, so that every house has both a door to the street and a back door to the garden.


    3. 居民的分工


    Agriculture is that which is so universally understood among them that no person, either man or woman, is ignorant of it. Women, for the most part, deal in wool and flax, which suit best with their weakness, leaving the ruder trades to the men.


    4. 乌托邦的作息


    They, dividing the day and night into twenty-four hours, appoint six of these for work, three of which are before dinner and three after; they then sup, and at eight o’clock, counting from noon, go to bed and sleep eight hours: the rest of their time, besides that taken up in work, eating, and sleeping, is left to every man’s discretion; yet they are not to abuse that interval to luxury and idleness, but must employ it in some proper exercise, according to their various inclinations, which is, for the most part, reading.


    5. 城市的格局


    Every city is divided into four equal parts, and in the middle of each there is a market-place. What is brought thither, and manufactured by the several families, is carried from thence to houses appointed for that purpose, in which all things of a sort are laid by themselves; and thither every father goes, and takes whatsoever he or his family stand in need of, without either paying for it or leaving anything in exchange.


    6. 居民如何用餐


    At the hours of dinner and supper the whole Syphogranty being called together by sound of trumpet, they meet and eat together, except only such as are in the hospitals or lie sick at home. Yet, after the halls are served, no man is hindered to carry provisions home from the marketplace, for they know that none does that but for some good reason; for though any that will may eat at home, yet none does it willingly, since it is both ridiculous and foolish for any to give themselves the trouble to make ready an ill dinner at home when there is a much more plentiful one made ready for him so near hand.





