
loci anima建筑事务所为J.M. Weston品牌在Gaumont Ambassade电影院设计了一家与众不同的期间限定店,顾客可以在Gaumont的影视魔法中感受J.M. Weston的品牌魅力。动态的影像与静止的展台, 炫耀与克制,短暂与持久,这些看似矛盾的特质通过设计被结合在一起,给人以独特的购物体验。

Enter the world of J.M. Weston and get swept up in the magic of the Gaumont Ambassade. loci anima, the designer of this pop-up store unlike any other, brings two French houses together. This unique shopping experience reveals the ties between the values held by J.M. Weston and a certain idea of cinema championed by Gaumont, in a staging that combines movement and freeze frames, flamboyance and restraint, that is ephemeral yet designed to last… and take the customer a long way, like Weston footwear.

▽店面外观,连续照片吸引游客,the storefront, using chronophotograph to attract people


J.M. Weston趁Gaumont Ambassade电影院迁址之前在其中开设期间限定店并非出于偶然。这两个法国顶尖品牌均成立于十九世纪末期,无论是在电影还是制鞋领域,二者都支持独立的生活和自我实现,都充满创造力地将经典和创新联系在了一起,引领了法国潮流。这种品质不会随时间褪色,将一直刺激新事物的诞生,这家别出心裁的期间限定店就是其中之一。

临时店铺位于香榭丽舍大街,从1932年起J.M. Weston历史上的第二家店铺就设立于此。然而随着Jean Seberg为这里带来了纽约先锋风格,尽管凯旋门依旧饱负盛名,大街上的传统店铺却逐渐失去了昔日的荣光。如今的香榭丽舍大街已经打开了新的历史篇章,这里充斥着BIG、让·努维尔等明星建筑师设计的大胆的建筑,而J.M. Weston自然不会落后。通过在这条熟悉的街道上推出前所未有的购物体验,J.M. Weston又走在了时代前沿,也对整个环境的进行了有趣的反思。

Before the Gaumont Ambassade cinema begins a new chapter in its story, J.M. Weston is slipping into its world to offer an unprecedented experience: a pop-up store in a cinema. These two top French houses did not meet by chance: emerging towards the close of the 19th century, pioneers of French excellence – whether the cinema or unique know-how – both convey a distinct vision of creativity and elegance, combining great classics and brand new creations, a timeless feel and contemporary in fluences, to bring cult creations to birth. Like Gaumont, J.M. Weston has forged its independence based on the desire to accompany the freest journeys and bolster the paths of a singular life, those that lead to a highly distinguished form of self-fulfilment.

With this side step, J.M. Weston is showcasing a curious introspection on an avenue that since 1932 has played home to its second historic address, and whose Arc de Triomphe still adorns its logo today. However, the years have passed on the Champs-élysées, which – since Jean Seberg strolled along it with her New York Herald Tribune – had lost the cultural shine of the “Bande du Drugstore” mods. This chapter now seems?to be closed: the Champs-Elysées is buzzing with creativity with bold projects designed by top star architects from BIG to Jean Nouvel. J.M. Weston is thus keeping one step ahead (as is famously its wont) and offering this unprecedented shopping experience on an avenue it knows well.

▽平面图,影院被改成了鞋店,plan showing that a cinema is changed into a shoe store



为了向连续摄影之父Jules-Etienne Marey致敬,商店以24帧每秒拍摄穿着J.M. Weston皮鞋走过的模特,并将照片连在一起作为店头,吸引街上行人的目光。店内用原创短片向顾客介绍鞋的制作过程,并且用影视墙展示了品牌的历史。电影院的整个前厅都被改造成了展区,J.M. Weston的主要设计产品被展示在品牌自制的航空箱中,地板和墙面均使用浅栗色木材,突出了展品的品质。这次展览是一场面向未来的旅程,品牌将会一直前行。

In a nod to Jules-Etienne Marey, who invented chronophotography in 1891, the very year when the Limoges brand was founded, the store attracts the eye of passers-by with 24 images/second deconstructing the step of a figure wearing J.M. Weston loafers. They are captured by an original short film on the creation of the shoe and a video wall representing the house’s know-how. In the hallway, they discover J.M. Weston’s key designs (shoes, large and small leather goods, accessories) presented in J.M. Weston-branded flight cases: they are at once an evocation of travel, a concrete way of emphasizing the exhibition’s future roving itinerary and an illustration of the house’s attitude. The sweet chestnut wood on the floor seems to take over the walls: the setting is organic, devoted to fine and authentic materials; the entire front of the former cinema has been transformed into an exhibition space.

▽入口处的展区,展品被展示在航空箱中,the exhibition area at the entrance, designs are displayed in flight case



▽沿影院前厅布置的展品,exhibition in the front of the cinema


顾客可以沿主楼梯上到被改造成试穿间的放映厅。商品是这里的主角,它们沐浴在灯光下,黄铜制成的铭牌上显示着商品的信息,孕育出了一种电影般的气氛。J.M. Weston为这次合作特别设计的红色Garmont皮鞋是这里的焦点,展现了两个品牌之间的热烈碰撞。

顾客在这里扮演重要角色,店铺的氛围亲密而舒适,人们可以如同在电影俱乐部中一般试穿各类商品,仿佛自己是一个演员。收银设置在舞台上,店员将根据不同顾客的要求将鞋子处理好。店内另设有单独的房间处理特殊需求,这种贴心的个性化服务是J.M. Weston久负盛誉的传统之一。

The visitor then takes the main staircase?to discover a large room transformed into ?a fitting room at the top of the stairs. The designs are the stars here: lit by a shower?of light and identified with a brass plaque bearing their name, they are bathed in a cinematographic aura. The star among stars, the red Gaumont loafer specially produced by J.M. Weston celebrates this rapport with Gaumont and falls within the tradition of a passionate encounter, as we have seen previously with Frank Gehry, Martin Szekely and Kris van Assche.

Customers, who have played an active role in creating the legend, try on their designs in a cinema in the style of a film club, true to the intimate and generous atmosphere of?J.M. Weston stores. And the purchase is completed on the stage, once the shoes have been re-waxed and prepared as is the custom. The special orders service is presented in a separate room, conducive to the tradition of advice for which the house is renowned.

▽楼梯上方试穿间,原为影院的放映厅,fitting room at the top of the main stair where was originally the theater



The architect Fran?oise Raynaud and her loci anima band are taking over the Gaumont on the Champs-élysées.?The agency has taken a close look at J.M. Weston’s codes and put forward a revelatory installation, sensitive to the brand’s history and its time-honoured codes. It offers the visitor a space outside of time, in which authenticity and extravagance combine, where you can hear the whisper of the story that you tell yourself and others when you walk towards your destiny wearing a pair of Westons. True to?its insistence on restraint, the agency has come up with a perfectly durable installation with intense effects despite a frugal economy: the flight cases presenting the collections will be used to transport this exhibition to the next destinations, the furnishings and configuration of the cinema becoming one with the staging design in a tailor-made approach of which the shoemaker is fond.

▽鞋子为主角,展现品牌特性,the shoes are the stars, showing the quality of the brand


Localisation: 50 avenue des Champs-Elysées, Paris 8e, France

Surface area: 1 015 m2

Opening: octobre 2016

Customer: J.M. WESTON

Project management support: LAFI Management (Eric Geraudel)

Architect : loci anima (Francoise Raynaud)

Project manager : Xavier Maunoury

Lighting designer: La Maison Lumière (Christian Broggini)

Structure: Khephren

Utilities: Alto

Economist: Bureau Michel Forgue

Safety: Casso et associés

Contractor: KORUS

Furniture: GL Events

Security: Gastinne Sécurité

Photographs: Massimo Pessina

Drawings: loci anima Architectures

English text: loci anima Architectures

Chinese text: gooood


